Carbon cap and trade


uscitizen alternate login
I ma for carbon Cap but not for the trading/selling of carbon credits.

If we cap carbon emissions it will force us to innovate and develop new technologies that we are too lazy to otherwise develop and promote/use.

Of course the fossil energy industry prefers to let the high cost push us in that direction. I wonder why?
what is it with lefties...they sure love that word-FORCE

It is regretfully necessary with lazy Americans.

We wait till we are ready to die from excesses to reform our health habits or find religion out of fear with our first brush with death.

We know that fossil fuel will be a problem, yet we continue wo buy much larger vehicles than we need.

We know the defecit is a growing problem, but we do little/nothing about it until it smacks us in the face hard. That is on the personal dececits as well not just government.

We need to be smacked up the side of the head with a 2X4 just to get our attention. And then a sharp rap every few months to keep us lined out.
so you say it is Necessary...and it is you lefties who are here to do the job, if not by force, then by imposing sky high TAXES on those damn lazy Americans...sound so commie like..
Where have I proposed sky high taxes in this thread?
Regarding carbon caps especially?

And on the lazy Americans. Well it is prevalent enough in America to enable generalization useage of the term.
Where have I proposed sky high taxes in this thread?
Regarding carbon caps especially?

And on the lazy Americans. Well it is prevalent enough in America to enable generalization useage of the term.

well I figured that would be next, isn't that one of your alls way to use FORCE..
well I figured that would be next, isn't that one of your alls way to use FORCE..

Hey now I am not one that loves to use the military and use it to invade a sovern nation based on lies.
THAT is force.
Or more accurately farce in the case of Iraq.
You brought up who loved to use force.

Force gays to live in closets? Not to marry?

now you are all over the place...:rolleyes:
no one is forcing homosexuals to do anything, if anything they are forcing us to watch their kinky assed lifestyle on display with their gay pride parades.

ok, I won't lump all homosexuals with kinky lifestyle, so don't even jump on that
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I often wondered why the left didn't object to the trade part of cap and trade....basically, it's just a scheme to allow the rich to buy the right to pollute and continue to exploit the poor....
Their stated motives are unimportant to them and are often outright lies. They seek government control and power.
I often wondered why the left didn't object to the trade part of cap and trade....basically, it's just a scheme to allow the rich to buy the right to pollute and continue to exploit the poor....
Because it punishes the US at the point of purchase and trade. By making everything in the US more expensive it simply would be an effective tariff on all goods sold in the US, and on every US good sold anywhere else.

Nothing would escape the incredibly inflationary nature of such a tax, even solar panels have to be delivered and the delivery company will have to charge more to deliver as they are charged more for use of the energy necessary to bring it to your house.
Because it punishes the US at the point of purchase and trade. By making everything in the US more expensive it simply would be an effective tariff on all goods sold in the US, and on every US good sold anywhere else.

Nothing would escape the incredibly inflationary nature of such a tax, even solar panels have to be delivered and the delivery company will have to charge more to deliver as they are charged more for use of the energy necessary to bring it to your house.

omigorsh, you mean the left is using environmental issues for political purposes?.....I feel so naive.....
Because it punishes the US at the point of purchase and trade. By making everything in the US more expensive it simply would be an effective tariff on all goods sold in the US, and on every US good sold anywhere else.

Nothing would escape the incredibly inflationary nature of such a tax, even solar panels have to be delivered and the delivery company will have to charge more to deliver as they are charged more for use of the energy necessary to bring it to your house.

Nothing will escape the inflationary pressures of $5+/gal gas in the near future either.