Citizens are just Not Allowed?

i like this for the most part

mass deportation is simply unworkable...with that said, don't grant bullshit as my wife (canadian) had to jump through the hoops to get citizenship

i disagree with guest workers. those who are unemployed and are currently here can do those jobs. americans did those jobs just a few decades ago, now they simply accept that its the illegals who are going to do it. also, i highly doubt it would be easy for a non mexican to get field work....they may not have unions, but it would be naive to not believe there aren't those who control the jobs. americans of all ethnic backgrounds need to turn off this near slave mentality when it comes to the fields. those jobs should be for the unemployed, those on welfare etc....they say they can't find jobs....there are plenty of field worker jobs

anchor baby does need to be amendment IMO....times have radically changed since that clause was written

But did you see those guys climb the fence? I'm sure they could get work as "tree toppers" in Washington State and other places. Even I had to hire a guy to top a tree way up here in the Great White North and those guys don't come cheap!
But did you see those guys climb the fence? I'm sure they could get work as "tree toppers" in Washington State and other places. Even I had to hire a guy to top a tree way up here in the Great White North and those guys don't come cheap!

what is this suppose to mean?
Originally Posted by apple0154
But did you see those guys climb the fence? I'm sure they could get work as "tree toppers" in Washington State and other places. Even I had to hire a guy to top a tree way up here in the Great White North and those guys don't come cheap!

what is this suppose to mean?

Did you watch the video in post #1? From 0:34 to 0:50 it shows the guys climbing the fence. They'd make good tree toppers....whatever you call those guys who trim tall trees.

If those folks are seeking work maybe Washington State would be a good place for them to check out. That service is expensive and I imagine there are employment opportunities.
Did you watch the video in post #1? From 0:34 to 0:50 it shows the guys climbing the fence. They'd make good tree toppers....whatever you call those guys who trim tall trees.

If those folks are seeking work maybe Washington State would be a good place for them to check out. That service is expensive and I imagine there are employment opportunities.


so you're saying that ONLY those who hop a fence can do the work? i can't believe you're suggesting that no americans can also do the work....

you've missed the point apple

so you're saying that ONLY those who hop a fence can do the work? i can't believe you're suggesting that no americans can also do the work....

you've missed the point apple

I'm sure Americans can do the work. My point is if more people did the job the cost would go down. Capitalism/competition thing.

Also, it would result in a few less people taking other jobs in Arizona.

Furthermore, due to the decrease in the birth rate there are a lot of jobs aliens are available to do. Jobs that teenagers used to do like cutting lawns, babysitting, gardening, delivering newspapers, etc.
I'm sure Americans can do the work. My point is if more people did the job the cost would go down. Capitalism/competition thing.

Also, it would result in a few less people taking other jobs in Arizona.

Furthermore, due to the decrease in the birth rate there are a lot of jobs aliens are available to do. Jobs that teenagers used to do like cutting lawns, babysitting, gardening, delivering newspapers, etc.

? seriously, you make no sense....

how many are on unemployment now....if the so called cost went should....minimum wage is a raises wages and simultaneously raises cost of living prices....

take out the stigma that only illegals do field work....put the unemployed in this country legally to is not a difficult concept
? seriously, you make no sense....

how many are on unemployment now....if the so called cost went should....minimum wage is a raises wages and simultaneously raises cost of living prices....

take out the stigma that only illegals do field work....put the unemployed in this country legally to is not a difficult concept

Unemployment is an insurance policy. When a person becomes unemployed they need to be able to have the time to seek employment. They can not do that if they are working in a field or at any other job.

If not for minimum wage people would be doing slave labor.
Unemployment is an insurance policy. When a person becomes unemployed they need to be able to have the time to seek employment. They can not do that if they are working in a field or at any other job.

If not for minimum wage people would be doing slave labor.

huh....did you even read my post(s)?

you're not addressing're spouting talking points...come back with your own opinion
huh....did you even read my post(s)?

you're not addressing're spouting talking points...come back with your own opinion

In msg. 37 you wrote, "take out the stigma that only illegals do field work....put the unemployed in this country legally to is not a difficult concept" to which I responded in msg 38, "Unemployment is an insurance policy. When a person becomes unemployed they need to be able to have the time to seek employment. They can not do that if they are working in a field or at any other job."

In msg. 37 you wrote, ".minimum wage is a raises wages and simultaneously raises cost of living prices...." to which I replied in msg 38, "If not for minimum wage people would be doing slave labor."

