Chickenhawk Wayne


I love Buzzflash, because they will do things like piss right on John Wayne's grave without blinking an eye. It's all true, so why shy away?

The original chickenhawk; John Wayne. This should stir up some shit.

heh heh heh

Welcome back to the Buzzflash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.

Why are we bestowing our first posthumous honor? Blame it on Glenn Greenwald's "Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics."

As we point out in our review of Greenwald's new book, it is tailor made to support our five years of awarding weekly awards to GOP Hypocrites.

Greenwald pegs the modern origin of GOP hypocrisy as beginning with the glorification of a chickenhawk: John Wayne.

During WW II, when many Hollywood stars such as Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda volunteered for military service, the "Duke" evaded getting drafted with vigor. Ironically, he became an icon of American military and cowboy swagger by playing such roles on the screen while not having the courage to fight in combat.

As we wrote in our review of Greenwald's book, "Wayne is the archetype of 'patriotic' packaging over reality that the Republican 'communications' consultants excel at." In this case, Hollywood was the perfect vehicle for pole vaulting a mythic image over a hypocritical reality.

Ronald Reagan was a contemporary of John Wayne's -- and followed the same path of celluloid image and script-reading ability triumphing over a lack of personal courage in the military.

Wayne was also a boozing thrice-married philanderer who objected to scripts that he felt didn't pass "his moral code" of decency for America. It was a moral code that he didn't personally abide by, but that's the Republican way: self-righteously flagellate us with slogans about values, but drive their lives forward on the low road.

So thanks to Greenwald for pointing out how Wayne led the way in creating more than 50 years of a Republican mythological universe belied by the reality of personal failings.

For that "accomplishment," John Wayne is posthumously honored with this week's GOP Hypocrite of the Week.

Remember our motto: So many Republican hypocrites, so little time.

Catch up with you soon.
Who gives a fuck what he did?

He was just as ignorant and arrogant as our modern day Penns and Baldwins.
I served over 20 years and my oldest son and daughter serve now. Still, I don't think a "military test" and shrinking John Wayne's life down to a few words and selling it as "typical" republican anything is worthy.

Hey, but if you just enjoy trashing someone, go ahead and trash the Duke. Nothing like spitting on the grave of the dead. I mean it's not like they can't defend themselves...Right?
I wouldn't mess with Chuck Norris. Yes he plays a tough guy on TV and in movies... NEWS FLASH... Chuck can really put his foot anywhere on your body and a lot more... I doubt anyone posting here would have the guts to talk trash to his face.... but I'd pay to see it!

And Chuck Norris , Fred Thompson, etc...
LOL, yeah he was some kind of hung fu champ I think. But now he just sells exercise machines and McSames.
I liked his TV soda-mercial. He did support Huckabee. I haven't seen him supporting McCain yet, but I don't catch all the events. Anyway, he might be older but I'm sure he could still hold his own in a bar fight.

I served over 20 years and my oldest son and daughter serve now. Still, I don't think a "military test" and shrinking John Wayne's life down to a few words and selling it as "typical" republican anything is worthy.

Hey, but if you just enjoy trashing someone, go ahead and trash the Duke. Nothing like spitting on the grave of the dead. I mean it's not like they can't defend themselves...Right?

It's really sad that darla has this thing about spitting on deceased conservatives graves...anyhoo for the record the Duke was classified during WWII as 3A,2A and (4A speculated)...he was 34 years old with family dependency issues,medical and govt issues...
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I don't particularly care for Wayne one way or the other. His movies are great, and since he is an actor his politics have no impact on me whatsoever, as there are better people to follow. However, I have to agree that there are plenty of living people (or, people that actually affect our lives) that could be railed against if one were in a railing mood.
Darla, I figured you would stir up blasphemy type of stuff on Wayne.

I know! That's why I posted it. If there is one thing a Republican loves, it's a draft-dodging chickenshit-hawk ready to send other people to die. Wayne, Reagan, Bush, Dick Cheney....Republicans do so love a coward.

It's kinda cute.
Darla, you talk about republicans sending people to die. Those you mention by name drafted none. I volunteered, as did my oldest son and daughter and millions of other Americans. I entered the military in 1984 and retired 3 years ago. We risk all for this country so that you can enjoy your freedoms.

Interestingly enough, when I served under Bill Clinton, I deployed to Cuba, Honduras, Bosnia and Kosovo. Were we right to interfere with Serbia's internal conflict with a renegade province of Kosovo? It doesn't matter if the answer is yes or no. The fact is that once the President brought us there, we have to finish the job. Oh, ten years later we still have troops in Kosovo.

