Christians are anti-science.

Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915), which describes gravity not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass.

Wikipedia › wiki › Gravity

[h=3]Gravity - Wikipedia[/h]

if you are proposing this as science Christians deny, you overlooked the fact we don't deny it.......
some here seem not to understand that "falsifiable" is an element of the scientific does not simply mean that something may eventually be discovered to be means that it is capable of experimentation to identify if it is true or false......
You cannot test any unobserved past event. Science has no theories about unobserved past events.

It is not falsifiable. It is an unobserved past event.

None. No one has seen the Big Bang. A conclusion is not an observation.

All observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology. The data they produce is evidence only. Science does not use supporting evidence. Only religions do that. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

Science does not use supporting evidence.

There is no such thing as a 'provisional theory'. There is a theory, or there is not. A theory is an explanatory argument. An argument is a set of predicates and a conclusion. A theory may be scientific or nonscientific. Theories of science must be falsifiable.

It is still a force.

Nope. It is still a force.

Nope. He denies science.

Actually, he is.

Science does not use supporting evidence. The Theory of Evolution is about an unobserved past event. There is no theory of science possible for that. It is not falsifiable. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.

Falsified. Not a theory. A paradox.

You can't go back in time to see what actually happened. No one has seen present life evolve from a common microbial origin. Not a theory of science. A religion.

You obviously have never set foot on a college campus, or taken a university level science course.

There is no point debating you, when you cannot even admit you are wrong on simple, easily verified facts >>
so you concur that it is unfalsifiable......


Predictions, can be tested to support or refute the hypothesis.

Evolutionary theory predicts we should be able to observe evolution by natural selection in controlled, laboratory conditions.

We have. In fruit flies and bacterium, species which can evolve quickly enough to observe.

We have even observed evolution by natural selection in real time in natural conditions - peppered moths in England.

If we had not made these observations, it would have offered a refutation of Darwin's theory.

Evolutionary theory predicts we should be able to find and observe transitional fossils, demonstrating evolutionary morphological changes between species over geologic time scales.

We have found transitional fossils.

If we had not, the lack of transitional fossils would have required us to rethink our ideas the mechanisms of evolution
There is no such thing as a 'provisional theory'!
Are you always wrong?

"Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory."

- Professor Steven J. Hawking

Some theories are more provisional than others.

Quantum theory and evolutionary theory have been so thoroughly tested and confirmed over such a long period of time, they are essentially tenets of modern science. Even if there is still more to learn about them

In my opinion, the big bang is a relatively more provisional theory because we are still essentially clueless about the nature of dark energy.

"Into the Night" - literally always wrong>>
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some here seem not to understand that "falsifiable" is an element of the scientific does not simply mean that something may eventually be discovered to be means that it is capable of experimentation to identify if it is true or false......

Only to identify if the theory itself is False. Nothing proves a theory True...ever.
You obviously have never set foot on a college campus, or taken a university level science course.
Wrong on both counts. Indeed, I have taught them. Science is not a university, degree, or license. You are just denying science.
There is no point debating you, when you cannot even admit you are wrong on simple, easily verified facts >>
There are no debates here. Just conversations. Learn what 'fact' means. Void argument fallacy. Redefinition fallacies.

No argument presented. Try English. It works better.

Predictions, can be tested to support or refute the hypothesis.
A hypothesis is not a theory. You test theories, not a hypothesis associated with a theory. There is no way to test the Theory of Evolution. You can't go back in time to see what actually happened.
Evolutionary theory predicts we should be able to observe evolution by natural selection in controlled, laboratory conditions.
Theories do not predict. They explain. A theory is an explanatory argument. An argument is a set of predicates and a conclusion. Nothing about evolution occurring today says that present day life is the result of life evolved from more primitive forms.
We have. In fruit flies and bacterium, species which can evolve quickly enough to observe.
That is not natural selection. That is unnatural selection. We are imposing conditions. We do the same thing when we raise dogs, pigeons, cats, horses, pigs, tulips, roses, fruit, cattle, etc.
We have even observed evolution by natural selection in real time in natural conditions - peppered moths in England.
Nope. Same moth. Just different coloring. No different from many other animals that change their color according to conditions surrounding them. Some even do it seasonally.
If we had not made these observations, it would have offered a refutation of Darwin's theory.
Argument of ignorance fallacy. Compositional error fallacy. One example does not mean all cases.
Evolutionary theory predicts
Theories do not predict. They are incapable of prediction. Prediction can only occur in a closed functional system such as mathematics or logic. It comes with the power of the proof. Science is an open functional system.
we should be able to find and observe transitional fossils,
Define 'transitional fossil'. You are using this buzzword again.
demonstrating evolutionary morphological changes between species over geologic time scales.
Define 'geologic time scale'. Another favorite buzzword of yours.
We have found transitional fossils.
Define 'transitional fossil'.
If we had not, the lack of transitional fossils would have required us to rethink our ideas the mechanisms of evolution
Argument of ignorance fallacy. It would have required no such thing.

