change name of APP

Don't blame me because ILA plays the game better than you or anyone else on your team.

It's supposed to be more regulated, and and every discussion he starts is an inflaming bastardized discussion from title on. There is no point to the place if it doesn't actually have better regulation. The twerp also uses aps, and bypasses bans to harass people. I've never seen a thing done about it, after several complaints.
What’s a matter Billy? Don’t like it being pointed out what a joke you guys have made of APP by letting one member troll it?

You only need to do a post count in the front page of APP vs say Current events. In APP you have around 20 posts most by the same troll and on the front page of Current events you have around 1200 posts.

The numbers speak for themselves about the ILA forum LOL.

Who is stopping any of you from starting threads there?

Your butthurt is real