CATO Institute On Paul


Not So Junior Member
I'm not heaping on here, rather sort of defending some that accused me of just heaping on 'old rehashed nonsense' on Ron P. Someone else already linked the Reason article, here's CATO:

Ron Paul’s Ugly Newsletters

For the past few months most libertarians have been pleased to see Ron Paul achieving unexpected success with his presidential campaign’s message of ending the Iraq war, abolishing the federal income tax, establishing sound money, and restoring the Constitution. Sure, some of us didn’t like his talk about closing the borders and his conspiratorial view of a North-South highway. But the main themes of his campaign, the ones that generated the multi-million-dollar online fundraising spectaculars and the youthful “Ron Paul Revolution,” were classic libertarian issues. It was particularly gratifying to see a presidential candidate tie the antiwar position to a belief in a strictly limited federal government.

And so it’s understandable that over the past few months a lot of people have been asking why writers at the Cato Institute seemed to display a lack of interest in or enthusiasm for the Paul campaign. Well, now you know. We had never seen the newsletters that have recently come to light, and I for one was surprised at just how vile they turned out to be. But we knew the company Ron Paul had been keeping, and we feared that they would have tied him to some reprehensible ideas far from the principles we hold.

Ron Paul says he didn’t write these newsletters, and I take him at his word. They don’t sound like him. In my infrequent personal encounters and in his public appearances, I’ve never heard him say anything racist or homophobic (halting and uncomfortable on gay issues, like a lot of 72-year-old conservatives, but not hateful). But he selected the people who did write those things, and he put his name on the otherwise unsigned newsletters, and he raised campaign funds from the mailing list that those newsletters created. And he would have us believe that things that “do not represent what I believe or have ever believed” appeared in his newsletter for years and years without his knowledge. Assuming Ron Paul in fact did not write those letters, people close to him did. His associates conceived, wrote, edited, and mailed those words. His closest associates over many years know who created those publications. If they truly admire Ron Paul, if they think he is being unfairly tarnished with words he did not write, they should come forward, take responsibility for their words, and explain how they kept Ron Paul in the dark for years about the words that appeared every month in newsletters with “Ron Paul” in the title.

Paul says he didn’t write the letters, that he denounces the words that appeared in them, that he was unaware for decades of what 100,000 people were receiving every month from him. That’s an odd claim on which to run for president: I didn’t know what my closest associates were doing over my signature, so give me responsibility for the federal government.

But of course Ron Paul isn’t running for president. He’s not going to be president, he’s not going to be the Republican nominee for president, and he never hoped to be. He got into the race to advance ideas—the ideas of peace, constitutional government, and freedom. Succeeding beyond his wildest dreams, he became the most visible so-called “libertarian” in America. And now he and his associates have slimed the noble cause of liberty and limited government.

Mutterings about the past mistakes of the New Republic or the ideological agenda of author James Kirchick are beside the point. Maybe Bob Woodward didn’t like Quakers; the corruption he uncovered in the Nixon administration was still a fact, and that’s all that mattered. Ron Paul’s most visible defenders have denounced Kirchick as a “pimply-faced youth”—so much for their previous enthusiasm about all the young people sleeping on floors for the Paul campaign—and a neoconservative. But they have not denied the facts he reported. Those words appeared in newsletters under his name. And, notably, they have not dared to defend or even quote the actual words that Kirchick reported. Even those who vociferously defend Ron Paul and viciously denounce Kirchick, perhaps even those who wrote the words originally, are apparently unwilling to quote and defend the actual words that appeared over Ron Paul’s signature.

Those words are not libertarian words. Maybe they reflect “paleoconservative” ideas, though they’re not the language of Burke or even Kirk. But libertarianism is a philosophy of individualism, tolerance, and liberty. As Ayn Rand wrote, “Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism.” Making sweeping, bigoted claims about all blacks, all homosexuals, or any other group is indeed a crudely primitive collectivism.

Libertarians should make it clear that the people who wrote those things are not our comrades, not part of our movement, not part of the tradition of John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Robert Nozick. Shame on them.
The Cato Insitute are a bunch of new world order fascists, who seek to destroy anyone who dare question their "race to the bottom" agenda of human enslavement through legitimization of slavery as a comparative advantage.

They're just using the mindless "label and dismiss" strategy that liberals are so fond of, just like you, Kathianne.
Libertarians should make it clear that the people who wrote those things are not our comrades, not part of our movement, not part of the tradition of John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Robert Nozick. Shame on them.

LOL, I thought BAC was saying Douglass was a Militant that would support Affirmative Action..LOL..
The Cato Insitute are a bunch of new world order fascists, who seek to destroy anyone who dare question their "race to the bottom" agenda of human enslavement through legitimization of slavery as a comparative advantage.

They're just using the mindless "label and dismiss" strategy that liberals are so fond of, just like you, Kathianne.

Asshat...I actually agree with you in principle about the is, I think I get your point......I just wish you could express your thoughts with out using so many cliches. Keep writing like that and people will start to confuse you for Mit Romney! (that's a dis on Romney, not you lol)
Asshat...I actually agree with you in principle about the is, I think I get your point......I just wish you could express your thoughts with out using so many cliches. Keep writing like that and people will start to confuse you for Mit Romney! (that's a dis on Romney, not you lol)

im happy with my writing style. Thanks for your input; I shall ignore it, however. Good day to you.
The cato instute look at the open borders aspect of the libertarian movement, but ignore the most crucial aspects and important aspects of the movement, the reforms necessary to depower the fascists statists who hate freedom, namely, currency reform.
Asshat...I actually agree with you in principle about the is, I think I get your point......I just wish you could express your thoughts with out using so many cliches. Keep writing like that and people will start to confuse you for Mit Romney! (that's a dis on Romney, not you lol)

Protectionism isn't the only thing anti-liberals agree with Asshat on.
The most intelligent words I've ever read from the cato Institute.

Don't you see what they';re doing to you man? They're using your hatred of whitey to pull into support of the fascist military industrial complex, and it's fiat currency scam it uses to keep complete unconditional power.
Don't you see what they';re doing to you man? They're using your hatred of whitey to pull into support of the fascist military industrial complex, and it's fiat currency scam it uses to keep complete unconditional power.

I should listen to a racist warning me about racism !!!!

I don't think so.
I should listen to a racist warning me about racism !!!!

I don't think so.

I'm not a racist. I'm against all racial discrimination, unlike you.

And I'm warning you about totalitarian fascism, and how you're being led to support it by allowing your attention to be focused on hating whitey. Can you read?
By running faster, it is hard to run in leg shackles, and hard to care about winning when the race wasn't your choice.

Those are interesting concretions which would seem to make an oppositional case. But the truth is free people can't get ahead when competitors utilize human slavery.