Chambliss blocks regulatory pick over animal lawsuits

Correct. It was part of the Paperwork Reduction Act signed on 12/11/1980 so Carter owns it for... 40 days?

If you are President and you sign an act you get credit or blame for that act right? All Presidents sign bills during their final days and weeks in office that they "own" for lack of a better term. And Presidents should be held accountable even down the road for things they did during their term because many of the consequences (good or bad) may not take effect until they are out of office. This is for all Presidents, Democratic, Republican or anyone else who may win the office.
this is what he said in his book...

and we are suppose to take your alls word on this, when christafan posted the wrong info on who started Czars...
if that is what he meant, than prove it...and not with some unknown website like politifact, that is probably just as bad as mediamatters you all are so fond of......I want to see where HE explains just what he meant....I'll wait..

What "wrong info" on czars? The term's been used for years, like calling Bill Bennett a "drug czar". Only rabid righties think there's some secret meaning behind it. Where was all the indignation when repubs used it?

Did you even read the part where the OIRA's been around almost 29 years?

The OMB review process became more formalized in 1981 with President Reagan's Executive Order 12291, which was in effect from 1981 to September 1993 (the Reagan and Bush Administrations and the first nine months of the Clinton Administration). In September 1993, President Clinton issued Executive Order 12866. During the Reagan administration, the White House had reviewed 2,000 to 3,000 regulations per year, but under Clinton, the total dropped to between 500 and 700 a year. [1]
If you are President and you sign an act you get credit or blame for that act right? All Presidents sign bills during their final days and weeks in office that they "own" for lack of a better term. And Presidents should be held accountable even down the road for things they did during their term because many of the consequences (good or bad) may not take effect until they are out of office. This is for all Presidents, Democratic, Republican or anyone else who may win the office.

Sure they get credit or blame. Yet the incoming administration didn't think it was so bad that reagan deep-sixed it; in fact, he expanded it.
this is what he said in his book...

and we are suppose to take your alls word on this, when christafan posted the wrong info on who started Czars...
if that is what he meant, than prove it...and not with some unknown website like politifact, that is probably just as bad as mediamatters you all are so fond of......I want to see where HE explains just what he meant....I'll wait..

Yoo-hoo, mimi! Here's some reading for your spare time. :cof1:

Name obama czars and their titles?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Donald E. Powell.
Oh, sorry that was Bush’s Czar to Rebuild Gulf Coast; see

John P. Walters.
Oops, that was one of Bush's Drug Czars; see

Karen Hughes.
No, that was Bush's Public Diplomacy Czar; see

Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute.
Bush's 'War Czar' -- see

Then there's Bush's 'Copyright Czar' -- see,2817,233...
And Bush's Spy Czar -- see
And Bush's Heath Czar -- see
And Bush's Privacy Czar -- see
And Bush's Corruption Czar -- see remarks of White House spokesman Scott Stanzel

Randall Tobias.
Bush's AIDS Czar. See

Dr. Mark Dybul.
Bush's other AIDS Czar. See

Richard Stickler.
Bush's Mine Safety Czar -- see

John Negroponte.
Bush's Intelligence Czar -- see

Otto Reich.
Bush's Latin America czar -- see

Carlton Turner.
Oops, that was Reagan's Drug Czar -- see [ame][/ame]

David Stockman.
Oh no, that was Reagan's Budget Czar -- see and

In 1992 during the Bush 41 administration, the right wing Heritage Foundation called for a "NAFTA Czar" --

Glen Beck isn't very good at counting czars. He missed at least half of Reagan's czars and only found 4 Bush 43 czars. See

Hope this helps you understand about government 'Czars.' Oh but did you really want to understand, or did you want ammunition instead of context?
Yoo-hoo, mimi! Here's some reading for your spare time. :cof1:

I wouldn't waste my time reading anything you post after you posted as fact something from Politifact..

and I don't need you of all people to help me understand it for someone who cares about what you have to say..K
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How the hell does Chambliss have the right to block anything? Surely the Democrats will just override him?

It's the time-honored tradition of the "hold." For some reason Reid has decided to respect Republican "holds" on nominees and pieces of legislation even though the Republicans didn't afford the Democrats the same courtesy.

And by the way, this position isn't a "czar" in the sense that this position obviously requires Senate approval. The problem with most positions that are characterized as "czars" is that they wield the power and authority of cabinet rank officers without being approved by the Senate and without being required to testify in front of Congress as cabinet-level officers are required to do.
Good god, the Democrats have vaginas. It is outrageous that the thought of respecting a Republican hold, or any hold by an individual senator for that matter, would be given even the slightest thought in a serious mind.
I wouldn't waste my time reading anything you post after you posted as fact something from Politifact..

and I don't need you of all people to help me understand it for someone who cares about what you have to say..K

So you're going to say I made false claims about Obama's czars, and then not read the evidence refuting your comment.

The old "dish it out but can't take it" adage applies here.
So you're going to say I made false claims about Obama's czars, and then not read the evidence refuting your comment.

The old "dish it out but can't take it" adage applies here.

no, it was this...
Hope this helps you understand about government 'Czars.' Oh but did you really want to understand, or did you want ammunition instead of context?
so don't bother trying to edumacte me again, as I said, save it for someone who cares..
see ya..
I wouldn't waste my time reading anything you post after you posted as fact something from Politifact..

and I don't need you of all people to help me understand it for someone who cares about what you have to say..K

She can't even spell your name correctly.:rolleyes: