Challenge to 12b. Damocles, Grind, Billy, ...

the world's law is immaterial, and so is the usa. we are not under world law or usa law. We are under jpplaw. JPP law is, if you are making trolly, flippant, non serious posts about sex and kids or comparing people to pedos, you will be banned.

I didn't feel I was doing that. That is why I asked for 'clarification' on 12b. 'Pedophilia' means one thing (sex with people under 12). 'Minors' means something different (people under 18).
I didn't feel I was doing that. That is why I asked for 'clarification' on 12b. 'Pedophilia' means one thing (sex with people under 12). 'Minors' means something different (people under 18).

nobody cares.

we are not going to play this game where you try to be innocent and "just want clarification." you've been banned 3 times for this stuff now. so even if you don't like the rule, you should have started to get a sense of where the danger zones are.

the best way to get this rule "clarified" is to go read it. then read it again. Read it everyday before you come on JPP. Again, the vast majority of JPP understand this rule perfectly fine, and never have been banned for it a single time. So maybe it's not the rule, maybe it's just you. That's why I advise making rule 12b your daily mantra.

If you still don't understand rule 12b after reading it, then you are simply adrift. Stay away from all conversations involving sex and minors. Or maybe all conversations about sex in general if this is too mindbendingly difficult for you. We aren't going to hold your hand.
On a casual reading of this, I come away with the 'intent' that it is to stop any abusive use of 'pedophilia' as a means of degrading other Posters.
'Pedophilia' being 'sex with a prepubescent child (usually understood at being under 12)'.

Going back and re-reading the Rule, it mentions 'Minor', usually understood as being 'under 18'. I need a little clarification here. WHAT IS THE INTENT OF 12b???

1.) 30 States in the U.S. have 16 as a legal and normal age to engage in sex.
2.) The U.K. has 16 as a legal and normal age to engage in sex.
3.) Canada has 16 as a legal and normal age to engage in sex.

We have people here from Canada, Britain, and the 30 States. It seems awkward that a person could get Banned for engaging in what is legal. I don't think the 'intent' of 12b is to penalize people that reference 'teen sex', it seems reasonable that 12b is 'intended' for the actual meaning of the word 'pedophilia'.


Well, well, well ... sexist pig 'Boob Grabber' finally weighs in on the matter. Does NOT surprise me he goes right for 'Sorority Girls', 'immature', inexperienced', 'ignorant'. (shaking head) ... the Forum's 'Epstein' in the flesh.

Maybe seeing it in print, will help you understand. :palm:

12. Rule 12 - Limits on sexual content:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.
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I did not reference, call, insinuate, or make mention of 'pedophilia' in any of my statements towards any person on JPP.

Well, from where I sit, this looks like Human Trafficking. You concocted some phoney baloney 'story' about this poor underage East German girl who you smuggled into the Country for nefarious reasons.
'$585 Waver Fee'. You mean you bribed the Border Agents to look the other way. You should have been arrested, separated, put in a cage, and wait your time for a Trial Date.

"Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Wikipedia"

This is why we need a Wall between Alaska and Canada.

Well, well, well ... sexist pig 'Boob Grabber' finally weighs in on the matter. Does NOT surprise me he goes right for 'Sorority Girls', 'immature', inexperienced', 'ignorant'. (shaking head) ... the Forum's 'Epstein' in the flesh.


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our rule says in black and white to not "compare people to pedophiles" and you called someone the forums epstien int he flesh. textbook. keep being confused. keep being banned. As I said, I like you jack, but if you are still confused about this stuff, you probably aren't meant to last on JPP. thedude was one of my favorite posters, he got perma'd at some point for the same reasons. He couldn't help himself. Maybe you just have a brain disorder that makes it impossible for you to not mention these type of things. Like your fingers are compelled to type it out like alien hand syndrome or something.

It takes a special kind of retard to get banned 3 times on this stuff and still not understand.

Here is a good rule of thumb just for you: If you find yourself reading a thread about something involving, sex, kids, pedophiles, you should probably just not engage, because you are not smart enough at this point to stay out of trouble.

Thanks. I like you too.
12b seems to conflate 'pedophile' and 'minor'. One being a 'prepubescent person', and the other being 'under 18'.
Most of the World outlaws sex with 'prepubescent people'.
On the other hand, most of the World has picked an arbitrary age for sex with 'Minors'.

Maybe this is easier for you to understand:

This is not your house. The house has rules. If you break the rules, you get in trouble. If you don't like the rules, don't come to this house.

Several ppl predicted you'd come back from your time-out whining about being banned again. Looks like they were right.
Maybe this is easier for you to understand:

This is not your house. The house has rules. If you break the rules, you get in trouble. If you don't like the rules, don't come to this house.

Several ppl predicted you'd come back from your time-out whining about being banned again. Looks like they were right.


And here we have yet another of the opposition that I agree with.

I didn't feel I was doing that. That is why I asked for 'clarification' on 12b. 'Pedophilia' means one thing (sex with people under 12). 'Minors' means something different (people under 18).

With it being the national religion after the assassination of JFK so many had to endure all those years ago, why does it get standing for the Islamophobia from 9/11 as if it's a resurrection ?
I think our rule is pretty clear:

in summation:

- many posters always try to push the line and see what they can get away with. We tell people explicitly not to do this.
- we do not give the benefit of the doubt. we don't look at situations and say "well it MIGHT be interpreted in another way." We are almost ALWAYS going to go with the worst interpretation.

will your life on jpp really be so hard to not reference this stuff? because most people don't have an issue.

Rule 12b means, do not flippantly talk about sexual stuff regarding minors. Period. End of conversation. If you do it, you open yourself up to being banned.

I like you jack, but if you keep fucking up, you are going to get perma'd. next fuck up will be anywhere from a 60 day ban to a perma.

As billy says, "don't fuck up"

Grind always abides