
Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Ritualized cannibalism

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

One word: CHUD
Ritualized cannibalism

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

gosh....I thought that stupid "Christians are cannibals" argument died out with the Roman Empire......

odd that a web site that calls itself "Nobeliefs" has such incredibly stupid beliefs.......
Sooo, you are kindred spirits? What's your point? I mean, you know, other than you are a lunatic.

That the noble confederacy is a bunch of horse shit. They should have hung more of the traitorous bastards. Most of them were illiterate drunks no different than kamikaze pilots.
gosh....I thought that stupid "Christians are cannibals" argument died out with the Roman Empire......

odd that a web site that calls itself "Nobeliefs" has such incredibly stupid beliefs.......

So you "think" and man wearing a gown mumbles over some crackers and wine and that literally becomes a godman?

How insane is that!
What happens when someone steals a Eucharist does the Eucharist stop being the Eucharist?

"A former pastor told me that when this happens, Christ vacates the host. He went on to say “Jesus can take care of himself”. Maybe he was just being charitable. It was a Catholic school Graduation, and one of the relatives of one of the kids took the host and put it in her pocket and sped away in a car.
The priest and I ran after her.
I was sobbing.
He told me that Jesus wouldn’t allow Himself to be used for a wicked purpose.
I’ve never asked another priest about it though. Interesting question. I’ve always thought he just said that to stop me crying though."

Ritualized cannibalism

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

It's symbolism,as since all comes from God all eat and drink is the body and blood of Christ.
Ritualized cannibalism

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

a modest proposal