Chris Hedges: The Unraveling of the American Empire | Consortium News


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The article for which this thread is named after is a bit over 2 years old, but the subject of America's decline is one I was just discussing in another thread. I decided it'd be best to make a thread of it. Quoting from the article:

April 19, 2021

U.S. leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another, a trajectory mirroring the sad finales of other historical imperial powers.

America’s defeat in Afghanistan is one in a string of catastrophic military blunders that herald the death of the American empire. With the exception of the first Gulf War, fought largely by mechanized units in the open desert that did not — wisely — attempt to occupy Iraq, the United States political and military leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another. Korea. Vietnam. Lebanon. Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria. Libya. The trajectory of military fiascos mirrors the sad finales of the Chinese, Ottoman, Hapsburg, Russian, French, British, Dutch, Portuguese and Soviet empires. While each of these empires decayed with their own peculiarities, they all exhibited patterns of dissolution that characterize the American experiment.

Imperial ineptitude is matched by domestic ineptitude. The collapse of good government at home, with legislative, executive and judicial systems all seized by corporate power, ensures that the incompetent and the corrupt, those dedicated not to the national interest but to swelling the profits of the oligarchic elite, lead the country into a cul-de-sac. Rulers and military leaders, driven by venal self-interest, are often buffoonish characters in a grand comic operetta. How else to think of Allen Dulles, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Donald Trump or the hapless Joe Biden? While their intellectual and moral vacuity is often darkly amusing, it is murderous and savage when directed towards their victims.

There is not a single case since 1941 when the coups, political assassinations, election fraud, black propaganda, blackmail, kidnapping, brutal counter-insurgency campaigns, U.S. sanctioned massacres, torture in global black sites, proxy wars or military interventions carried out by the United States resulted in the establishment of a democratic government. The two-decade-long wars in the Middle East, the greatest strategic blunder in American history, have only left in their wake one failed state after another. Yet, no one in the ruling class is held accountable.


The loss of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency will instantly raise the cost of imports. It will result in unemployment of Depression-era levels. It will force the empire to dramatically contract. It will, as the economy worsens, fuel a hyper-nationalism that will most likely be expressed through a Christianized fascism. The mechanisms, already in place, for total social control, militarized police, a suspension of civil liberties, wholesale government surveillance, enhanced “terrorism” laws that railroad people into the world’s largest prison system and censorship overseen by the digital media monopolies will seamlessly cement into place a police state. Nations that descend into crises this severe seek to deflect the rage of a betrayed population on foreign scapegoats. China and Russia will be used to fill these roles.

The defeat in Afghanistan is a familiar and sad story, one all those blinded by imperial hubris endure. The tragedy, however, is not the collapse of the American empire, but that, lacking the ability to engage in self-critique and self-correction, as it dies it will lash out in a blind, inchoate fury at innocents at home and abroad.


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Chris Hedges: The Unraveling of the American Empire | Consortium News

I find the mention of China and especially Russia to be interesting, considering Chris Hedges published this article almost a year before Russia intervened in the Ukrainian civil war.
Could be. I don't think the U.S. is quite at the point that Rome was at when it fell though. Perhaps another decade or 2? Hard to tell at this point.

America is unrecognizable from just 3-4 years ago....go walk through some of our cities.....this is collapse.

I think part of the problem is we're not really defining what a civilization's collapse looks like. I think we can all agree that Rome collapsed, but in what year did it happen and what were its definining characteristics? Similarly, one would have to define what the collapse of the U.S. would look like. I certainly believe that the U.S. is in decline and I strongly suspect that its current form will collapse, but as to what will replace it, that I don't know. I think we can all agree that the notion of real democracy is a good one as it allows civilizations to change without the need for a revolution or forces from outside to take it down, as happened with Rome, but the democracy has to be real, and that's where I'm not longer sure the U.S. is on the level.
I think part of the problem is we're not really defining what a civilization's collapse looks like. I think we can all agree that Rome collapsed, but in what year did it happen and what were its definining characteristics? Similarly, one would have to define what the collapse of the U.S. would look like. I certainly believe that the U.S. is in decline and I strongly suspect that its current form will collapse, but as to what will replace it, that I don't know. I think we can all agree that the notion of real democracy is a good one as it allows civilizations to change without the need for a revolution or forces from outside to take it down, as happened with Rome, but the democracy has to be real, and that's where I'm not longer sure the U.S. is on the level.

The collapse of Americas cities in inescapable and a good place to start.
Alright. At what date do you think Rome collapsed? Your answer might give me a better idea of what you mean by collapse.

