'Cancerous Israel to vanish soon'


Staff member

"The cancerous growth Israel will soon disappear," Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Muhammad Ali Jafari wrote to Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the FARS news agency reported Monday.

In a letter of condolences following last week's assassination of Hizbullah terror chief Imad Mughniyeh, Jafari said: "I am convinced that with every passing day Hizbullah's might is increasing and in the near future, we will witness the disappearance of this cancerous growth Israel by means of the Hizbullah fighters' radiation [therapy]."

In the letter, in which Jafari consoled Nasrallah over the death of the "martyr," he continued: "There's no doubt that the death of this loyal fighter will strengthen the resolve of all revolutionary Muslims and fighters in the struggle against the Zionist regime, particularly the resolve of those who fought by this martyr's side."

More at link...
As goes Iran's might, so goes Hizbollah, it seems past time to return the wishes of Damascus:


Mughniyeh's Death: Keystone Kops in Damascus

By Youssef M. Ibrahim

Celebrating a car bomb is not the politically correct thing to do.

Yet there is something deeply satisfying about the assassination of Islamofascist terror master Imad Mughniyeh before the stroke of midnight the other day in the central command post of Islamofascist movements inside Damascus, Syria.

Whoever planned it scored a blow so hard, so disturbing, that it brought the secret services of Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Lebanon’s Shiite Hezbollah all together into Syria’s capital where they are now trying to figure out what happened.

In a chaotic eulogy, the man’s boss, Hezbollah’s chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, practically promised war on Israel — the presumed doer — America, and the West. Following nearly 24 hours of silence, the Syrian official media acknowledged the bomb in its bosom, decrying it as a “flagrant violation of international law” — the first time such concern for civility has been demonstrated by a regime steeped in murder.

Iran, the undisputed godfather to Hezbollah and hostage-taking, dispatched its foreign minister and its Revolutionary Guards Corps commander of the Quds force to commiserate. In Beirut two rallies of a hundred thousand each took place simultaneously the day after, one marking the three-year anniversary of the murder of Prime Minister Hariri, presumably by Syria, and another with uniformed Hezbollah mourners marching behind Mughniyeh’s coffin, led by his mother screaming, “Look what they did to my boy.” (Never mind the same Mrs. Mughniyeh lost two more boys, Jihad and Fouad, in 1984 and 1985, to car bombings of their own that went bad.)

Is this much ado about one terrorist? Not this case and not this one. Sometimes a single bullet or mini-bomb blazes a path to clarity. This upset shook a Syrian edifice of invulnerable macho terror, showing a way to widen a breach.

In short order the man in charge of Hezbollah’s special operations for nearly three decades; a man wanted in 42 countries; a killer of hundreds of Americans, including Marines, CIA folks, and diplomats; a man whose reach wrecked a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires as well as an American oil workers’ housing complex in Saudi Arabia; a multinational terrorist born in Lebanon, who resides in Tehran and travels under deepest Syrian cover; was blown away as he stepped out of an intelligence meeting in a plush Damascus residential neighborhood of his mentor state. And no one left a note.

The Islamofascist association is right to be upset. This is the sort of thing that can spread. For years car bombs made in Damascus have blown up Lebanese nationalists, starting in 2005 with a spectacular murder of a prime minister and 22 others. He was followed to the grave by scores of other Lebanese victims, parliamentarians, journalists, civil servants, and army generals at regular intervals, plus a three-month war with Fattah al-Islam, a Syrian-trained Islamofascist Palestinian group sent to wage war in Lebanon’s refugee camps last year.

For President Bashar Assad, the Damascus call last week was the first time he got return postage. Now new vistas open along with — macabre as it is — a new path, namely that bombings are a game good guys can play too, and very close to where President Assad lives and plans his.

It had all seemed to be too much one-way traffic in these past years anyway. Even Arabs were pining for a slap back, by Israel or some Lebanese. A verity reported not often enough is that Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas all grate badly the Arab underbelly and have for some time.

In the summer of 2006 the Arabs were all cheering on the Israeli army in its botched war on Hezbollah. Similarly in Gaza, Arabs look at the Israeli army retaliation against Hamas and its economic squeeze of Gaza favorably. A similar situation exists today over Syria, with many hoping someone (Israel again?) will take it down. Hence the suppressed Arab cheers for that Damascus bombing — whoever planted it.

