Check out the new Headers.


Staff member
The only skin that has an old one is the Blue Skin.

Coffee has an animated Header.

Please tell me what you think.
in the future it would be cool to have a more universal header that wasn't so american. but it's good for now.
in the future it would be cool to have a more universal header that wasn't so american. but it's good for now.


What about that?
They are very American, aren't they?

I kind of feel i'm pissing in the very face of Her Majesty the Queen.

However, i think that, secretly, she likes that kind of thing so we'll say no more about it.
Yeah Charver, and how about Brown standing next to bush smiling while bush was threatening Iran? What the hell is going on there Charver?
Mr Brown came in last Summer with a huge popularity rating.

The latest opinion poll has him trailing the Tories by 18, count 'em, 18 points.

In the intervening months he has, quite inexplicably, pissed off every section of the British population with ill-thought out policies, dithering and terrible decision making. Needless to say the "let's stay in Iraq for a bit longer" announcement was met with widespread euphoria among all the Labour MP's who are going to lose their seats when he finally has the bollocks to call an election.
Pretty much, US.

The only difference is that you get to kick your leader out in November and have a brand spanking new figurehead/vicious maniacal ice queen/maverick pensioner take over.

We, on the other hand, are stuck with this idiot, probably until 2010.

Mother, the revolver.
They do have a point Damo. This board has posters from across the globe. I think something a little less US centric would be a tad better. But its still nice. and I'm not complaining.

I'm just saying......