CBO Predicts Slower Economic Growth and Higher Unemployment into Next Year

Bidens economy is better than Trumps in almost every key measure. Trump was always screaming about the 'jobs he created' when Biden proved he can do in 2 years what Trump did in 4. Unlike Trump the pressure from the outside is for Biden to cool the job markets as he just keeps creating more and more jobs.

Trump, like most republican POTUS before him handed the incoming Dem (Biden) a shit economy that was on the verge of collapse and Biden, like Obama and Clinton turned it all around and handed the GOP hot economies. the cycle continues with the GOP inheriting hot economies and handing off shit ones. Dems inheriting shit ones and handing back soaring ones.

If we do not want the cycles of shit stop putting in Republican's. Simple as that.
Bidens economy is better than Trumps in almost every key measure. Trump was always screaming about the 'jobs he created' when Biden proved he can do in 2 years what Trump did in 4. Unlike Trump the pressure from the outside is for Biden to cool the job markets as he just keeps creating more and more jobs.

Trump, like most republican POTUS before him handed the incoming Dem (Biden) a shit economy that was on the verge of collapse and Biden, like Obama and Clinton turned it all around and handed the GOP hot economies. the cycle continues with the GOP inheriting hot economies and handing off shit ones. Dems inheriting shit ones and handing back soaring ones.

If we do not want the cycles of shit stop putting in Republican's. Simple as that.

Notice how you ignore the pandemic and the brutal response of the states which murdered the economy.

Lies Lies Lies.
Notice how you ignore the pandemic and the brutal response of the states which murdered the economy.

Lies Lies Lies.

NO lie in what i said.

Of course you guys will say 'but whatabout XYZ' when a Republican POTUS inherits a strong economy from a Dem and hands the next Dem Potus shit.

YOu want the impact of XYZ to be less, then POTUS like Trump need to build a stronger economy. Imagine if he had Bidens economy going in to the pandemic. We would have been in a lot better shape.
Notice how you ignore the pandemic and the brutal response of the states which murdered the economy.

Lies Lies Lies.

Those shut downs in fact saved people idiot

Economies are for people


People for economies you sociopathic piece of shit Russian
You love the Biden lies. Inflation is twice as high as it was when Biden took office. Gas is on the rise which meand there is a good chance for inflation to increase. Wages are not keeping up with inflation so people are losing money

He just keeps Going, and Going, and Going, and Going, and....... WELL GOD DAMN! :laugh:

The reality is that energy companies can control the price of oil and they do it to maximize profits. OPEC can move prices up and down.

Biden keeps increasing fees and taxes on Oil companies


The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed increasing royalty rates for oil and natural gas drilling on federal lands from 12.5 percent to 16.67 percent—about a third higher–and raising the minimum bond paid upon purchasing an individual drilling lease from $10,000 to $150,000. To top it off, they propose raising the minimum bond required for a drilling lease on multiple public lands in a state from $25,000 to $500,000—a 20-fold increase. Developers must pay the bond before drilling begins. The agency also proposes limits designed to steer development away from wildlife and cultural sites. The Interior Department estimates that energy firms will incur $1.8 billion in additional costs by 2031 as a result of the increases, which will make oil and natural gas products more expensive for consumers. The Biden administration is making this determination as Americans are seeing higher inflationary costs, including for fuel, of 16.3 percent since President Biden took office in January 2021.
If we take a quick turn toward the truth,

Republican economic policies have led to the massive divide in wealth distribution.

Yup ptif is telling a laughable lie.

The GOP has one priority when in power, that is not abortion related, and that is push as much wealth to corporations and the rich as they can. They talk about fixing healthcare and infrastructure and other populist issues to get elected but do not even attempt to deliver on them as they simply do not care about the issues that impact the middle class which are the things that build the long term value in a country.

It is only Dem's who ever do anything in this regard and that is the main reason why the GOP inherits and has strong economies when they take over. These type of investments tend to take years to start to show in the country and they build up slowly. But they are the best ways to build long term value. We are only now starting to see the leading edge of Bidenomics starting to pay off for the country. In the next 4 years we will see far more benefits. If the GOP has power, they will pretend that is due to them while they then start doing the things that harm the country long term via tax cuts for rich, and corporate gifts which suck value out of the nation.

It is the same cycle each time and thus why the GOP inherits strong economies (the Dems invest prior), and why the Dem's inherit crap from the GOP (they gut long term value to give sugar highs to rich and corps).