Christian ethics vs. Roman values

That's a shame too. Not just because repression of natural feelings can produce negative results but because it weaponizes sex by subjugating women.

Another legacy of Paul is making all women second class citizens.
I have heard scholars say that only seven of the Pauline epistles were actually written by Paul, and that the most infamous ones which limit women to a second class role in the church were written by others, using Paul's name to make it seem more authoritative.

That said, the point that Christianity did little to change the prevailing gender oppression already extant in the Greco-Roman world is undoubtedly a fact.
I have heard scholars say that only seven of the Pauline epistles were actually written by Paul, and that the most infamous ones which limit women to a second class role in the church were written by others, using Paul's name to make it seem more authoritative.

That said, the point that Christianity did little to change the prevailing gender oppression already extant in the Greco-Roman world is undoubtedly a fact.

No doubt. In fact, the entire Bible is a cherry-picked message chosen by aging Italian males to send a specific message to the population. They crafted it from available works they liked and declared all other views to be heretical on pain of death.

Not very nice guys much less "Christian". LOL
Dipshit, no one said they did. Like Cypress already told you, try to read and understand a post before you waste you time going off into the tulies.

This is actually pretty good proof of what I had always maintained, despite the howls of protest from the militant atheist contingent.

Because of our 2,000 year engagement with Judeo-Christianity, certain Christian values have just seeped into our DNA, whether we recognize it or not.

>> The Saint Petersburg troll just assumed it was perfectly natural and self evident that the primary beneficiaries of almsgiving and public charity should be the destitute and poor.

That was not always just self-evident, as the practice and nature of public charity changed substantially as the pagan Roman Empire evolved into the Christian Roman Empire.
This is actually pretty good proof of what I had always maintained, despite the howls of protest from the militant atheist contingent.

Because of our 2,000 year engagement with Judeo-Christianity, certain Christian values have just seeped into our DNA, whether we recognize it or not.

>> The Saint Petersburg troll just assumed it was perfectly natural and self evident that the primary beneficiaries of almsgiving and public charity should be the destitute and poor.

That was not always just self-evident, as the practice and nature of public charity changed substantially as the pagan Roman Empire evolved into the Christian Roman Empire.

Yes, only Christians have ethics. No other society in the history of the world had ethics.
This is actually pretty good proof of what I had always maintained, despite the howls of protest from the militant atheist contingent.

Because of our 2,000 year engagement with Judeo-Christianity, certain Christian values have just seeped into our DNA, whether we recognize it or not.

>> The Saint Petersburg troll just assumed it was perfectly natural and self evident that the primary beneficiaries of almsgiving and public charity should be the destitute and poor.

That was not always just self-evident, as the practice and nature of public charity changed substantially as the pagan Roman Empire evolved into the Christian Roman Empire.

Agreed that the past 2000 years of Western Civilization have been strongly influenced by Christianity. The Catholics had a strong grip on and relationship with the military/political powers of different regions.

Also agreed it's deeply ingrained into our social structure ala' Critical Religion Theory. :)

BTW, Alexander Dumas's relationship with the Roman Catholic church in France is clearly depicted in his Musketeer books by making the Cardinal the bad guy. LOL
Yes, only Christians have ethics. No other society in the history of the world had ethics.

Putting words in his mouth only makes you look silly, girl.

Cypress is correct about the influence of Christianity on the West. The DNA comment is apt since most of your ethics are Christian-based, not Asian or Muslim.

The beheadings of reporters, Jews and others by Islamic Jihadists horrified the West because of our Christian-based POV. It's normal for them.

During WWII, Americans were shocked by the "barbaric" treatment of prisoners held by Japan but to the Japanese anyone who allows themselves to be captured or, worse, surrenders has dishonored both themselves and their entire ancestral line. From the Japanese POV, the scumbags deserved to be treated like scumbags.

The differences are purely arbitrary since there is no universal morality. Within the Natural Universe, there is only logic and physics. No rules except for the ones we make for ourselves.
Agreed that the past 2000 years of Western Civilization have been strongly influenced by Christianity. The Catholics had a strong grip on and relationship with the military/political powers of different regions.

Also agreed it's deeply ingrained into our social structure ala' Critical Religion Theory. :)

BTW, Alexander Dumas's relationship with the Roman Catholic church in France is clearly depicted in his Musketeer books by making the Cardinal the bad guy. LOL
I like your take on CRT! :)

One thing Martin Luther should be commended for was for highlighting the corruption in the Catholic Church of the late Middle Ages.

My theory has always been this, and I don't think it is particularly controversial or insightful, despite eliciting squeals of protest from the most militant atheist contingent:

People who grew up in East Asia have been influenced by the values of Confucianism and Buddhism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in South Asia have been influenced by the values of Hinduism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in the Muslim world have been influenced by the values of Islam, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in Europe and North America have been influenced by the values of Christianity and Judaism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.
I like your take on CRT! :)

One thing Martin Luther should be commended for was for highlighting the corruption in the Catholic Church of the late Middle Ages.

My theory has always been this, and I don't think it is particularly controversial or insightful, despite eliciting squeals of protest from the most militant atheist contingent:

People who grew up in East Asia have been influenced by the values of Confucianism and Buddhism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in South Asia have been influenced by the values of Hinduism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in the Muslim world have been influenced by the values of Islam, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

People who grew up in Europe and North America have been influenced by the values of Christianity and Judaism, whether or not they are consciously aware of it.

Agreed on Martin Luther. Unfortunately, as wiser people than I have pointed out, power corrupts and anything touched by man can be corrupted.

Overall I think people are good at heart, but it only takes an ambitious asshole to mess things up. In a tribal society, leaders rise and are either followed or not. Some use lineage for choosing leaders and shamans. In the West, we elect them.

To be elected a person has to want the power, be ambitious enough to work to get that power, willing to say anything to thousands of different people in order to garner their vote and then continue to say anything in office to keep the job.

In the West it's not about who is best for the job but who is the biggest bullshitter. We only elect those who are willing to run. Most people don't want the hassle but some want the power.

Agreed about the cultural CRT. :thup:
You know he is a hate filled sexist. enough. not posting on this thread again.

Take it from me, this is how bogus innuendo about posters gets spread like manure on this board.

No, I don't know that he is a hate filled sexist, and have not seen any female posters say that either, since they would be the best judges of it.