Can you list The Hildebeast's accomplishments?

Can you list The Hildebeast's accomplishments?

  • Well, she has a vagina. Other than that...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I could, but I won't.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I can, and I will!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I can't think of any

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Dear shit-for-brains; you didn't say "frown upon", you said, and I quote: "I thought cons trashed divorced people..."

Good lord, you're so dumb you can't remember your own dimwitted talking points.


Jane, you ignorant slut...

The "frown" comment was from the link but of course you wouldn't know that because you have the focus of a baby and no reading comprehension to speak of.

You know as well as I do that cons trash divorced people all the time and blame high divorce rates on liberals. Ironic that the highest divorce rates are in red states. I'm not surprised you sidestepped the question, even someone as stupid as you are you has to know that.

Carry on, muttonhead.
Oh, my, a sexual slur...I may just swoon. The horror!

Still no list of Hildebeast accomplishments.

:rolleyes: I'm sure you've used the term yourself and read worse than that on this forum.

A few months ago I offered to do a real Hillary discussion with actual points and counterpoints and you ignored it.
11-26-2013, 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by christiefan915

I'll take this on if some parameters are put in place.

What say you?​

11-26-2013, 03:59 PM

Are you giving me the silent treatment, Big Money?

My parameter is that when I put up a point about Hillary, somebody responds with a counterpoint that addresses it. It's not enough to just dismiss the comment without saying why you disagree with it.

Jane, you ignorant slut...

The "frown" comment was from the link but of course you wouldn't know that because you have the focus of a baby and no reading comprehension to speak of.

You know as well as I do that cons trash divorced people all the time and blame high divorce rates on liberals. Ironic that the highest divorce rates are in red states. I'm not surprised you sidestepped the question, even someone as stupid as you are you has to know that.

Carry on, muttonhead.

Dear shit-for-brains; please prove what you are claiming or shut your nasty pie hole. I didn't side-step the issue you moron, you made a claim you cannot back up and then change your stupidity to "frown upon" like the dishonest moron that you are.

Cons do not trash divorced people and you have yet to prove it with your unadulterated bullshit dunce.

Now run along and let the adult’s debate; it is painfully obvious you don't have the brains to do anything other than parrot inane talking points like a low information voting dunce.
After reading all of the bone head threads i'll add only 1 the Right will fail at.

Hillary Clinton was the owner of the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010. She saw the result of Bill Clintons NAFTA and saw the need for a fix. The Democrats tried to pass this under Obama but he didn't say much about it. He is a safe character .

I planned on voting for Christie until he abused his power (we all know the right loves power)

If Christie can't clean his mess up, and if Clinton makes the right debate, I may vote Clinton. It happens every election year. The Right lets the Tea Baggers and Libertarians take over and they put the biggest idiot in the world up front as their runner. It's always someone who is "profit over humanity".
After reading all of the bone head threads i'll add only 1 the Right will fail at.

Hillary Clinton was the owner of the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010. She saw the result of Bill Clintons NAFTA and saw the need for a fix. The Democrats tried to pass this under Obama but he didn't say much about it. He is a safe character .

I’m no particular fan of NAFTA, but I’ve yet to see any credible proof that NAFTA produced a dime’s worth of outsourcing or Ross Perot’s “Giant Sucking Sound.” So if you wish present some evidence of the outsourcing of NAFTA and I’ll produce the counter argument just because you’re always full of shit.

I planned on voting for Christie until he abused his power (we all know the right loves power)

If Christie can't clean his mess up, and if Clinton makes the right debate, I may vote Clinton. It happens every election year. The Right lets the Tea Baggers and Libertarians take over and they put the biggest idiot in the world up front as their runner. It's always someone who is "profit over humanity".

First you never convinced anybody of normal intellect that you would ever vote for anybody except a fucking neo-commie Democrat and even if you would vote for Christi you’d just get the male version of Hillary anyhow. Both are power mad egotistical authoritarian BIG government leftist/socialist/fascist bastards.

For your information numb-nuts, the freedom to ”PROFIT’ has always been the American Dream and the foundation of America and the Main Attraction that has soooo many of the world’s downtrodden longing to get here. Drop to your knees Hypocrite and thank God that you’ve ”PROFITED” so greatly by being an American!!!!!
I’m no particular fan of NAFTA, but I’ve yet to see any credible proof that NAFTA produced a dime’s worth of outsourcing or Ross Perot’s “Giant Sucking Sound.” So if you wish present some evidence of the outsourcing of NAFTA and I’ll produce the counter argument just because you’re always full of shit.

First you never convinced anybody of normal intellect that you would ever vote for anybody except a fucking neo-commie Democrat and even if you would vote for Christi you’d just get the male version of Hillary anyhow. Both are power mad egotistical authoritarian BIG government leftist/socialist/fascist bastards.

For your information numb-nuts, the freedom to ”PROFIT’ has always been the American Dream and the foundation of America and the Main Attraction that has soooo many of the world’s downtrodden longing to get here. Drop to your knees Hypocrite and thank God that you’ve ”PROFITED” so greatly by being an American!!!!!

I am a fan of free trade. With any country. I don't believe you need treaties to engage in free trade. That is for people who don't trust each other
After reading all of the bone head threads i'll add only 1 the Right will fail at.

Hillary Clinton was the owner of the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010. She saw the result of Bill Clintons NAFTA and saw the need for a fix. The Democrats tried to pass this under Obama but he didn't say much about it. He is a safe character .

I planned on voting for Christie until he abused his power (we all know the right loves power)

If Christie can't clean his mess up, and if Clinton makes the right debate, I may vote Clinton. It happens every election year. The Right lets the Tea Baggers and Libertarians take over and they put the biggest idiot in the world up front as their runner. It's always someone who is "profit over humanity".

LMAO; you will vote for the Democrat no matter who it is because you are a Liberal dunce stuck on permanent stupid.