The Theory of Evolution is not falsifiable. It cannot be tested. We can't go back in time to see what actually happened. It is a religion. Like all religions, it is based on some initial circular argument with arguments extending from that. Like any religion, there are those that try to prove their religion. This forms the circular argument fallacy (what you are doing). It is what a fundamentalist does.
Are you always wrong?

Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis:
A theory is not a hypothesis.
you can never prove it.
This is correct. You can never prove any theory True.
No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory."
Also correct. You can never prove a theory True.
Professor Steven J. Hawking
He is correct, except for the use of 'hypothesis' as 'theory'. They are two separate things.
Some theories are more provisional than others.
Nope. There is no scale here.
Quantum theory
There is no such thing as 'quantum theory'. Quantum physics is made up of many theories, and is essentially mathematical in form, primarily making use of probability math and statistical math.
and evolutionary theory have been so thoroughly tested and confirmed over such a long period of time,
No theory is ever proven True. No theory is ever 'confirmed'. It is not possible to test the Theory of Evolution. We can't go back in time to see what actually happened.
they are essentially tenets of modern science.
The Theory of Evolution is not science. It is religion. It is not falsifiable. It therefore remains a circular argument.
Even if there is still more to learn about them
Science isn't 'learning'. It is a set of falsifiable theories.
In my opinion, the big bang is a relatively more provisional theory because we are still essentially clueless about the nature of dark energy.
No more or less 'provisional'. It too is not falsifiable. It cannot be tested. We can't go back in time to see what actually happened.
"Into the Night" - literally always wrong>>
Bulverism fallacy.
"Into the Night": literally wrong all the bloody time >>

A hypothesis is not a theory. You test theories, not a hypothesis associated with a theory!.
Encyclopedia Britannica: "Scientific method, mathematical and experimental technique employed in the sciences. More specifically, it is the technique used in the construction and testing of a scientific hypothesis."

Into the Night: "There is no such thing as a 'statistics department' at a university!"
Stanford University Department of Statistics

University of California* Berkley Department of Statistics

(Theory of pangenesis?) Darwin NEVER made any such theory!

"Charles Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis"
Source: Arizona State University

Into the Night: When you study quantum physics, you will be studying math, primarily probability math, but also some in statistics. It is NOT science!!* It is math.

"Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small."

There is no such thing as a 'provisional theory'!

"Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory."

- Professor Steven J. Hawking
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"Into the Night": literally wrong all the bloody time >>
Bulverism fallacy.
Encyclopedia Britannica: "Scientific method,
Science is not a method or procedure. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The Britannica is not a dictionary. Dictionaries do not define words anyway. Science is defined by philosophy.
mathematical and experimental technique employed in the sciences.
Science is not mathematics. Science is not technique. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
More specifically, it is the technique used in the construction and testing of a scientific hypothesis."
No such thing as a 'scientific' hypothesis. Science isn't a hypothesis. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
...deleted spam...

No arguments presented. False authorities. Repetitious arguments. Denial of science. Redefinitions.

Predictions, can be tested to support or refute the hypothesis.

Evolutionary theory predicts we should be able to observe evolution by natural selection in controlled, laboratory conditions.

We have. In fruit flies and bacterium, species which can evolve quickly enough to observe.

We have even observed evolution by natural selection in real time in natural conditions - peppered moths in England.

If we had not made these observations, it would have offered a refutation of Darwin's theory.

Evolutionary theory predicts we should be able to find and observe transitional fossils, demonstrating evolutionary morphological changes between species over geologic time scales.

We have found transitional fossils.

If we had not, the lack of transitional fossils would have required us to rethink our ideas the mechanisms of evolution

what lib'ruls would have us believe about evolution is that some other single celled creature should turn into a sentient competitor for human to "transitional" fossils, we have fossils and a tremendously active imagination on the part of a handful of idiots........"oh, you found a fossil with flippers?........obviously it turned into a creature that walked around.....except the ones who got flippers because they used to be creatures that walked around"..........
Quantum theory and evolutionary theory have been so thoroughly tested and confirmed over such a long period of time, they are essentially tenets of modern science.

given the fact that neither has EVER been experimentally tested it is rather sad you would say something that wrong......
Cypress: "Quantum theory and evolutionary theory have been so thoroughly tested and confirmed over such a long period of time, they are essentially tenets of modern science. Even if there is still more to learn about them."
given the fact that neither has EVER been experimentally tested it is rather sad you would say something that wrong......

"Evolution is an on-going process, and it can be studied experimentally in organisms with rapid generations."

Source: The preeminent scientific journal "Nature"
No one is saying evolution doesn't occur. You are trying to change the subject.

Philosopher of science Karl Popper, who is the founding figure in the falsification criterion of science, originally thought Darwin's theory was not falsifiable. But later, after he thought about it more, he decided is was testable and falsifiable.

That's right. The founder of the falsification criterion of science himself thought evolution by natural selection is falsifiable.

Evolution by natural selection has been tested and confirmed by laboratory-controlled experimentation, field observation, fossil record, and genetics. The rightwing blogs you are reading are actually making you stupider.

. The founder of the falsification criterion of science himself thought evolution by natural selection is falsifiable.

/ he and you are both wrong.....the lib'rul fantasy that human beings evolved from single celled organisms is not falsifiable.......