Christo-fascist terrorists abandon peace talks

Other than by each other, as shown in the past. Things like See BS "News" and their pretend stories get reported in other media outlets, they even begin to report their own "mistakes" because of it.

Just like the NY Times hit piece on McCain was ripped on by others for the shoddy "reporting". Hell, when the San Fran Chronicle says you screwed the pooch, you should immediately hang your head in shame.
Peace broke out despite the urge to promote hatred and fear over "Christofascism"? Wow, I'm shocked! What will you do now to promote fear of Christianity?



Did Fox News ever issue a mea culpa for their misreporting and pro-war bias leading up to the iraq war? Do they allow indepedent ombudsmen reviewers to review their Iraq reporting for bias, and outline corrrective measure to improve their reporting.

No they don't.

In that regard, I'll trust BBC more than I'll ever trust Fox or CNN. There are independent measures in place to hold them accountable. Whatever mistakes they make, are acknowledge, and attempt to correct them are made.
Side note to Cypress.... don't let those silly little dates or facts get in the way of your fear mongering and christian bashing.... have at it man.
Side note to Cypress.... don't let those silly little dates or facts get in the way of your fear mongering and christian bashing.... have at it man.

I'm so glad you can easilty dismiss 20 years of rape, murder, kidnapping, and mutilation all in the name of establishing a fundamentalist christian nation in Uganda.

Hats off to the peace negotiaion. Hopefully it holds. 20 years is a long time, and there are other chrisitan terrorists on the planet. Terrorism is not synonymous with islam, though many on the right proclaim it is.
The same reason I would as an atheist.

You are a minority in this country and his opinion has the power to greatly affect your life.
Well, I didn't. I right-clicked on the picture and saw the name.

Who leads it matters not, who they attempt to get elected matters.
I'm so glad you can easilty dismiss 20 years of rape, murder, kidnapping, and mutilation all in the name of establishing a fundamentalist christian nation in Uganda.

Hats off to the peace negotiaion. Hopefully it holds. 20 years is a long time, and there are other chrisitan terrorists on the planet. Terrorism is not synonymous with islam, though many on the right proclaim it is.

Sorry, but I thought that was the Dems strategy. Just ignore the shit going on in the Sudan, Congo etc... if they aren't attacking us it is no concern of ours.

Side note cypress... no one said terrorism is synonymous with islam.
Sorry, but I thought that was the Dems strategy. Just ignore the shit going on in the Sudan, Congo etc... if they aren't attacking us it is no concern of ours.

Side note cypress... no one said terrorism is synonymous with islam.

Google is your friend. Many on the right have been broadly equating the religion of islam with violence and terrorism, suggesting that there's something inherently violent with the religion.
Google is your friend. Many on the right have been broadly equating the religion of islam with violence and terrorism, suggesting that there's something inherently violent with the religion.

Yeah. It's the part where Muslims are instructed to subjugate all others to islam by force.
Google is your friend. Many on the right have been broadly equating the religion of islam with violence and terrorism, suggesting that there's something inherently violent with the religion.

Please. This is simply more of your typical bullshit spin. While there may certainly be some on the right that are ignorant enough to state that all Islamists are terrorists.... which we both agree is idiotic.... but show me one example where someone says ONLY people of Islam are terrorists.
Ha arguing with you is ridiculous sometimes.

You'll never make it easy on me and just be like "Hey yeah I really should have known who Ralph Reed is."

You'll always seize on some tiny point and just refuse to abdicate on it.
That's how we roll...

Seriously. I don't care who they are, other than I refuse to vote again for a solely religious 'conservative'... He can wind up out next week, another just like him will take his place.