Chris Matthews is such a Douchebag

Heres the deal.

Anyone who was willing to call this current administration out each and every day for the shit they pulled and are pulling deserves watching.

Chis Mathews pandered to the fucking scumbags when they had power, when he saw the shift he shifted.

I want to lsten to news people who take the admin to task.

We have yet to see if Madow adn Olberman will take them to task.

We know full well what Matthews does, he licks the boot of power.
Bullshit! Mathews is a person that (1) Loves politics, and (2) Loves his country. Let's talk about loving your country. Forget about what Bush has done in the last 8 years. Yes, from the beginning, I did not like him. I did not think he was up to the task, in fact, I thought he was a moron, and said so to many people at that time. I have never voted for him, never wanted him to be elected. But, I love my country, and, it would have been better for my country if Bush had a successfull presidency. So, in the beginning, you have to cut him some slack. You have to live with some kind of hope that Bush would pull some kind of intellect out of his ass and do the right thing. Well, 9/11 occurred, Bush started talking about Iraq, congress gave him the power to do what ever he wanted, and Bush invaded Iraq. After congress gave him the power, I hoped, damn near a prayer, that Bush would'nt invade Iraq, but I knew he would. It was at that time that I knew this country was totally screwed. I gave him a chance and he screwed the puch. That, I think, is what Mathews did. He loves his country, and he gave the president a chance. It had NOTHING to do with this shift of POWER that your talking about. Desh, don't you think it would be good if people that did not vote for Obama gave him a chance? Gave him a given length of time to show us, and the world, what he can do?
All the MSM has been Chris Matthews up to election night, he has just gone honest and we'll see what the rest will do.

If they keep it up, like Matthews plans to, then those screaming about fascists have a point. I'll wait. I assume they are going to go nutso trying to regain credibility, after all, they are the media everyone gives 'cred' to.
When you say fascists, are you talking about FOX news, talk radio, you know, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc...,? Credible? Honest? Your joking, right? They just found an easy way to make a shit load of money.
Did you catch that awesome line from Mathews on election night?

"In the former Confederate state of Virginia..."

The highlight of the night, and that includes Colbert and the other guy on channel 60!
These former Confederate States may become the new Confederate States. :cof1: