Christopher Hitchens tries waterboarding-yes it is torture

Can we get Limbaugh to try that college prank on next? Please, oh please.

In his case it would not be torture, just an educational session.
I am not at all minimizing what he went through, but to me it seemed that his "ordeal" was not nearly as torturous as what a prisoner would go through. First off, the CIA agents gave him instructions about the metal he held in his hand. Drop it when you have had enough and they also gave him a code word to shout out when he was done... as if he could shout with a face full of water! Second, he knew that these guys were not out to kill him. Third, I didn't think they simply poured a few thimblefuls of water on you and then stopped. I thought it was a hose splashing in your face basically none stop. They would pour a few drops on his face and then stop, waiting for him to catch his breath then pour a few more drops. And they walked him into to room quite gingerly... don't bump your knee on that board there... steady... steady.... steady... lay down here, let us guide you down.

That being said and his apparent inability to last more than 20 seconds, can you imagine being a prisoner and not having a code word or metal to drop or not knowing that these guys wouldn't rather see you dead then stop pouring water in your face? The psychological torture that a true prisoner would under go would tend to make this completely unbearable.

Of course the report commented on the "needs" basis of the procedure. I must say, that I am not one who subscribes to "the needs justify the means" point of view of torture.

I don't know that Mr. Hitchens really endured real torture there, maybe he didn't give it a real go, but if he did, then I can not imagine being held down by people that wanted me dead, while they were pouring water in my face non stop without any idea how long that was going to last and with no way of making them stop except telling them what they want to hear whether it is the truth or not.

I would volunteer to undergo this, so I could speak with more authority. I believe that the practice is torture based on the stance of the US earlier. However I also believe that the gentleman went through this to "prove" that it was torture. If I did this, it wouldn't be to prove a preconceived idea that I wanted to prove.
It is worth pointing out that Christopher Hitchens was for the Iraq war whereas his more right wing brother Peter was resolutely against from the start.

I would volunteer to undergo this, so I could speak with more authority. I believe that the practice is torture based on the stance of the US earlier. However I also believe that the gentleman went through this to "prove" that it was torture. If I did this, it wouldn't be to prove a preconceived idea that I wanted to prove.
The only new material you ever get is used to cover your arse.
HAhahahaaaaa! There he goes on his Christopher Hitchens jag!

Fer chrissakes Tom. You need new damn material!

When Christopher Hitchens speaks, people listen...

Of course now that EF Hutton is in the crapper/, is it any wonder.... :gives:
I would volunteer to undergo this, so I could speak with more authority. I believe that the practice is torture based on the stance of the US earlier. However I also believe that the gentleman went through this to "prove" that it was torture. If I did this, it wouldn't be to prove a preconceived idea that I wanted to prove.

Who you trying to kid Damo you'd not only volunteer, you'd pay....and if Michelle Malkin was the official'd pay extra!
I would volunteer to undergo this, so I could speak with more authority. I believe that the practice is torture based on the stance of the US earlier. However I also believe that the gentleman went through this to "prove" that it was torture. If I did this, it wouldn't be to prove a preconceived idea that I wanted to prove.

Hitchens was a British intellectual widely known for supporting the US's interrogation techniques.


Hitchens initially rejected the notion that waterboarding, a controversial interrogation technique that has allegedly been used on prisoners held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay, constitutes torture. Subsequently, he was asked by Vanity Fair to experience it for himself. In May 2008, Hitchens voluntarily experienced waterboarding, after which he fully changed his opinion. He concluded "if waterboarding does not constitute torture, then there is no such thing as torture."[56][57]
It is worth pointing out that Christopher Hitchens was for the Iraq war whereas his more right wing brother Peter was resolutely against from the start.
I am also a right-winger that was against it from the start, what is your point? It doesn't change on iota what I said about it.