Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Why wasn't he at the parade with his children?

Because he was a criminally minded scociopath

They come in all colors

He did not haul ass down a street full of people of all color protesting the mistreatment of American citizens for how they were born onto this earth

That is pure evil

Mowing down a marching band because it’s the only way to escape from the knife crime you just fled is also pure fucking evil

But it’s not a race crime

Get it
Link to prove he was running from a knife fight?

Was anyone chasing him with a knife behind the SUV?

It’s what the police keep saying

That they strongly believe it’s the same guy who just fled another crime they were dealing with shortly before the parade evidence

It’s all over the news

Giving you links to facts is meaningless most of the time

You just reply in a blithe remark about how you don’t accept a proven fact that destroys your racist take on things
Have to get the name from when they book him into jail, 1st.

:laugh::laugh: "We don't know the dude's name. We have no idea who he is. We have no idea what happened. But goddammit, this was a Muslim/BLM/woke/Antifa/Revolution terrorist attack. I know it."

All of you people are fucking morons.
Because he was a criminally minded scociopath

They come in all colors

He did not haul ass down a street full of people of all color protesting the mistreatment of American citizens for how they were born onto this earth

That is pure evil

Mowing down a marching band because it’s the only way to escape from the knife crime you just fled is also pure fucking evil

But it’s not a race crime

Get it

So the guy was afraid of a knife that was 10 blocks away while he is in his car? Wow,... in addition to being a racist nutcase that would also make him one DUMB MOTHERFUCKER too.
I do not think it was deliberate. He was trying to avoid marchers. He was driving too fast and took a wrong turn. Then he wanted to getaway.
The killer says "Fuck Trump" in his alleged "song".

I tell you what, this type of person is a product of the commie liberal indoctrination. This is the kind of people the leftist way produces.

Everyone who is not a Klan dick sucker hates Trump.

Nothing unusual about that.
:laugh::laugh: "We don't know the dude's name. We have no idea who he is. We have no idea what happened. But goddammit, this was a Muslim/BLM/woke/Antifa/Revolution terrorist attack. I know it."

All of you people are fucking morons.

We know his name little pudgy. We posted it last night already. Dumbfuck.
Because he was a criminally minded scociopath

They come in all colors

He did not haul ass down a street full of people of all color protesting the mistreatment of American citizens for how they were born onto this earth

That is pure evil

Mowing down a marching band because it’s the only way to escape from the knife crime you just fled is also pure fucking evil

But it’s not a race crime

Get it

You believe Kyle Rittenhouse is worse & more racist than Darrell Brooks because of the Whiteness of Kyle's skin.

You are deeply mentally ill.
Says he was fleeing a crime scene

He’s a criminal sociopath

If he was there to kill white people he would not weave around people and drive down the EMPTY lane

You are thinking with your racism

And not your brain

Post 410
As much of a scumbag as one has to be for making party politics out of something like this, I'd say you voted for Trump.

Then why did you lie about my post shit for brains?

Because your not serious about real discussion

Your just masterbaiting your Love of angry arguments
Does let’s go Brandon ring a bell?

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Funny and apt! Unfortunately it'll go over the heads of all the poorly educated, terrorist supporting racists trying really, really hard to make this a BLACK MUSLIM MURDERS WHITE CHILDREN event.

Matt himself declared this was a "Muslim attack". What him now walk back those words without apology....because he's not a Christian. :)

This is absolutely a Muslim terrorist attack.

If it's not, I'll be very surprised.

That is simply horrendous. Why was the parade route not more secure?

Wow, humanity sinks to a new low. :(
Because he was a criminally minded scociopath

They come in all colors

He did not haul ass down a street full of people of all color protesting the mistreatment of American citizens for how they were born onto this earth

That is pure evil

Mowing down a marching band because it’s the only way to escape from the knife crime you just fled is also pure fucking evil

But it’s not a race crime

Get it

Agreed. He had a choice and, although he endangered others (apparently not a crime in Wisconsin anymore) and then, when he was blocked he made a conscious decision to mow people down rather than face the consequences coming after him.

He chose poorly and now a lot of people are dead or harmed and he killed any chance of a life he could have.

Maybe if prisons allowed a new arrestee access to a suicide pill for the first 48 hours of their arrest that the prisons and courts would be clogged less in the future?