Can you name the Keeting 5?

Using poor judgement while acting as a member of the United States Sennate is one thing. Using poor judgement in your personal life like trying drugs is quite another.

What a load of crap...

How is...

doing something you think is ok, being told it is not and then learning from it ....

different from.... doing something you know is not good, accepting the truth after the fact and then learning from it.

Oh yeah... one knew going in.
What a load of crap...

How is...

doing something you think is ok, being told it is not and then learning from it ....

different from.... doing something you know is not good, accepting the truth after the fact and then learning from it.

Oh yeah... one knew going in.

Hell I did drugs as a kid... I never took a bribe.

I am merely pretending to be the WRL of the left, if such a thing ever would have existed.
Hell I did drugs as a kid... I never took a bribe.

I am merely pretending to be the WRL of the left, if such a thing ever would have existed.

So you believe compounding stupidty with more stupidity is a good idea? What a typical Dem you are....

Thanks Bill Clinton.... Bill Clinton fucked the economy. It was all Bill Clinton. Had he not signed the GLB bill into law none of this would have happened. It is all Bill Clintons fault.

Clintons fault

Clintons fault

Dems fault

See how ignorant this type of bullshit is Desh???

Yes Bill owns some of the responsibility but have you gone back and looked at the bill itself?

It was a bill designed and touted to protect idividuals private information in the market. It was talked of and promoted on that part of the bill. This little stinker was jambed in it. I dont know if Bill knew it but he shoudl have. He signed it for whatever reason so he still gets a share of the blame.

Heres the dealeo. Once its effects were apparent the assholes in charge did nothing to fix it.Bush and team even fought the individual states attempts to blunt its effect on them.

It was a Republican baby that they nurtured along instead of correcting its devastateing effects on the US ecoonomy.
Yes Bill owns some of the responsibility but have you gone back and looked at the bill itself?

It was a bill designed and touted to protect idividuals private information in the market. It was talked of and promoted on that part of the bill. This little stinker was jambed in it. I dont know if Bill knew it but he shoudl have. He signed it for whatever reason so he still gets a share of the blame.

Heres the dealeo. Once its effects were apparent the assholes in charge did nothing to fix it.Bush and team even fought the individual states attempts to blunt its effect on them.

It was a Republican baby that they nurtured along instead of correcting its devastateing effects on the US ecoonomy.

No question... none of the idiots in DC did anything. As I have said many times before, there is plenty of blame to go around.

But again I call Bullshit on your vain attempt to blame the mess on Republicans. You DO NOT GET THIS MESS without both parties fucking with the system for the past 16 years. Period.
Hey what the heck ? Republicans obviously like voting for a president who has been PROVEN to show poor judgement in his official duties. Not in which church he went to though.
I have never questioned the idea that dems can also be bought by corporations. Like I have always said though once they start voting consistantly in the corporate favor they lose thier jobs. Republicans who do so only get more donations.
Then you assuredly are not voting for Obama right?

I mean surely you wouldn't suggest he used good judgement when using drugs..... would you?

I know you are simply playing ignorant lawyer word games, but just in case I am wrong in that.... there is not a single person on this planet that hasn't used poor judgement at one time in his or her life. Not one. It is what the person does AFTER using poor judgement that matters. Do they learn from their mistake and try not to repeat it? If so, then they are like Obama and McCain. Both of whom learned from their life lessons. It doesn't make either of them perfect or suggest that they won't make other mistakes in their lives. But it does show their character.

But please, continue on with your ignorant little games.... they are quite amusing.

actually I think it speaks well for Obama that he has the balls to admit he used drugs instead of the tricks used by bush to avoid the issue or the but I did not inhale lines, etc...
Look everybody...........

actually I think it speaks well for Obama that he has the balls to admit he used drugs instead of the tricks used by bush to avoid the issue or the but I did not inhale lines, etc...

Squeaky Fromm (us cit) from the Manson( Darla) Family has given us more of his great insight! Squeaky knows all about weed and ain't alfalfa growing on his back forty!;)
I would think anyone of his age would have tried mj and I would have thought they were lying if they say they had not.
So you believe compounding stupidty with more stupidity is a good idea? What a typical Dem you are....


I took the high ground for two presidental elections. We lost both times. I have been berated by the Republicans who claim the problems of the Bush era are the Democrats fault for not running better presidental campaigns.

Enough is enough!

Lets get into the trenches with them. Compound stupidity with stupitity, it seems to work.
I took the high ground for two presidental elections. We lost both times. I have been berated by the Republicans who claim the problems of the Bush era are the Democrats fault for not running better presidental campaigns.

Enough is enough!

Lets get into the trenches with them. Compound stupidity with stupitity, it seems to work.

Stupidity is a national thing and not just limited to the Republican party. After all Bush could not have been elected 2X if not for Dems voting for him.

Dems are stupid, Republicans are as well, but with a good dose of evil thrown in.
Stupidity is a national thing and not just limited to the Republican party. After all Bush could not have been elected 2X if not for Dems voting for him.

Dems are stupid, Republicans are as well, but with a good dose of evil thrown in.

Bush only got the popular vote once. He did not get much Dem support at all in either of the two elections.

Sure there are some dumb dem's. But the canidates have lately run much much more high road campaigns than the Rovian Republicans.