Arab pundits never shy away from noting that for all its talk of militancy about Israel, and its proxy wars waged via Palestinians or Hezbollah, Syria has never fired a shot “in anger” to liberate its own Golan Heights, taken by Israel way back in 1967.

Syrian bravado notwithstanding, Damascus’ terror mask melted a bit the other day with the knowledge there is a lot more where this came from. Syrian calling stations are plentiful at home, in the Persian Gulf region, in Europe, and in Beirut, where the same sender can deposit new calling cards.

We may not know who did the deed, but it was so well done we know it can be done again. So why not sit back and watch Bashar Assad’s best men taken out for another dance?

Youssef M. Ibrahim, a former Middle East correspondent for the New York Times and Energy Editor of the Wall Street Journal is a freelance writer and Mideast political risk consultant based in New York.
The people who live to hate Jews have been telling themselves this since 1947. Thier desires are as real as their predictions are wrong. Through their efforts, Israel has become a classic example of the truism, "The finest steel goes through the hottest fire".
Once again, Bush voters take their cue from the Bush adminstration and rightwing talk radio, and fail to prioritize threats.

Saudi Arabia is the most dangerous, and theocratic foe of Israel. As bad as Iran is, jews in Iran are treated relatively well, compared to in saudi arabia and the gulf states, where even the mere practice of judaism is outlawed. In contrast, while discrimination persists against persian jews, jews in Iran are allowed to worship, have temples, and elect a jewish representative to the iranian parliment. No persian jew, to my knowledge, has ever been blown up or had their head chopped off in Iran.

Saudi Arabia is most likely the largest finacier of global jihaddists, and the biggest supporter of the palestinain infitada. Iran of course, has many nutty theocats in its government, who violently oppose the State of Israel. But with respect to palestinian nationalists and direct threats of suicide bombing in israel, I don't doubt for one second that most of the support comes from the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia and some of the other conservative, theocratic Gulf States.

Naturally though, the threat of Iran is pumped up in rightwing talk radio. While silence is generally maintained about our "good allys" in the conservative Gulf States. Probably because making a bogeyman out of Iran is part of the public relations campaign to demonize them, in preparations for U.S. bombs.
I wonder why it isn't news to the right-wing when Israeli leaders and blood-thirsty rabbis spout their racist venom and call for the murder of all arabs and the wanton leveling of Gaza?

I wonder?
I didn't find them, even on BBC.

You didn't look hard enough.

"The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs.
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable," he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.

The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and has in the past referred to the Arabs as "vipers".

Through his influence over Shas, Israel's third largest political party, he is also a significant political figure.

As founder and spiritual leader of the political party Shas, Rabbi Yosef is held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

The Palestinian Authority has condemned the sermon as racist and is calling on international organisations to treat the rabbi as a war criminal."

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You can start threads too you know. I quite literally picked the first story I saw and posted the first three paragraphs.

You can start threads too you know. I quite literally picked the first story I saw and posted the first three paragraphs.

Sometimes, instead of cluttering the board with lots of threads, it's better to bring sanity to some already created.
You didn't look hard enough.

"The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs.
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable," he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.

The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and has in the past referred to the Arabs as "vipers".

Through his influence over Shas, Israel's third largest political party, he is also a significant political figure.

As founder and spiritual leader of the political party Shas, Rabbi Yosef is held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

The Palestinian Authority has condemned the sermon as racist and is calling on international organisations to treat the rabbi as a war criminal."


1) First and foremost, the above is just as wrong.

2) The reason many are probably not posting on it you ask???? Probably given that it was an article from 2001. This does not excuse the comments, but they are a bit dated. Do you have anything more current?
Sometimes, instead of cluttering the board with lots of threads, it's better to bring sanity to some already created.

Just how does your post do that?

By showing that a rabbi in 2001 said something equally bad, we should just ignore the comments that are made today???????
Ah, no wonder that wasn't on their front page. Thanks for bringing some sanity to the thread...


Next time if you would please check the past 8 years of articles from a site before you post a current article we would all appreciate it.

Otherwise it is hard to handle the insanity. <--- sarcasm Lorax
Just how does your post do that?

By showing that a rabbi in 2001 said something equally bad, we should just ignore the comments that are made today???????

