Christians are anti-science.

Very few Christians are anti-science in every aspect of their lives, but religious people are more likely to deny certain scientific facts that call religion into question. Atheists don't because they're not emotionally invested in maintaining religious ideas.

Most self-proclaimed "Atheists" ARE religious... They believe that there are no god/s, a theistic belief in and of itself.
It doesn't. Blackbodies. Earth is not one.
This is the cry of the scientifically illiterate warmizombie, i.e. "physics doesn't apply to earth."

I'll repeat. Creationists frequently refer to the laws of thermodynamics in attempts to prove their religious case.
I'll repeat, warmizombies frequently skirt the laws of thermodynamics in attempts to rationalize their Global Warming faith.

Pseudo-science. Those claims are debunked every time.

You're the one who claims dictionaries don't contain definitions, aren't you?
I'm the one that claims that no dictionary owns the English language. Which dictionary do you claim owns English?
Creationism is not anti-science.
Correct. I will add, however, the caveot that certain young-earth Creationism presents certain challenges to scientific consistency, e.g. How are we able to see stars that are millions of light years away if the light hasn't had millions of years to travel?

Otherwise Creationism is entirely consistent with the laws of physics.
Most self-proclaimed "Atheists" ARE religious... They believe that there are no god/s, a theistic belief in and of itself.
Except that most are lying even about that. Their belief in Global Warming, for example, is profound, as is their belief in the Climate deity, the Greenhouse Effect miracle, etc...
Very few Christians are anti-science in every aspect of their lives, but religious people are more likely to deny certain scientific facts that call religion into question. Atheists don't because they're not emotionally invested in maintaining religious ideas.
Can you give me an example of a "scientific fact" that Christians are apt to deny?
No, Atheism is the lack of a belief in gods. It's not the belief that there are no gods.


Exactly spot on!

Darwin's Theory is not science. It is an unfalsifiable theory. It is speculation about the past. If you'd like to discuss it I'm a huge fan.

Genetics is science, it is a collection of falsifiable models that predict nature. I don't know of any Christians that deny these models.

First of all, it is falsifiable. If you mean that it can't 100% be proven true or false, that's all scientific theories. You could make the same argument about gravity.
Secondly, it's not just speculation about the past because evolution still occurs today. Some species evolve fast enough that we're able to observe the changes happening.
First of all, it is falsifiable.
You should listen to me on this. No it is not. You should learn what falsifiable means. Darwin's Evolution is a great theory; I put a lot of stock into it. It's not falsifiable. It's not science.

If you mean that it can't 100% be proven true or false, that's all scientific theories.
No. To be science a model must first be falsifiable. Then it must survive the scientific method with a direct test on the null hypothesis. We do not have time machines. We cannot directly verify the null hypothesis. It cannot be science.

For this reason, no speculation about the past is science. Science predicts nature. It is inherently future tense.

Secondly, it's not just speculation about the past
This is why you need to be clear when you speak/write.

If you are talking about Darwin's Theory on the Origin of Species then it is entirely speculation.

If you are talking about genetics and evolution occurring today then yes, some of that is science (randomness of mutations is merely statistical mathematics) and Christians have no problem accepting that.

Some species evolve fast enough that we're able to observe the changes happening.
Yes. The theory is brilliant. Fundamentalist Christians will tell you that they don't believe that these small changes we observe will ever amount to big changes such as new organs, new limbs, etc... That belief runs counter to Darwin's Theory (which is not science) but is entirely accepting of all science and observations.
You should listen to me on this. No it is not. You should learn what falsifiable means. Darwin's Evolution is a great theory; I put a lot of stock into it. It's not falsifiable. It's not science.

No. To be science a model must first be falsifiable. Then it must survive the scientific method with a direct test on the null hypothesis. We do not have time machines. We cannot directly verify the null hypothesis. It cannot be science.

For this reason, no speculation about the past is science. Science predicts nature. It is inherently future tense.

This is why you need to be clear when you speak/write.

If you are talking about Darwin's Theory on the Origin of Species then it is entirely speculation.

If you are talking about genetics and evolution occurring today then yes, some of that is science (randomness of mutations is merely statistical mathematics) and Christians have no problem accepting that.

Yes. The theory is brilliant. Fundamentalist Christians will tell you that they don't believe that these small changes we observe will ever amount to big changes such as new organs, new limbs, etc... That belief runs counter to Darwin's Theory (which is not science) but is entirely accepting of all science and observations.

You can say any theory isn't science using this logic. You could say the Big Bang theory isn't science. You could say it's not science to assume that gravity was around before humans were alive.
The reason evolution, or any theory, is considered a fact is because there is enough evidence and repeatable experiments to prove that evolution is most likely true.

As for it being falsifiable, in what context? Is it possible to prove 100% that evolution didn't happen? No, but the same can be said for any theory. But is it possible to present evidence debunking the evidence that humans and apes share a common ancestor? If that evidence existed, sure.
You should listen to me on this. No it is not. You should learn what falsifiable means. Darwin's Evolution is a great theory; I put a lot of stock into it. It's not falsifiable. It's not science.

No. To be science a model must first be falsifiable. Then it must survive the scientific method with a direct test on the null hypothesis. We do not have time machines. We cannot directly verify the null hypothesis. It cannot be science.

For this reason, no speculation about the past is science. Science predicts nature. It is inherently future tense.

This is why you need to be clear when you speak/write.

If you are talking about Darwin's Theory on the Origin of Species then it is entirely speculation.

If you are talking about genetics and evolution occurring today then yes, some of that is science (randomness of mutations is merely statistical mathematics) and Christians have no problem accepting that.

Yes. The theory is brilliant. Fundamentalist Christians will tell you that they don't believe that these small changes we observe will ever amount to big changes such as new organs, new limbs, etc... That belief runs counter to Darwin's Theory (which is not science) but is entirely accepting of all science and observations.

The very nanosecond someone finds chimpanzee fossils in Cambrian rocks, the theory of evolution will be immediately falsified.
No, Atheism is the lack of a belief in gods. It's not the belief that there are no gods.

My point was that many people who call themselves "atheists" are not actually atheists (as atheism is being defined here). Instead, they spout off that they believe that there are no god/s. IBD then correctly chimed in that many of those "atheists" even lie about THAT.

My point was that many people who call themselves "atheists" are not actually atheists (as atheism is being defined here). Instead, they spout off that they believe that there are no god/s. IBD then correctly chimed in that many of those "atheists" even lie about THAT.

Do you and your church friends fall down and throw up with all this circular reasoning?
Can you give me an example of a "scientific fact" that Christians are apt to deny?

As a Christian, I'm interested to hear his answer to this, since such "scientific facts" are typically just religious beliefs being falsely sold as "science".