Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Eyewitnesses indicate the driver of the car also fired shots out of the window while they sped through the parade.
The Revolution most certainly do not want to see old time parades, the only acceptable reason to hold a parade is to celebrate the Revolution.
China/WOKE more likely.

How could you do that to a high school band in a city parade? What kind of person does that?

I'm thinking Allah Ackbar and probably Somalian or fresh from Afghanistan. Or possibly Iraq.

This is real bad. I hope they kill him right there.
How could you do that to a high school band in a city parade? What kind of person does that?

I'm thinking Allah Ackbar and probably Somalian or fresh from Afghanistan. Or possibly Iraq.

This is real bad. I hope they kill him right then and there.

This is where America has been headed for awhile now, just the other day I pointed out again that it is only a matter of time before the blood starts flowing if we dont catch ourselves, and I dont think we will.
Why do you think it's a "Muslim attack"?

Oh, I don't know, you fucking dipshit, maybe the other half-dozen or more Muslim attacks on Christmas things with vehicles you ginormous jackass!

Twice at the Christmas market in the UK, a bridge in the UK. Yeah, motherfucker I'm not some oblivious asshat like you.
Oh, I don't know, you fucking dipshit, maybe the other half-dozen Muslim attacks on Christmas things with vehicles you ginormous jackass!

Twice at the Christmas market in the UK, a bridge in the UK. Yeah, motherfucker I'm not some oblivious asshat like you.

And if you're wrong, you'll never apologize and act like you were right all the time?
Its a BLM /antifa thing. Mark my words, pissed at the Rittenhouse verdict. fucking leftwing domestic terrorists all need to be eradicated.
Police reported at least 30 people down with injuries.
Its a BLM /antifa thing. Mark my words, pissed at the Rittenhouse verdict. fucking leftwing domestic terrorists all need to be eradicated.

No way. Gotta be Allah Ackbar. No leftists are really that committed. They just want free shit.