I think my argument was well stated.

I wonder why it isn't news to the right-wing when Israeli leaders and blood-thirsty rabbis spout their racist venom and call for the murder of all arabs and the wanton leveling of Gaza?

The right ignores the maniacs they love.

Sanity comes from knowing that this is propaganda.
I think my argument was well stated.

I wonder why it isn't news to the right-wing when Israeli leaders and blood-thirsty rabbis spout their racist venom and call for the murder of all arabs and the wanton leveling of Gaza?

The right ignores the maniacs they love.

Sanity comes from knowing that this is propaganda.

Quoting someones words are propaganda?

Again... do you have something that has occurred recently that you think the "right" is ignoring?

Please, you obviously have to have something if there are all these blood-thirsty rabbis running around.

Bring the sanity. Edumacate us.
You didn't look hard enough.

"The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs.
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable," he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.

The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and has in the past referred to the Arabs as "vipers".

Through his influence over Shas, Israel's third largest political party, he is also a significant political figure.

As founder and spiritual leader of the political party Shas, Rabbi Yosef is held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

The Palestinian Authority has condemned the sermon as racist and is calling on international organisations to treat the rabbi as a war criminal."

And the Israeli response, keeping in mind the BBC decides placement:


Tuesday, 10 April, 2001, 16:01 GMT 17:01 UK
'Stirring up hatred'

Palestinian cabinet minister Hassan Asfur urged international civil institutions and human rights organisations to consider Rabbi Yosef a war criminal in future.

The utterances were "a clear call for murder and a political an intellectual terrorism that will lead to military terrorism", he said in remarks reported on Palestinian radio.

He added that no punishment would come from Israel "because its political culture and action are in line with [the rabbi's] racist statements".

Israeli Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit also condemned the sermon, saying: "A person of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's stature must refrain from acrid remarks such as these."

And he added: "I suggest that we not learn from the ways of the Palestinians and speak in verbal blows like these."

Salah Tarif, the only Arab cabinet minister in the Israeli government, also criticized Rabbi Yosef, saying "his remarks add nothing but hatred".
Egypt Seems Tired of Palestinians/Hamas Too

Saw this yesterday:


Egypt Warns Hamas: 'We Will Shoot if Border is Breached'
13 Adar 5768, 19 February 08 12:11
by Hana Levi Julian

(IsraelNN.com) Egypt officials say they are informing a visiting delegation from the Hamas terrorist organization that police will open fire on anyone who tries to cross the border at Rafah in southern Gaza.

The Associated Press reports that Egyptian intelligence officials said they had received information that terrorists are again planning to force open the border.

Hamas and Egyptian officials met in the town of El Arish, about 45 kilometers south of Rafah, to negotiate the re-opening the Rafah border crossing.

Relations between Hamas and Cairo chilled after Hamas terrorists blew up some 200 meters of the 300-meter-long Gaza border barrier in Rafah last month. Some 700,000 Gaza Arabs flooded through the open border into Sinai, where they bought over $300 million worth of various goods, some of it with counterfeit Israeli and American currency. At least 10,000 Gazans reportedly did not return to their territory after the border was resealed; many were camping outside of El Arish as refugees, while others were disappearing instead into the Sinai Peninsula.

Several Egyptian security officers who initially attempted to stem the tide of Palestinian Authority Arabs stampeding through the open border were wounded by terrorists who shot at them or attacked them with rocks and other makeshift weapons.

Egypt Lays Blame
Egypt blamed the PA, Israel and the European Union for the breach, charging it was a reaction to the Israeli blockade of Gaza, even though Hamas said the destruction of the barrier had been planned for months. Israel shut down all crossings into the region following massive Kassam rocket and mortar attacks on the western Negev that wounded dozens of people and destroyed houses, factories and farm equipment in kibbutzim.

“Egypt will oppose any additional attempt to break through the barrier between Gaza and its territory,” warned Suleiman Awad, a spokesman for President Hosni Mubarak. “It will never happen again. Egypt is a country with honor,” he added. “Its borders cannot be breached and its soldiers will not be pelted with rocks.”

Senior Hamas terrorist Said Siam said Monday that Hamas would consider breaking through the Egyptian border a second time if Egypt and Israel both continued to close Gaza crossings.
