Christo-fascist terrorists abandon peace talks


Well-known member's not just for muslims anymore.

Lord's Resistance Army Walks out of Peace Talks

KAMPALA (Reuters) - Negotiators for Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels walked out of peace talks in southern Sudan after their demands for cash and cabinet jobs were rejected, the government said on Thursday.

"We flatly rejected LRA's demands for cabinet posts and cash rewards," Captain Chris Magezi, spokesman for the government delegation at the negotiations in Juba, told Reuters.

Thursday's twist in the tortuous negotiation process came after the government and rebels took a big step forward earlier this week with an agreement to set up special war crimes courts locally for serious crimes.

That was seen as answering the rebels' demand for any peace deal to be dependent on their not facing prosecution at the International Criminal Court.

The ICC said on Thursday it still wanted them despite the government-rebel deal to prosecute serious crimes in Uganda.

LRA leader Joseph Kony and two of his top commanders have been charged with atrocities by The Hague-based ICC, which under international law requires they be turned over immediately upon capture or surrender.

The rebels are notorious for brutal attacks on civilians including burning them to death or hacking off their limbs. In 2005, the ICC indicted the leaders for killing, sexually abusing, looting and abducting children. Most of the victims were from their own Acholi ethnic group in northern Uganda.

Tens of thousands have been killed in the 21-year war.
Well obviously we should bomb them and occupy their country if they aren't dealt with.

Peace broke out despite the urge to promote hatred and fear over "Christofascism"? Wow, I'm shocked! What will you do now to promote fear of Christianity?
holy crap, your right. What are you, the board's resident Uganda expert?

I'd say he's hands down the most informed member of the board.

Always knows upcoming votes, how they are supposed to break, current polls, and international situations.

I'm fairly up on the international scene but I've been busy lately.
Yeah BBC World is hands down my favorite reporting. Bare facts and no uninformed opinion. Everything is credible and verifiable.
Yeah BBC World is hands down my favorite reporting. Bare facts and no uninformed opinion. Everything is credible and verifiable.
Weren't they the ones who recently admitted to an anti-Israel/America bias in reporting?

I know it was BBC...
Weren't they the ones who recently admitted to an anti-Israel/America bias in reporting?

I know it was BBC...

Yeah they were.

That just gives them more credibility, IMO, that they have these sort of internal and external watchdogs to remain free of bias.
Uh, I don't see anything in there about being anti-american or anti-Israel. Just some vague stuff about having "a liberal bias," which I guess to you is the same thing.

Did a BBC correspondent refuse to wear an American flag lapel pin or something?
Nah, as I said, this particular reporting was on BBC, it is nicer than the others.
Weren't they the ones who recently admitted to an anti-Israel/America bias in reporting?

I know it was BBC...

No news organization is perfect.

As a public broadcasting network, BBC is required by law to be accountable for their mistakes, to have independent ombudsmen review them, to publicize them, and to take mitigating action.

Fox News and CNN have no such accoutability. Their mistakes and bias are not subject to independent review, and corrective measures.
No news organization is perfect.

As a public broadcasting network, BBC is required by law to be accountable for their mistakes, to have independent ombudsmen review them, to publicize them, and to take mitigating action.

Fox News and CNN have no such accoutability. Their mistakes and bias are not subject to independent review, and corrective measures.
Other than by each other, as shown in the past. Things like See BS "News" and their pretend stories get reported in other media outlets, they even begin to report their own "mistakes" because of it.

The point was that everybody here was promoting them as all unbiased, they then come out with a report of their own stating that they are not biased, then don't report the whole report and work to get a judges ruling that they can hide parts of it.

They are a good news source, but people shouldn't promote them as perfect as people were in this thread before I mentioned this.