Can you believe these people?

Yet they stuff the lie down our throat that driving on a public road is a privedlige, and not a right.

You can't do anything you want with your land. There is zoning, wetlands, building restrictions etc etc.

To keep up our local infrastructure---sure. But man---our roads suck so much here, I am about to street legalize a motocross bike. I would like to see the budget of where that money actually goes---because our schools suck, and our roads suck.

What are property taxes like out where you live? That probably has a lot to do with it.
Laws that are not prosecuted are simply dead. Promoting "It is illegal" is ridiculous.

If such were the case it would be illegal to buy a tub in Nebraska. It isn't.

Yeah Damo illegal movie and music downloads used to be that way, but no more. I rest my case.
What are property taxes like out where you live? That probably has a lot to do with it.

I am not sure what they are compared to the national average, but I suspet it is about average. I live in a mid sized Michigan city that is not poor, but of course, all cities have their poor sections.

I will tell you that I only have a little chunk of city plot, with a small 800 square foot home and a one car garage that is a nice little machine shop now. I pay about 1,500/year for property taxes--I can live with that. But I can also fill in the pot holes in my own road if I ever had to.

I have been able to fill my garage with maching equiptment, including a new CNC mill I just bought (what a trick that was getting it into the garage)---only because I have not payed income taxes at all for 2007 yet.

I have never felt so free in my life. before that, I was in manufacturing with three degrees making 35 grand a year, while 11 grand was taken from my check. Now, as a single white man, with no kids, paying all the needed bills for shelter, transportation clothing food--just the neccessitiies--I was stinking broke. I had no American dream--it was being stolen from me. I got lucky, and found a industry I could get into with the skills I aquired over two decaded, and very very little money.

2007 was the first year I was fully self employeed. I can't believe how easy it is to grow when you can keep your money. may be I will even employ a bunch of people in the future---but I will not sell them out for slave labor.

I have part time empoloyees that I pay by the piece work (tearing small engines apart)--and they make over $20.00/hr.

more than I made with three degrees and 20 years of machining and application engineering exp.

Nope---I really don't think anybopdy here has ever felt as free as I do right now-----but April is coming, and I see they have guns. :)

So--when some friggen lib--that never had to pull his boot straps up in their life--calls me a loser--I have a problem with that.

There are only two things that keep Americans down---gravity and liberials supporting more taxes. I am proof
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I am not sure what they are compared to the national average, but I suspet it is about average. I live in a mid sized Michigan city that is not poor, but of course, all cities have their poor sections.

I will tell you that I only have a little chunk of city plot, with a small 800 square foot home and a one car garage that is a nice little machine shop now. I pay about 1,500/year for property taxes--I can live with that. But I can also fill in the pot holes in my own road if I ever had to.

Wow! I wish. I have a town home, about 1500 sq ft., but only 3' ft around my home, which has strict use restrictions. Property taxes are over $5k. I'm in DuPage County, part of 'greater Chicagoland.'
Yeah Damo illegal movie and music downloads used to be that way, but no more. I rest my case.
They didn't used to be that way. First they had to get precedent set that showed that sharing music online was a violation of the law. After that they became more direct in it.

Once again, do you really think it is illegal to shout "Oh Boy!" in that Texas town?

Many times laws are simply not removed from the books, but are not prosecuted. Some laws that are deemed unconstitutional still remain on the books in SC, for instance, yet they are not "illegal" regardless of the law still being in the books.
Wow! I wish. I have a town home, about 1500 sq ft., but only 3' ft around my home, which has strict use restrictions. Property taxes are over $5k. I'm in DuPage County, part of 'greater Chicagoland.'

Wow--man---you must have really good roads made of gold and the best government schools in the world.

Have ya ever suspected you were being taken advantage of?
Many times laws are simply not removed from the books, but are not prosecuted. Some laws that are deemed unconstitutional still remain on the books in SC, for instance, yet they are not "illegal" regardless of the law still being in the books.

Sir--if a law is broken by somebody, they did a illegal act. That is seperate from inforcement IMO.

I bet the reason why many laws are ignored is the public would probably have to know if a law was to be removed from the books (to clean house).

Can you imagine what would happen if the American people actually knew that somebody trying to coerse your SSN from you for anything but tax purposes is a felony. would we want to remove that from the books as a public, or would we ask that it be inforced.

My non tax filing buddy tried to put a secretary of starte lady under citizens arrest--he called 911 and got the cops there saying "A fellony was commited against me, and I would like to make a citizens arrest". Of course the cops wrote him off as a public pain--but they looked in their lap top with him----and it is the law.
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Holy shit Batman..............!

Sure glad I live in Nevada...Majority pays $1500. in Property taxes for a small 800 sq ft house on a city lot...and Kathianne pays $5000. for a condo with a very small lot(and restrictions)...In my little County a 1800 sq ft house on 1/4 acre(in town) runs on avg $1500....and we get great schools,road maintenance etc...:)
I am in Grand Rapids MI. Just to let ya know.

I thought Michigan had similar taxes to IL, at least in the cities. We do have very good schools, snow removal, Lake Michigan water, etc. We do get something for our dollars, but we also have a county airport that is for private jets and other local pork deals like that. :(
I thought Michigan had similar taxes to IL, at least in the cities. We do have very good schools, snow removal, Lake Michigan water, etc. We do get something for our dollars, but we also have a county airport that is for private jets and other local pork deals like that. :(

if your neighbors have money--you pay more tax. There are areas like Forrest hills and east Grand Rapids that may be on par with yours.

Why do you live there?

My next destination looks to be Suix Falls South Dakota. No state income tax, and a very friendly business state. Sales taxes are on the high side--but the neighbors of Montana and Iowa are lower--I can always buy big things there.
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Sorry to hear that...............

Battle--there are no great schools. You learn what they want you to learn--and critical thinking is discouraged.

Must be a bitch to live in Michigan...all the job loss and the take over by the Mullah schools and all...;)
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Battle--there are no great schools. You learn what they want you to learn--and critical thinking is discouraged.

Actually our high school seems to do ok with the critical thinking deal, at least judged by my kids and their friends. I have 3, 2 boys and a girl. The girl tends more conservative politically, a music major. Both boys tend liberal, one in finance, the other law enforcement as for majors. One of my son's friends went to West Point, one to the Air Force Academy. Another to Stanford, he's the 'conservative one' at a very liberal university. Others are working on Obama's campaign, (we're in Illinois), still others for Ron Paul, (hey, they are young.) ;)
if your neighbors have money--you pay more tax.

Why do you live there?

My next destination looks to be Suix Falls South Dakota. No state income tax, and a very friendly business state. Sales taxes are on the high side--but the neighbors of Montana and Iowa are lower--I can always buy big things there.

Well I was born and raised in the area. My parents lived with me for the past nearly 10 years, my father died at the end of August. My kids are all in university, though should be done next year. I will be looking to relocate, just impossible while my folks were alive.
Well I was born and raised in the area. My parents lived with me for the past nearly 10 years, my father died at the end of August. My kids are all in university, though should be done next year. I will be looking to relocate, just impossible while my folks were alive.

Sorry to hear about your father--and I hope your kids give the liberial professors hell. :)

What area to live interests you?