Christofacists at it again

Of course you are. I have worked for women bosses, sat through many classes and presentations by women. No problem. I will even cast my vote for a woman over a man in the local election here tomorrow. To me there is the religious side in which I do my best to follow the Bible and there is the secular side, in which I do my best to follow the Bible as it pertains to obeying the laws of the land, rendering unto Caesar, so to speak, etc.

well, then, looks like its hell for you! Bring a bathing suit.
Ahh, but in what context? Paul is writing to Timothy about things pertaining to the church - the religious side I spoke of.

Ah but what is the reasoning for this. Women are subservient and even inferior to man as they came from Adam. Thus Adam shall always be first and his sons. This concept applies to all facets of life outside the church and are applicable in the family, politics and business. In fact the bible does not encourage equality of gender but rather that in all social context women obey are are to be subservient to men.
Of course you are. I have worked for women bosses, sat through many classes and presentations by women. No problem. I will even cast my vote for a woman over a man in the local election here tomorrow. To me there is the religious side in which I do my best to follow the Bible and there is the secular side, in which I do my best to follow the Bible as it pertains to obeying the laws of the land, rendering unto Caesar, so to speak, etc.
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You are violating that biblical edict. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. This says a woman may not have authorirty over a man. Thus you may not vote for a woman as it would place a woman in authority over a man. If you believe in this passage you must follow it.


I get the feeling that ALL people pick and choose which parts of the bible they acutally want to apply to their lives.
"going to adopt a literal interpretation and that women inside the church shouldn't teach men."

This is precisely the position we adopt. It comes straight from the Bible.

I Tim. 2:12 - "And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve."

Thus we have no women teachers except for in the little children's classes. It's what the Bible says, therefore I see nothing wrong with it.
And this is exactly what I have against Christianity: the willingness to shut off the brain if someone tells you to, based on biblical text. To be sure, Islam suffers from the same defect.

The edict is clearly stupid. Doesn't it make more sense to believe that someone back in history just inserted some stupidity into the book because he was, well, a bigot?
well, then, looks like its hell for you! Bring a bathing suit.

Quick! Convert to either islam or judaism! Those religions don't believe in eternal damnation. In islam and judaism at worst, you'll be in hell for a short while, recieve your punishment, and then afterwards will join the rest of us in heaven!
Social stratification by gender roles in society made sense 2000 years ago. It has lost its applicability in a technologically advanced liberal democracy.
And this is exactly what I have against Christianity: the willingness to shut off the brain if someone tells you to, based on biblical text. To be sure, Islam suffers from the same defect.

The edict is clearly stupid. Doesn't it make more sense to believe that someone back in history just inserted some stupidity into the book because he was, well, a bigot?

As born-again Christians, we've been given the revelation that the Bible is the word of God, and we should trust whatever it says. ALL scripture is useful for teaching, correcting, edification, etc.
"This says a woman may not have authorirty over a man. Thus you may not vote for a woman as it would place a woman in authority over a man. If you believe in this passage you must follow it."

Again, I must take the "whole counsel of God" on this matter. I see women in the Bible holding positions of authority (Deborah) and teaching women(Lydia), children (Timothy by his mother and grandmother) and even men who are not Christians (Aquilla and Priscilla). We must make a distinction between the roles and what the Bible speaks of. It does not make women inferior to men, it makes them equal (joint heirs, never possible under Judaism) but has differing roles for them to fill.

I get the feeling that ALL people pick and choose which parts of the bible they acutally want to apply to their lives.

Just like Kerry when he did that photo op during the 2004 elections know the one.. where he was going to the alter for Holy Communion...

Do you think he truly believes in his Catholicism ...or do you think he uses it when it is for his benefit... just wondering about the guy you voted for ....
Quick! Convert to either islam or judaism! Those religions don't believe in eternal damnation. In islam and judaism at worst, you'll be in hell for a short while, recieve your punishment, and then afterwards will join the rest of us in heaven!

South park has warped my mind immensely. LMAO every time I think of "hell" I think of that episode where hell was basically a shore side condo community and the devil was lovers with Saddam.
Do the Muslims bother you as well...? Or is it just the Christiphobe in you? ;)

Seriously Lady T... the overall Christian Chruch...despite these small little pockets of Orthodoxy ... are in the year 2006 when it comes to the Womens role ...

If any religion should bother you as far as Womens rights ... you should fear the fastest growing religion in the World and the USA... Islam... are you ready to walk how many steps behind your husband with your face covered..?

i can't speak for Lady T, but i can't stand muslims either, lts like shave your fucking face... they let it grow and get all nappy... then i mean all the bowing and shit ont he ground your going to hurt your back.
As born-again Christians, we've been given the revelation that the Bible is the word of God, and we should trust whatever it says. ALL scripture is useful for teaching, correcting, edification, etc.
It is not necessary, however. Many Christians -- most Christians, at least in the developed world -- do not insist on the idea that every single word of the bible is literally the Word of God. Most Christians are content to look for the divine inspiration behind the words.
Again, I must take the "whole counsel of God" on this matter. I see women in the Bible holding positions of authority (Deborah) and teaching women(Lydia), children (Timothy by his mother and grandmother) and even men who are not Christians (Aquilla and Priscilla). We must make a distinction between the roles and what the Bible speaks of. It does not make women inferior to men, it makes them equal (joint heirs, never possible under Judaism) but has differing roles for them to fill.

I understand the idea of separate but equal. However I tend to not view this as tenable as things that are different are seldomly quantifiable as equal. As for evidence of things contradicting that passage such as Deborah the bible is filled with such things that contradict other ideas espoused.

What is the rationale of not allowing a woman to have authority over men in the church. How is this rationale not applicable to other social interactions.
Just like Kerry when he did that photo op during the 2004 elections know the one.. where he was going to the alter for Holy Communion...

Do you think he truly believes in his Catholicism ...or do you think he uses it when it is for his benefit... just wondering about the guy you voted for ....

as opposed to voting for a guy who bombs countries that never attacked us.... i see where your 'values' are klaatu.
Just like Kerry when he did that photo op during the 2004 elections know the one.. where he was going to the alter for Holy Communion...

Do you think he truly believes in his Catholicism ...or do you think he uses it when it is for his benefit... just wondering about the guy you voted for ....

Sure he did but that doesn't distinguish him from Bush so its a wash at least.
Do you think he truly believes in his Catholicism ...or do you think he uses it when it is for his benefit... just wondering about the guy you voted for ....

Pfft.....heck no. Everyone knows he's a satanist who likes to sacrifice children to the God Thorungoes
Thats fine for you Brent. But many of us question all authority especially when faced with information to the contrary.

But why should you care? Nobody is forcing you to attend church, IH8, or to follow our teachings. What we believe in regards to gender roles does not affect you.