Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

That's because you project your own bullshit onto me.

I'm not scum like you.

You're the one bearing false witness twice. First against Muslims and second against me.

Those who break the Ten Commandments are scum. Do you agree, Matt?
You're the one bearing false witness twice. First against Muslims and second against me.

Those who break the Ten Commandments are scum. Do you agree, Matt?

They don't have this asshole yet.

Everyone breaks the Ten Commandments to an extent, it's part of being human. So no, I don't agree.

PS: You're lower than whaleshit. Fuck You! :D
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Police are initiating reverse 911 calls to ask residents to come out of their homes in the search area.
Could be a Muslim thing but Im still betting its an Antifa/ BLM thing. Lots of those in Milwaukee. I used to live in Waukesha/work there. Basically a burb of Milwaukee. Blue Collar town. This wont go over well there,... the locals will want blood. As well they should.