Christmas Wish

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There is a really special young man that I know. He graduated from high school with honors, got scholarships for college and graduated. Has a bright future where ever he wants to go.

This kid spends his days off working at a homeless shelter and a food bank. He spent all his spring breaks in Mexico. But instead of laying on a beach and getting drunk in Cancun, he was in some of the poorest places helping rebuild schools, helping with medical care and teaching some basic skills to the locals.

The status message on his FaceBook is:

[ame=""]YouTube - My Grown Up Christmas List[/ame]

Maybe some of us can spare a little time, so he can see a little more progress, and we can all rest easier.
Selflesness around Christmas ? How unamerican.

Yeah, ain't that the truth.

But as unstylish as it is at xmas time, look at how little is donated the rest of the year. A handful of people sacrifice so much because the majority of us forget to do even a little bit.
Yeah, MY hat is off to those who are so giving of themselves to those in need.

I feely admit I am not as good as that.

But I am working on it :)
I want to comment here. As I watched that video I was moved as I often am with the plight of some just to make it from day to day. I don't see how some could wind up in situations like this without family for help, as my family is large and extended and all around me. Many the time my wife and I have taken a relative in for a while as they worked to get back on their feet. I have several relatives who would do the same for me.

I also am a part of a group that will see to the medical needs, help with housing needs and certainly see to the nourishment needs of some of our unfortunate in our community and the largest town near us. Yes, it is a church effort but it is successful here. Through our efforts we have helped hundreds of folks since we started this years ago......and we require nothing in return.

I continue to give to those that need as much as I can and, as the wife says, sometimes more. I pray for these people and pray for more to help than are helping. Yes, I believe God answers, sometimes not as we think He should.

I am right there with people who say that if we are to be the greatest country in the world......and we are, then we have to do all we can to eliminate what you see in that video. All this being said, join Solitary this Christmas and don't forget about the rest of the year as well. Find someone who needs helping and help them. Always remember, no matter how bad you may think your situation is, there is always someone who is worse off. Find them and help them in some way.
By the way, being religious doesn't mean we ramp up our efforts around Christmas time. the efforts I spoke of above are done on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. We don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday so it is like another day to us. I just don't have to go to work is all. :)
I gave out about 1,000 worth of food for thanksgiving and expect to do at least that much for the rest of december. 2 of my 12 employees at my business are getting paid $15/hr to run areound today and tomorrow helping round up food for the local food bank. If we have the time and they want to, I encourage this type of activity.
Also good advertisement since they usually wear company jackets :)
That is great uscitizen. Lorax and I have talked several times about common ground for different reasons......mostly on the global warming/alternative fuel thing. This is but another area where people of all stripes can help if they will.
That is great uscitizen. Lorax and I have talked several times about common ground for different reasons......mostly on the global warming/alternative fuel thing. This is but another area where people of all stripes can help if they will.

Leaning , there is lots of common ground between myself and those I consider "reasonable Republicans". You Sol and a few more on here.

But for those blind tools on the extreme right like D & D and for those on the extreme finiancial right I have difficulty finding common ground.

You are a preacher and I am an atheist, but we share many common views on dealing with people. I consider true Cristians like you appear to be to be good people.
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You may be able to Prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?
I want to comment here. As I watched that video I was moved as I often am with the plight of some just to make it from day to day. I don't see how some could wind up in situations like this without family for help, as my family is large and extended and all around me. Many the time my wife and I have taken a relative in for a while as they worked to get back on their feet. I have several relatives who would do the same for me.

I also am a part of a group that will see to the medical needs, help with housing needs and certainly see to the nourishment needs of some of our unfortunate in our community and the largest town near us. Yes, it is a church effort but it is successful here. Through our efforts we have helped hundreds of folks since we started this years ago......and we require nothing in return.

I continue to give to those that need as much as I can and, as the wife says, sometimes more. I pray for these people and pray for more to help than are helping. Yes, I believe God answers, sometimes not as we think He should.

I am right there with people who say that if we are to be the greatest country in the world......and we are, then we have to do all we can to eliminate what you see in that video. All this being said, join Solitary this Christmas and don't forget about the rest of the year as well. Find someone who needs helping and help them. Always remember, no matter how bad you may think your situation is, there is always someone who is worse off. Find them and help them in some way.

I appreciate this post. I find myself feeling alienated here, unlike most messageboards. Why? I'm conservative. Yet, I fit in with what you are describing. I make a tad less than $35k per year. I have a mortgage of slightly over $120k. So far, so good. However, I'm over 50, under 55. I've raised 3 fantastic kids, now adults. Back in '92 when assets were divided, I got $115k. I was raised fairly comfortably and married into a bit better. Problem was, the divorce took 4 years and their father, was paying $50 per month, until ordered to pay more. During those years and for about another 5, therapy co-pays of $15 per visit added up to nearly $400 per month for 3 kids, one with serious mental health/behavior issues. With this and that, getting three through university, well not anything really left.

That $120k is now to $3k, with the wolves at the door. I should be one of those shrieking for more 'help.' However, I believe the country will come out of this problem era and want my kids and perhaps one day, grandchildren to have a chance. That won't happen with paying it forward as has been done and will be done if more socialistic programs are added.

I won't be asking for 'help', cause if I do need it, I have the family to do so. However, before these years hit and since, I've helped out at shelters, as did my parents and sibling. My kids do also, which is good to know, as lord knows what awaits any of us down the line, regardless of politics.
Don't count on democrats to pull any money out of their own pocket to help and donate.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show.

John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007

In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080. But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.
Don't count on democrats to pull any money out of their own pocket to help and donate.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show.

John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007

In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080. But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.

Exactly why I don't feel all that 'comfortable' here. I'm for doing for oneself or at least not harming those that come after.
Whether Obama, Biden or McCain gave anything at all is not really the point here.

The point is that we can all do more. We can solve the problems, or at least this problem.
Don't count on democrats to pull any money out of their own pocket to help and donate.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show.

John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007

In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080. But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.

Hmm THEIR income for the Obama's and HIS income for McCain ?
What about Candy's income ?
Interesting isn't it usc. I wondered how many caught that HIS and THEIR. Calculate based on Cindy's income and you will likely find the percentages the same.

This old "our side is better than their side" when it comes to charity is really getting old for me. I know liberals who are great givers and I know conservatives who are great givers.
Seriously, if my wife were worth millions (and I couldn't remember how many properties we owned) I could afford to give all of my meager income to charity.