China is Drilling for Oil in the GUlf Of Mexico !!!11!!SHIFTONE

From the article that I originally provided a link to and which post-dates the 2006 references you knuckleheads keep posting:

yes, the drill sites are in the exploratory stages right now. The point of those articles in 2006 and again today is that the US is doing NOTHING. We are allowing foreign countries to get the jump on us in our own back yard. Oil doesn't magically come to market overnight. The exploration, drilling and bringing on line takes anywhere from 5-10 years. The point is that they have a two year jump on us.

Do you want to wait until they actually start producing oil for our politicians to actually DO something?
seismic comes before drilling dungtool

Thanks, Cap'n Obvious. The issue here is whether China is drilling in the Gulf of Mexico as many many many people on the right and on this board have claimed, repeatedly. At least you acknowledge that the claim is a lie.
Dont you know... they are secretly involved in the vast right wing conspiracy... they are Corporate they must be controlled by right wingers.

Well apparently Dung is of the impression that the right to drill that was authorized in 2006 somehow was to mean that the drill sites would be up and running the next day. He apparently has no comprehension that the ability to drill means that the exploratory phase could start... for all the foreign companies. Which means the US companies will continue to have their hands tied behind their back by our idiots in DC.
Well apparently Dung is of the impression that the right to drill that was authorized in 2006 somehow was to mean that the drill sites would be up and running the next day. He apparently has no comprehension that the ability to drill means that the exploratory phase could start... for all the foreign companies. Which means the US companies will continue to have their hands tied behind their back by our idiots in DC.

Listen you ignorant fuck, I'm not the one claiming that the Chinese are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. It's you and yours doing that. Go fuck yourself you ignorant boob.
Thanks, Cap'n Obvious. The issue here is whether China is drilling in the Gulf of Mexico as many many many people on the right and on this board have claimed, repeatedly. At least you acknowledge that the claim is a lie.

Given that the authorization wasn't issued until 2006, it would be virtually impossible for them to have the sites up and running already. But you just want to play word games. Yes, they are not techincally drilling. But THEY have the authorization to do so, which means THEY are going ahead with exploration right off of our coast while WE do nothing.
Given that the authorization wasn't issued until 2006, it would be virtually impossible for them to have the sites up and running already. But you just want to play word games. Yes, they are not techincally drilling. But THEY have the authorization to do so, which means THEY are going ahead with exploration right off of our coast while WE do nothing.

Yes, I want to play "word games" by sticking to the facts, not urban legend lies dreamed up by right-wing ideologues. Please, SF. You're off the deep end.

As I said previously, go fuck yourself.
Listen you ignorant fuck, I'm not the one claiming that the Chinese are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. It's you and yours doing that. Go fuck yourself you ignorant boob.

Aw, did your feelings get hurt dung? Like I stated and "you and yours" cannot seem to fathom... when people state "the Chinese are drilling off our coast" they mean (for those not too ignorant to understand) that THEY now have the ABILITY to do so. But first they have to go through the exploration phase and then drill, then get production on line.

It is the fact that they are now TWO years ahead of us that matters you dipshit.
Yes, I want to play "word games" by sticking to the facts, not urban legend lies dreamed up by right-wing ideologues. Please, SF. You're off the deep end.

As I said previously, go fuck yourself.

Yes, you want to play word games because you don't comprehend the difference. You want to play... play. But don't come on here acting as though foreign countries aren't ahead of the US in drilling off of our own coasts.
Aw, did your feelings get hurt dung? Like I stated and "you and yours" cannot seem to fathom... when people state "the Chinese are drilling off our coast" they mean (for those not too ignorant to understand) that THEY now have the ABILITY to do so. But first they have to go through the exploration phase and then drill, then get production on line.

It is the fact that they are now TWO years ahead of us that matters you dipshit.

Apparently you never learned the difference in verb tenses. Either that or your stupid. Or maybe you're just out of your fucking mind.

If I told you Damo is f*cking your sister, it doesn't mean that he's got a c*ck and your sister a vagina and that he's planning to f*ck her two years from now.
Apparently you never learned the difference in verb tenses. Either that or your stupid. Or maybe you're just out of your fucking mind.

If I told you Damo is f*cking your sister, it doesn't mean that he's got a c*ck and your sister a vagina and that he's planning to f*ck her two years from now.

Such a childish rant is solid evidence that your position was nothing more than an attempt at "gotcha" word games. The drilling process involves exploration. They go hand in hand. It is precisely what everyone was referring to when they made statements that "China is drilling". But you want to play a "verb tense" game because you think that somehow makes you clever. Anyone who understands the oil industry knew exactly what people were referring to you twit.
it shows that a third world pissant like Cuba and a Giant like China can do what we won't in our own backyard. NIMBY doesn't apply to countries just libtards like blackpanther.
My problem with this is that it is made reference to so that the repubs can blame the Dems for the chinese taking oil that we could get when Mel Martinez and Jeb Bushed were some of the biggest loudest arm twistingest opponents to drilling off the coast of Disneyopolis
Yes, when Dick Cheney said this:

As for other locations, George Will pointed out in his column the other day that oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida. But we're not doing it, the Chinese are, in cooperation with the Cuban government.

He really doesn't mean that "right now" the Chinese are drilling oil 60 miles off the coast of Florida in cooperation with the Cuban government. He means something else that only Superfreak can divine. Apparently, the Vice President speaks a version of English that is different than that spoken by the rest of us, well, except for Superfreak.

I'd also point out, again, the following for those that apparently missed it the first time:

China's Sinopec oil company does have an agreement with the Cuban government, but it's to develop onshore resources west of Havana, Pinon said. The Chinese have done some seismic testing, he said, but no drilling, and nothing offshore.

So, not only are the Chinese not drilling offshore, but they don't have a lease to do som nor have they done any seismic testing offshore.

But apparently it's me that is "playing word games."
dungtool, the fact that the drill bit isn't turning yet is irrelavant. They leased the acreage, shot siesmic, next comes the drill. If you think anybody thinks you knew 1 & 2 were going on then dungshit is too smart a name for you.
The essence of the argument remains intact. Why is China pursuing development in our own backyard while our hands are tied? Why is the business community which claims to care about america so intent on sucking chinese cock?
The essence of the argument remains intact. Why is China pursuing development in our own backyard while our hands are tied? Why is the business community which claims to care about america so intent on sucking chinese cock?
Very good with sweet and sour sauce.