Christopher Hitchens tries waterboarding-yes it is torture

It seems to me that the cloth or cellophane placed over the face is a crucial aspect to the procedure.

If you could just stop it by holding your breath waterboarding would be no more useful than shoving someones head into a bucket until they ran out of breath. The technique is designed to force inhalation of water and start an uncontrollable psychological reflex.
The O'Reilly Factor is famous or should I say infamous in the US, it is on Fox News. Most of the clowns watch it for inspiration.

First time I have seen, or heard, this O'Reilly chap. What an ignorant twat! Does some TV station actually pay him or did he film that in his mother's bedroom?
Y'know America gets more american with every TV show we see.

Waterboarding isn't exactly like holding your breath. For one thing, it induces the gag reflex almost immediately. It's sort of like insta-drowning. People have broken bones resisting their restraints during waterboarding.
This is true. Because you cannot plug your nose water pours down your nose and into your throat. It does cause gagging. Also, the CIA itself admits that 30 seconds is a long time to undergo this. But they use pails, and they pour water much quicker and in much larger quantities. The administrators of this test used kid gloves with Hitchens. Does not make the practice any less torturous. And not one of us here could take the real thing for very long without feeling like we were dying. Free societies do not engage in this sort of conduct. It undermines the very principles this country holds dear. If the evil doers had captured one of our soldiers and did this to him or her and showed a video of it, not ONE of you that supported the Bush administration in their conduct would call it anything but torture. If it is torture to do it to our soldiers, it is torture to do it to anyone. Torture is not subjective.
First time I have seen, or heard, this O'Reilly chap. What an ignorant twat! Does some TV station actually pay him or did he film that in his mother's bedroom?
Y'know America gets more american with every TV show we see.

BillO claimns to be an independent. Didn't you pick up on his independent politics when you watched his show.
He is a favorite of the over 50 right wing crowd.
Ahhh, all those people in 'Forrinland'. Who would they be then?

They would be the Furriners who fill out that stupid ratings forms...

FYI - nearly all of the posters on this site are US Americans with the exceptions of some Canadians and Brits. We used to have an Australian who posted here, and I believe a Spaniard for a time...

We naturally have an Amero-centric perspective. No one is trying to be condescending by referring to you as foreign.
Low is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in Hong Kong. The US and the War on Terror board was pretty much the same as this one in that respect. We were accused many times of having no business being on an American board discussing American policy. The fact that those policies impinged on the rest of the world seemed to go right over the heads of the resident neo-cons on that board, I expect the same accusation will be levelled at us on here before too long.

They would be the Furriners who fill out that stupid ratings forms...

FYI - nearly all of the posters on this site are US Americans with the exceptions of some Canadians and Brits. We used to have an Australian who posted here, and I believe a Spaniard for a time...

We naturally have an Amero-centric perspective. No one is trying to be condescending by referring to you as foreign.
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Low is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in Hong Kong. The US and the War on Terror board was pretty much the same as this one in that respect. We were accused many times of having no business being on an American board discussing American policy. The fact that those policies impinged on the rest of the world seemed to go right over the heads of the resident neo-cons on that board, I expect the same accusation will be levelled at us on here before too long.

But it can be fun just being a little pebble in a big shoe.
Number one for what and by whom? The entire population of the US and foreign countries? Or the entire population of Fox viewers/listeners?

If you take the Nielsen Ratings (I am assuming just for the US), Bill actually does dominate, pulling oddles of points ahead of number two. I have no flippin' clue how he does it, because he is friggin' annoying!