'Cancerous Israel to vanish soon'

Why "current"is important I have no clue .. but if current is what you want ...

Sheetrit: We should level Gaza neighborhoods

And he was speaking in response to this:


Last update - 20:11 17/02/2008
UN humanitarian chief visits Sderot, condemns Qassam rocket fire
By The Associated Press
Tags: Qassam rockets, Sderot, UN

The United Nations's humanitarian chief toured the Qassam-battered western Negev town of Sderot on Sunday, condemning the rocket fire and urging Gaza's Hamas rulers to end the attacks.

"We condemn absolutely the firing of these rockets. There's no justification for it. They are indiscriminate, there's no military target," John Holmes, the UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs, told The Associated Press after the tour.

Also on Sunday, a Qassam rocket struck near the playground of a Sderot school. There were no injuries, but several people were treated for shock.
During his tour of Sderot, Holmes visited a school, a lookout point onto Gaza and met with trauma victims.

Holmes nodded quietly as residents, some in tears, told their personal stories of anguish. A local man lifted his shirt and showed Holmes a shrapnel wound on his belly as a woman told him how she had lost a fetus after going into shock when a Qassam rocket landed near her. The woman added that a teenage daughter of hers had attempted to cut her wrists after one rocket attack.

Holmes said he felt incredibly sorry for the people of Sderot, noting the traumatic psychological effects the attacks have had on children.

"We just need to keep on saying to the people in Gaza, to the Hamas leadership, they have to stop these rockets. They do no good. They cause suffering," he said.

Holmes, however, said the only way to solve the problem is through a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians....

And which side has failed to keep one of their promises, even 1?
Why "current"is important I have no clue .. but if current is what you want ...

Sheetrit: We should level Gaza neighborhoods

Current is important because of the relevance of your comments. You suggested people were ignoring racist comments from blood thirsty rabbis. Then you provided an article from 2001. Why would we be discussing those comments again today?

As for this article. Did you actually read it?

He said he wanted to level a neighborhood.... definitely not a good response.

But there is a difference. He ALSO said that they should warn the residents as to WHEN it was going to be leveled and that to let them know it was in direct response to the rocket fire. Again, not an appropriate response, but there is a vast difference in the two methods. Do you not see this?
And he was speaking in response to this:


And which side has failed to keep one of their promises, even 1?

My point is outrageous venom comes from both sides .. so do atrocities.

There is a good reason why Israel is seen as the most dangerous and rogue nations in the world by most of the world .. and that reason has nothing whatsoever to do with the misnomer called "anti-semitism."
How many civilians have died from each side in the last ten years.

No side in this war is innocent.
Current is important because of the relevance of your comments. You suggested people were ignoring racist comments from blood thirsty rabbis. Then you provided an article from 2001. Why would we be discussing those comments again today?

As for this article. Did you actually read it?

He said he wanted to level a neighborhood.... definitely not a good response.

But there is a difference. He ALSO said that they should warn the residents as to WHEN it was going to be leveled and that to let them know it was in direct response to the rocket fire. Again, not an appropriate response, but there is a vast difference in the two methods. Do you not see this?

NO .. I do not see what you claim to.

How godly .. he'll warn residents when he's about to destroy their lives .. like they did during their last misadventure.
My point is outrageous venom comes from both sides .. so do atrocities.

There is a good reason why Israel is seen as the most dangerous and rogue nations in the world by most of the world .. and that reason has nothing whatsoever to do with the misnomer called "anti-semitism."

I don't disagree with that, on the other hand good sense says one looks at the principles involved and their reactions. Israel punishes their crazies, the Palestinians seem to worship theirs.

As I said earlier and many times before, one needs to look at what each side is doing towards peace. Israel pulled out of Gaza as promised. What has Abbas or Hamas done towards peace? Oh yea, overrun Egypt.
I don't disagree with that, on the other hand good sense says one looks at the principles involved and their reactions. Israel punishes their crazies, the Palestinians seem to worship theirs.

As I said earlier and many times before, one needs to look at what each side is doing towards peace. Israel pulled out of Gaza as promised. What has Abbas or Hamas done towards peace? Oh yea, overrun Egypt.

It is also wise to know that Israel is in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation in history and has twarted attempts at peace many many times.

There is no saint in this conflict.
It is also wise to know that Israel is in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation in history and has twarted attempts at peace many many times.

There is no saint in this conflict.

No one's calling anyone a saint, not even the US. ;) So which countries were the source of all those UN Resolutions? Let's not be disingenuous about the UN and the machinations there.
I hope the Palestinians get their country back.

Remind me whose historic homeland is it again, oh yeah the Israelis... Since the ancient times, that has been the Israeli homeland.

And we've been trying to give them a state for years now, it's the radical Islamists that mess it up every time...
No one's calling anyone a saint, not even the US. ;) So which countries were the source of all those UN Resolutions? Let's not be disingenuous about the UN and the machinations there.

Why waist your time with such racist, extremist, illogical, bull.
Why "current"is important I have no clue .. but if current is what you want ...

Sheetrit: We should level Gaza neighborhoods
But did you see he did say they should give warning. Pick the neighborhood and then say, sorry you have homes there and possessions and what not but in X time we are going to destroy your homes cause there are some bad men there. This is what most americans do not understand about Israeli policy. Israel will destroy your home if you lived with someone that committed a terrorist act. They come in with Bulldozers and level your house. There is no finding that you assisted or even knew, just level the house and move on. But when you make mention of these realities and things you can actually point to you get accused of anti-semitism (now waiting for the conspiracy theorist nut to tell me his is all well documented to). The Israeli's have behaved as thugs for decades. Shit they gained control of their country through terrorism. The King David Hotel bombing, Irgun and Stern Gang raids, all terrorist acts but they won so it isn't mentioned. And you wonder why the Palestinians do the same thing. History proves is has worked before.
Remind me whose historic homeland is it again, oh yeah the Israelis... Since the ancient times, that has been the Israeli homeland.

And we've been trying to give them a state for years now, it's the radical Islamists that mess it up every time...

Lol figures you'd be the one to respond to my troll post.
Why waist your time with such racist, extremist, illogical, bull.

I'm not sure why anyone would talk to you either .. that is if you meant "waste" instead of "waist."

My public school education tells me there's a difference.