I addressed precisely the points you raised.
In msg. 37 you wrote, "take out the stigma that only illegals do field work....put the unemployed in this country legally to is not a difficult concept" to which I responded in msg 38, "Unemployment is an insurance policy. When a person becomes unemployed they need to be able to have the time to seek employment. They can not do that if they are working in a field or at any other job."

In msg. 37 you wrote, ".minimum wage is a raises wages and simultaneously raises cost of living prices...." to which I replied in msg 38, "If not for minimum wage people would be doing slave labor."

I addressed precisely the points you raised.

But you don't address them well. Working in a field IS employment. The search is over. But i do agree with minimum wage laws.
But you don't address them well. Working in a field IS employment. The search is over. But i do agree with minimum wage laws.

The search is not over for a carpenter or computer analyst who is picking vegetables in a field. Unemployment insurance ensures a person can survive while seeking suitable employment.

We could use home insurance as an analogy. If a person's large screen plasma TV is stolen ones insurance company does not replace it with a 12" B&W saying a TV is a TV.
The search is not over for a carpenter or computer analyst who is picking vegetables in a field. Unemployment insurance ensures a person can survive while seeking suitable employment.

We could use home insurance as an analogy. If a person's large screen plasma TV is stolen ones insurance company does not replace it with a 12" B&W saying a TV is a TV.

if we keep out illegals from driving down wages, those jobs won't pay as poorly.

We all can't just sit around until we get our dream job. I know your nazi goal is to get everyone dependant on the government, but that's queer.
if we keep out illegals from driving down wages, those jobs won't pay as poorly.

And we'll all pay more for vegetables.

We all can't just sit around until we get our dream job. I know your nazi goal is to get everyone dependant on the government, but that's queer.

It's not a matter of a dream job. It's a matter of finding a suitable job.

Try and follow along here. Why pay someone $10/hr to work in a field when that person is trained for something else and is not happy working in a field when we can pay someone else $5/hr and they are happy working in the field? Lower food prices, due to paying lower wages for field work, means we all have extra money so that extra should be given to help support the unemployed carpenter or computer programmer until they find work.

In both cases one is spending the same amount of money. The choice is between paying higher wages for someone who does not want to work in a field or paying lower wages for someone who does want to do that type of work and contributing the saved money to support the one who is unemployed.

You continually associate government help with socialism and dictatorships yet you propose everyone must work regardless of the type of job or the person's affinity for the job. It appears it is you who thinks along the lines of communism.
And we'll all pay more for vegetables.

It's not a matter of a dream job. It's a matter of finding a suitable job.

Try and follow along here. Why pay someone $10/hr to work in a field when that person is trained for something else and is not happy working in a field when we can pay someone else $5/hr and they are happy working in the field? Lower food prices, due to paying lower wages for field work, means we all have extra money so that extra should be given to help support the unemployed carpenter or computer programmer until they find work.

In both cases one is spending the same amount of money. The choice is between paying higher wages for someone who does not want to work in a field or paying lower wages for someone who does want to do that type of work and contributing the saved money to support the one who is unemployed.

You continually associate government help with socialism and dictatorships yet you propose everyone must work regardless of the type of job or the person's affinity for the job. It appears it is you who thinks along the lines of communism.

This is where you socialist libs go all dumb. There has to be a need for a skill for that someone is willing to pay for. If nobody wants to hire you to do it, it can only be a fun hobby. This is why you have to make sure there is a market for amrerican skills, you do that by not allowing the market to include overseas slave labor or illegal immigrants. Your way is an administration nightmare. My way will allow a fruit picker to make more money while he can save and try to set up a business to do his skills, or get a suit and work on his resume for his interviews and spiff his shoes and maybe take a class which HOPEFULLY will give him and employable skill. You can just say, oh well, i trained for something stupid and now its no good but you're gonna pay me anyway. That's not reality.
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if we keep out illegals from driving down wages, those jobs won't pay as poorly.

We all can't just sit around until we get our dream job. I know your nazi goal is to get everyone dependant on the government, but that's queer.


As always, excellent and point well made.

However, I'm actually more concerned about the plight of the downtrodden and abused white male. I'm getting depressed about my ability to advance and prosper because women and blacks are privileged over me.

Can you post some more comedy, uh, I mean insights on the discrimination and abuse of white males?