
Ritualized cannibalism

Christians use it to mean an actual sacrifice by Jesus where they truly believe the bread and wine turns into the actual corporal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians also use other titles such as, "Table of the Lord" (Mensa Domini) or the morbid term, "Lord's Body" (Corpus Domini).

From the Catholic Church and as far back as the pronouncement from the Council of Trent, the quintessence of the Eucharist means that "the Body and Blood of the God-man ARE truly, really, and substantially present."

Nobody's asking you to give any credence to Catholic belief. How does it affect you anyway?
I hate lies and the people who spread them

lies ruin everything on the face of the earth

Stop aiding and abetting the lie and shouting down those who bring truth then. Thus far your actions are not in concert with this verbiage herein.
9, I am kirk. my avatar proves it. so there!

You are only a lonely tree in a shithole rural field.

No, I am kirk! My avatar proves it

