Christians are anti-science.


Verified User
You see this a lot on the forums. Some ignorant, hateful atheist claiming that Christians don't believe in science or are scientifically illiterate.
Guess again.
In the last 100 years

Nobel prizes:

Chemistry: 72.5 percent were awarded to Christians
Physics: 62 percent were awarded to Christians.
Medicine/Physiology: 54 percent were awarded to Christians.

A very small percentage were awarded to non-Theists.

Any questions?
I don't see people say that

I see them say right wing republicans who claim Christianity are anti sceince
I am a Christian and I believe God gave us science to understand our world. American far right wing conservobots are the problem.
I am a Christian and I believe God gave us science to understand our world. American far right wing conservobots are the problem.

Yup, some may be, certainly not all.

It's always the frenetic rabid frothy-mouthed fundamentalists of a given religous stripe; they utterly miss the concept of spirituality and the connectedness of everything.
You see this a lot on the forums. Some ignorant, hateful atheist claiming that Christians don't believe in science or are scientifically illiterate.
Guess again.
In the last 100 years

Nobel prizes:

Chemistry: 72.5 percent were awarded to Christians
Physics: 62 percent were awarded to Christians.
Medicine/Physiology: 54 percent were awarded to Christians.

A very small percentage were awarded to non-Theists.

Any questions?

How many were evangelical, fundamentalist and/or creationists?

How many believed in the horseshit you offer on this forum? You know, red heifers and the other laughable children’s stories.
It might help if he had a source. We don't accept clumps of claimed knowledge, pulled from anyone's ass.
The data is available. It's part of the public record. Look it up.

As of 2017, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 892 individuals, of whom 201 or 22.5% were Jews, although the total Jewish population comprises less than 0.2% of the world's population. This means the percentage of Jewish Nobel laureates is at least 112.5 times or 11,250% above average.

Kicking Christian ass.
The data is available. It's part of the public record. Look it up.

Nope. You made the claim; you supply the data to back it up.

BTW, most Xtians have no problems at all with science. As pointed out above, it's only the fervent fundies (Xtian, Islamic, etc.) who prefer to remain in the Dark Ages.
The data is available. It's part of the public record. Look it up.

You asked for questions. I asked a couple. Why no answer?

How many were evangelical, fundamentalist and/or creationists?

How many believed in the horseshit you offer on this forum? You know, red heifers and the other laughable children’s stories.
Nope. You made the claim; you supply the data to back it up.

BTW, most Xtians have no problems at all with science. As pointed out above, it's only the fervent fundies (Xtian, Islamic, etc.) who prefer to remain in the Dark Ages.

I Googled it and found it. What he fails to point out is the time period and nationality. Many, many Europeans, especially Germans, who were raised from birth as Christians. It also indicates that Christianity was their “religion of preference”. It says nothing about their depth of belief. Certainly, few would be off the charts like this idiot, Grugore.
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I Googled it and found it. What he fails to point out is the time period and nationality. Many, many Europeans, especially Germas, who were raised from birth as Christians. It also indicates that Christianity was their “religion of preference”. It says nothing about their depth of belief. Certainly, few would be off the charts like this idiot, Grugore.

Most Christians I know are baptized at birth, and dragged to church. I always hated Church, and find better connection in nature, then in a building full of irritating music. Now if they were to use metal versions like this one, it may have been different with me.

I don't see people say that

I see them say right wing republicans who claim Christianity are anti sceince

Of course you see that, because you're a fucking idiot who believes whatever propaganda nonsense is spoon-fed to you. In other words, you're a typical lib.