I know! That's why I posted it. If there is one thing a Republican loves, it's a draft-dodging chickenshit-hawk ready to send other people to die. Wayne, Reagan, Bush, Dick Cheney....Republicans do so love a coward.

It's kinda cute.
Darla, you talk about republicans sending people to die. Those you mention by name drafted none. I volunteered, as did my oldest son and daughter and millions of other Americans. I entered the military in 1984 and retired 3 years ago. We risk all for this country so that you can enjoy your freedoms.

Interestingly enough, when I served under Bill Clinton, I deployed to Cuba, Honduras, Bosnia and Kosovo. Were we right to interfere with Serbia's internal conflict with a renegade province of Kosovo? It doesn't matter if the answer is yes or no. The fact is that once the President brought us there, we have to finish the job. Oh, ten years later we still have troops in Kosovo.

I actually talk about chickenhawks sending people to die, and I don’t think it matters if we have a voluntary military or not. Though, you forget that Wayne propagandized for a war where there was a draft. But what is most important is that when a person joins the military, they place in us a trust, in my opinion, that we will only put them in harm’s way if there is no other choice. And it is a serious violation to do otherwise.

I resent people who have been in the military telling me they fought for my freedoms. Honestly, unless you were in WWII, you didn’t. I pay my taxes and I have every say, just like you do.

I wonder, as a war supporter who was also in the military, how do you feel about the near-complete amnesia Americans have about Iraq? You know, when someone dies there, I know it, most Americans don’t. A poll taken last month showed that the majority of Americans could not say that 4,000 Americans had died in Iraq…they didn’t know the number. How’s that feel?

As for finishing the mission, the truth is for every soldier in Iraq who says we should, you can find one who says we shouldn’t and they just want to come home. I have seen polls showing that over 50% no longer supported the war. Of those serving in it. There was a story only months ago, not given wide coverage in main stream media, but you could find it, where Joe Lieberman went to visit the troops, and the squad commander asked his soldiers for questions for him, and out of his whole squad, only one guy didn’t ask “Senator when can we go home”? And after three, four tours, is it any wonder?
Show me a survey to support your numbers and I'll show you a survey that shows most soldiers and vets and retirees support finishing the war. Every soldier that has served this country honorably has paid for the freedom of Americans.

Those that have died have given us the ultimate sacrifice. I wouldn't compare that with paying taxes. If you served, I thank you for your service and I hope that your children will someday serve aside mine or my grandchildren.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but all our opinions are paid up front by continued sacrifices of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen. If you don't believe a strong military has served this country well over the decades since WWII, then I'm not sure what you believe in.

My opinion is that everyone should serve in the military. Yep, I'd like a draft. But for now we volunteer and I don't believe any of our leaders Dem or Repub easily or recklessly put us in harms way. In hindsight (always 20/20) some battles are better than others.

Like I said earlier, Bill Clinton sent me on many deployments during his time as President. Believe it or not, the next President will send military members on deployments and in harms way as well. Then they will pray for the safety of our troops.

Soldiers also pay taxes,blood sweat and tears....WWII was a draft era and still many more enlisted than were drafted!
Show me a survey to support your numbers and I'll show you a survey that shows most soldiers and vets and retirees support finishing the war. Every soldier that has served this country honorably has paid for the freedom of Americans.

Those that have died have given us the ultimate sacrifice. I wouldn't compare that with paying taxes. If you served, I thank you for your service and I hope that your children will someday serve aside mine or my grandchildren.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion but all our opinions are paid up front by continued sacrifices of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen. If you don't believe a strong military has served this country well over the decades since WWII, then I'm not sure what you believe in.

My opinion is that everyone should serve in the military. Yep, I'd like a draft. But for now we volunteer and I don't believe any of our leaders Dem or Repub easily or recklessly put us in harms way. In hindsight (always 20/20) some battles are better than others.

Like I said earlier, Bill Clinton sent me on many deployments during his time as President. Believe it or not, the next President will send military members on deployments and in harms way as well. Then they will pray for the safety of our troops.

Ohhh, now it is retirees and former military too. Well, that may be, but I was speaking of the guys who are actually there.

Again, unless you were in WWII you didn’t fight for my freedom. It’s so sad to have to say it, but avoiding a truth because it’s ugly only enables the same mistakes over and over. 55 thousand Americans died in Vietnam for no reason. 4 thousand have died in Iraq for no reason. Tens of thousands have come back with wounds which will not enable them to have a normal life. And Americans by and large, don’t know these numbers, and don’t care.

I’m sorry I can’t thank you. But in my opinion all you’ve done is feed the military machine. You haven’t given me my freedom. And I really am sorry for it. I find it sadder than you’ll ever imagine.