Candy McCain divests $2m in Sudan-related holdings

LOFL, she's investing in SUDAN and the righties are still going to try and say she has nothing to hide. BHAHAHAH

LMAO... right toppy. She invested in the EUROPACIFIC Growth fund and the World Capital Growth fund. Those two funds invested in companies that did business in Sudan. This is a prime example of why mutual funds are dying. The only way you find this out is if you read the annual report.
LMAO... right toppy. She invested in the EUROPACIFIC Growth fund and the World Capital Growth fund. Those two funds invested in companies that did business in Sudan. This is a prime example of why mutual funds are dying. The only way you find this out is if you read the annual report.

I have most of my money in two Vanguard Mutual Funds. Any idea if I'm kicking down to Sudan?
LMAO... right toppy. She invested in the EUROPACIFIC Growth fund and the World Capital Growth fund. Those two funds invested in companies that did business in Sudan. This is a prime example of why mutual funds are dying. The only way you find this out is if you read the annual report.

If it really was a MF, I could see how you'd have no clue what it was invested in but one never knows.
I don't expect a boot wearing party hack to believe McSame would profitably invest on the back of his legislation.
No wonder you hate Keith Olbermann so much. I'd hate him too if I were you. He's the exact opposite of you.

1) Insightful aka liberal
2) hot
3) Right with regards to politics
4) Hot
5) Rich
6) Hot

LMAO... love you too... but you forgot... TALL... us shorties get really jealous of tall people... don't we toppy?
LMAO... love you too... but you forgot... TALL... us shorties get really jealous of tall people... don't we toppy?

You're right my list of what you aren't wasn't complete:
1) Insightful aka liberal
2) hot
3) Right with regards to politics
4) Hot
5) Rich
6) Hot
7) Tall
8) Gets chicks
9) Hot
I have most of my money in two Vanguard Mutual Funds. Any idea if I'm kicking down to Sudan?

Like I stated, that is why I do not like mutual funds. Outside of the annual reports, you do not tend to see country diversification or holdings. You have little idea what you actually own. In her case, the two funds were invested in European companies that did business in the Sudan. (from what the article stated)
You're right my list of what you aren't wasn't complete:
1) Insightful aka liberal
2) hot
3) Right with regards to politics
4) Hot
5) Rich
6) Hot
7) Tall
8) Gets chicks
9) Hot

Again, love ya ta death, but you forgot athletic and fit. (429 lbs shouldn't be so easy to forget)

But I have a green machine.... I bet Keith doesn't.