Chicago, Obama, Politics


Not So Junior Member
Wright is just part of his problems:

Posted May 10, 2008 9:09 AM
The Swamp

by John Kass

Will Barack Obama's presidential candidacy serve his state and city by finally drawing national attention to the sleazy and corrupt politics of Illinois and Chicago?

It is all about context. The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate's politics were born in Chicago. Yet he is presented to the nation as not truly being of this place, as if he floats just above the political corruption here, uninfected, untouched by the stain of it or by any sin of commission or omission. It is all so very mystical.

Perhaps viewing Obama as a Chicago political creature would conflict with the established national media narrative of Obama as a reformer. Actually, there's no "perhaps" about it....

It's beyond nasty here...
If Obama's so mired in disaster, death, destruction and something else beginning with 'D', then why hasn't Hillary spread it all over the airwaves?

As the epitome of evil there's nothing that isn't beneath her so it can't be a question of morality. If McCain were the current focus of Hillary's ire then i'd guarantee a significant drop in McCain's poll ratings, which should be a hell of a lot higher than they are currently, if he wants to be President.
"Old and addled"? You mean like someone born in 1924?

Another example of the tolerance and diversity promoted by the Left?

No doubt you will reserve various "ist" adjectives and apply the "hater" label to those who disagree with you....
I tolerate senile oldies; I have some in my own family.

I just don't want them running the country. Most shouldn't even be driving.
I wouldn't make it arbitrary. Someone can be older, but they shouldn't be addled & drooling, and say stupid things all the time...
McCain, of course - old, addled & drooling. And short.

You mean, you would have no problem with someone old, addled & drooling running the show?


How tall is Sen. McCain? Is there a height requirement in the Constitution?

Got any examples of his addlement you'd care to share, or are you just not able to explain any "Constitutional" mysteries?
I notice you spend most of your time here tittilating us with stories from blogs about Obama, or Ron Paul.

Who are you voting for?

You may not have noticed, but the point was about Chicago and what the system does here and not just to democrats.
Not really ready to commit to anyone currently. Why are you curious?

Just that, it's like pulling teeth to get some republicans to admit they spent their entire adult lives pulling the lever for five of the most uninspiring and/or incompetent presidential candidates in american history: Poppy Bush/Bob Dole/George Junior/Geogre Junior, again/McFossil.

I wouldn't admit to voting for McCain, after two decades of horrible voting choices either. Cheers.