Christofacists at it again


JPP Modarater

"WATERTOWN, New York (AP) -- The minister of a church that dismissed a female Sunday School teacher after adopting what it called a literal interpretation of the Bible says a woman can perform any job -- outside of the church."

my favorite part is this:

" "I believe that a woman can perform any job and fulfill any responsibility that she desires to" outside of the church, LaBouf wrote Saturday."

Nice way to try and save your job.
Oh well joining and attending a church was that womans choice and now she is being paid for her stupidity.
I wonder how far they are going to take the literal interpretations of the bible. Are they going to arbitrarily stop at sexism or are they going to go for some of the good stuff in the old testament?
I dunno, I view churches as clubs, join if you want to, but be prepared to go by the clubs rules if you want to stay in there.
This is why following a religious text is stupid. It does say that in the bible and if you are going to be a true Christian you should follow it. However upon reading such stupidity you should realize that texts like the bible have no place in the modern world and should be discarded completely.
I wonder how far they are going to take the literal interpretations of the bible. Are they going to arbitrarily stop at sexism or are they going to go for some of the good stuff in the old testament?

Do the Muslims bother you as well...? Or is it just the Christiphobe in you? ;)

Seriously Lady T... the overall Christian Chruch...despite these small little pockets of Orthodoxy ... are in the year 2006 when it comes to the Womens role ...

If any religion should bother you as far as Womens rights ... you should fear the fastest growing religion in the World and the USA... Islam... are you ready to walk how many steps behind your husband with your face covered..?
This is why following a religious text is stupid. It does say that in the bible and if you are going to be a true Christian you should follow it. However upon reading such stupidity you should realize that texts like the bible have no place in the modern world and should be discarded completely.

Yeah ..lets censor all History.... burn all Bibles! What the fuck did you just say?
Yeah ..lets censor all History.... burn all Bibles! What the fuck did you just say?

Who said anything about burning or censoring?

That the modern world is so enthralled with a book that is essentially a mythology akin to Ovid's Metamorposes, to the stage that they live by it's word, is shocking.

That it is encouraged is wrong, that it is force-fed to children is, IMO, a mild form of child abuse.
And the last word from CNN.......>>In a statement, the board said other issues were behind Lambert's dismissal, but it did not say what they were.
Do the Muslims bother you as well...? Or is it just the Christiphobe in you? ;)

Seriously Lady T... the overall Christian Chruch...despite these small little pockets of Orthodoxy ... are in the year 2006 when it comes to the Womens role ...

If any religion should bother you as far as Womens rights ... you should fear the fastest growing religion in the World and the USA... Islam... are you ready to walk how many steps behind your husband with your face covered..?

Hell yeah, the fundamentalist muslims in the middle east are horribly oppressive to women.

I'm convinced that virtually every problem in the middle east could be solved, if women were empowered in the arab countries. There is a direct correlation between the "success" of a civilized society, and the empowerment of women in those societies. Every country were women have equal rights as men, are largely successful, educated, and relatively peaceful.

I think the excuses that are trotted out to explain mideast violence (poverty, lack of education, militarism) are simply symptons of the underlying problem: lack of women's rights.

We know from history, that when women in a country are empowered, the governments have to respond to women's agenda: women are much more concerned with the social welfare, education, healthcare, and peaceful solutions to problems. they are much less inclined to be militaristic. A male-dominated society runs on way too much testosterone.
Do the Muslims bother you as well...? Or is it just the Christiphobe in you?

All religions are equally the same. Human Attribution Syndrome. A rejection of the Apollonian in favour of the Dionysian. Rejection of reason in the face of the ambigious 'spiritual'....
Agreed on the child abuse thing Anyold. I had not choice but to attend till I was 16. At that time I rubbed my parents nose in several scriptures and they let me diecide for myself. Having extreme stage fright I was continually traumatized when forced to get up in plays and such.
Yeah ..lets censor all History.... burn all Bibles! What the fuck did you just say?

Yes thats what I'm calling for censorship and book burning. Nice attempt at strawman but come on you're smarter than that.

The belief that the religious texts of those religions that use texts are that they are the word of God. Thus all of that which is written in the bible, quran or torah etc. are the voice of God. Thus if god says something you must do it or it must be true. The Bible does instruct that women are to never have a superior position as far as leadership goes over men. If you are to be a true Christian you must follow that teaching religiously. You are not allowed to pick and choose and consider modern context. You are not an arbiter of God's will. It is in the book believe it and do it without question.

However what one should do is question and ask the very important question, "Does this really come from god or a man who is influenced by current customs and traditions. A look at history as well as the nature of man should lead you to conclude that latter and to realize that religious texts are corruptable and most likely corrupted or even totally penned out of the mind of a man without any divine influence.

One should see that the path to God is in direct communinon and observation. Religious texts are as valuable as hearsay.
The Scriptures are fascinating ... History is written in these Books.... they are as important a read as the hieroglyphics on the walls of Ancient Egypt..and remembr this...hieroglyphics are interpreted by man as well when it comes to outlining societal history... no one ever seems to question the outcomes.
IHG.. I know you didnt advocate book burning .. but you pretty much said they should be discarded. What you really mean is you hope for a day whnm Religion is discarded.

Ancient Scriptures are phenominal reading ...
The Scriptures are fascinating ... History is written in these Books.... they are as important a read as the hieroglyphics on the walls of Ancient Egypt..and remembr this...hieroglyphics are interpreted by man as well when it comes to outlining societal history... no one ever seems to question the outcomes.
IHG.. I know you didnt advocate book burning .. but you pretty much said they should be discarded. What you really mean is you hope for a day whnm Religion is discarded.

Nope. I said to discard its use as the sole guideline toward how to live your life. I also said to discard the interpretation that it is the literal word of god. yes the Bible is a valuable historical text as well as a book of parables and moral philsophy. However one should not operate under the idea that it is infallible or the word of god himself. An analysis of the texts would easily lead to the conclusion it isn't.

The bible should be read like the writing of confucious or Plato's Republic. Interesting reading worthy of incoroporation into your own life. It should not be held dogmatically.

This is the folly of this man in the article. However I have more respect for that man than those who decry that passage and yet hold onto the idea that the bible is the word of god.
Looking at my earlier post I did say discarded completely. I was wrong to say that because it implied I meant that in all respects. Obviously the bible is an important literary work and cultrual artifact. I never denied that I just meant when I said discarded it was in reference to the way in which that man used it and many like him.
Do the Muslims bother you as well...? Or is it just the Christiphobe in you? ;)

Seriously Lady T... the overall Christian Chruch...despite these small little pockets of Orthodoxy ... are in the year 2006 when it comes to the Womens role ...

If any religion should bother you as far as Womens rights ... you should fear the fastest growing religion in the World and the USA... Islam... are you ready to walk how many steps behind your husband with your face covered..?

This is why I'm not a muslim nor will I ever emigrate to a country that has islam as the rule of law. However, as someone who is a Christian, I'm particularly bothered when I see stuff like this in the news. And just so you know, in my personal life I do challenge muslims on a lot of their beliefs. Just because I haven't started a thread on it doesn't mean I don't acknowledge the injustices and hypocrisies.
The difference with how harsh Islam appears when compared to Christianity is because of culture and not religion itself. If you were to read the bible and the quran and implement the life style each called for strictly you would find them equally restricting.

The difference is that in the west Christians have abandoned most of the more difficult edicts and are more lax with what is commanded in the bible. I have observed the same of Muslims who immigrate here as they become more lax with their religion as well. I am willing to bet that Christians living in the middle east are much more strict with their religion than European or American Christians.