I date the start of the collapse when the structure becomes impossible to continue, which the West has reached.....there is no way to save the West now....partly because the Han insist that it part because the West has lost the power of regeneration/reform....and in part because the people of the West refuse to fight for Western ideals such as free minds and free will....and in part because of the massive ignorance of the people of the West.
There is a great argument that the the start date of this collapse was our last chance to get the Universities back on mission, which I place at about 1990...possibly as late as 1995, but they were in deep trouble by 1970, and their original weakness was the result of the massive influx of students caused by the GI bill post Korea...a good intention that carried massive negative consequences for America.
"I am not going to say that West Wing was a psyops operation but....." it sure looks like it was"
Scott Ritter
The fact that there are so few truth tellers is the #1 reason we can be sure that the West does not survive....this is always a catastrophic error.

US tried to "welcome Russia" by imposing subjugation.

Strobe Talbott, Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, quoted Bill as saying: “We keep telling ol’ Boris [Yeltsin], ‘O.K., now, here’s what you’ve got to do next—here’s some more shit for your face.'"

Talbott also declared that “it’s Russia that must move toward us, toward our way of doing things.... Well, tough. That’s us; that’s the U.S. We are exceptional.”

Russia under Putin rejected taking US's "exceptional" shit in its face; hence why US neocons loathe it.

Actually it sure looks like Han directed saboteurs are ramping up operations in America.

RFK Jr. seems to be suggesting the problem is that the U.S. isn't putting any money into modernizing the U.S. rail system.
RFK Jr. seems to be suggesting the problem is that the U.S. isn't putting any money into modernizing the U.S. rail system.

I know, and I have spoken at some length about the problems at the railroads, however there is a lot of other stuff burning and getting blown up or otherwise taken offline that might well be explained as the work of Chinese saboteurs. Tucker has been talking off and on about this for about a year, as has Michael Yon.
The article for which this thread is named after is a bit over 2 years old, but the subject of America's decline is one I was just discussing in another thread. I decided it'd be best to make a thread of it. Quoting from the article:

April 19, 2021

U.S. leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another, a trajectory mirroring the sad finales of other historical imperial powers.

There is not a single case since 1941 when the coups, political assassinations, election fraud, black propaganda, blackmail, kidnapping, brutal counter-insurgency campaigns, U.S. sanctioned massacres, torture in global black sites, proxy wars or military interventions carried out by the United States resulted in the establishment of a democratic government. The two-decade-long wars in the Middle East, the greatest strategic blunder in American history, have only left in their wake one failed state after another. Yet, no one in the ruling class is held accountable.

Really, 1941, hum? What about Germany and Japan? Both fell in 1945 to a US coalition. Both are democratic states with stable economies today. Both also have US military units stationed in them to this day. S. Korea is another where the US got a win with a democratic and stable economy. US troops are there from 1950 to today.

Seems to me, that the failures have been lack of resolve to remain and finish the job, along with inept handling of the internal politics and economy of the country. I'd add, that it's usually--not always but usually-- the Democrats that fuck things up. They get into wars and such we have no business being part of (Obama Syria, Clinton Kosovo and Somalia as examples) and hose up the ones we're already in or that have ended and resulted in an occupation of the country(s) involved.

I'd say, from reading this article, Chris Hedges is a retard who's understanding of foreign affairs and military operations wouldn't fill a thimble.

Post script: I looked up Chris Hedges' bio. He's a Progressive Leftist that writes primarily for Leftist and radical Leftist publications. He had a show on RT America for several years. His list of published books are all hard Left slants on the topic covered. He was sufficiently radical Leftist that in 2005 he was forced to resign from his job at the New York Times over repeatedly running stories that the paper's management and editors said "could undermine public trust in the paper's impartiality."

That takes a lot. Hedges is an idiot.
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US railroad strike delayed

It looks to me that what has happened is that the union bosses capitulated to Revolution pressure to make a deal because America cant deal with a strike, we have way too many major problems already. That does not mean that the membership will approve it. Note that before the tentative deal was announced the railroads were already in the process of shutting down.
Alright. At what date do you think Rome collapsed? Your answer might give me a better idea of what you mean by collapse.

I date the start of the collapse when the structure becomes impossible to continue, which the West has reached.....there is no way to save the West now....partly because the Han insist that it part because the West has lost the power of regeneration/reform....and in part because the people of the West refuse to fight for Western ideals such as free minds and free will....and in part because of the massive ignorance of the people of the West.

Alright. I decided to look at the factors that caused the western Roman empire to collapse. QUoting from a Wikipedia article on the subject:

While it is true that Alexander Demandt enumerated 210 different theories on why Rome fell, twenty-first century scholarship sees the primary possibilities among these [snip]:

Climatic crisis
Demographic crisis
Political crisis
Financial crisis
Social crisis
Moral crisis


The U.S. does seem to have most if not all of these issues.