Clarence Thomas & Yale Law School


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Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive affirmative-action program

THERE is something unseemly about a guy who has just built a house on the beach and is now leading the charge to stop all further beach-front construction.

Or a recent immigrant who climbs the soapbox to call for a halt to further immigration.

Or a beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.
Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive affirmative-action program

THERE is something unseemly about a guy who has just built a house on the beach and is now leading the charge to stop all further beach-front construction.

Or a recent immigrant who climbs the soapbox to call for a halt to further immigration.

Or a beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.

Just other left wing racist pig.
Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive affirmative-action program

THERE is something unseemly about a guy who has just built a house on the beach and is now leading the charge to stop all further beach-front construction.

Or a recent immigrant who climbs the soapbox to call for a halt to further immigration.

Or a beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.

Typical Repuke -- "I got mine, fuck the rest of you all."

It's interesting that I have yet to see a single Reichwinger here cry about how Thomas got through law school as the recipient of affirmative action. Remember the eight years of rage about Obama allegedly doing the same at Harvard?
Pouting doesn't explain the psychology and motivation for why Thomas used AA for himself, but then decided to deny the program to other people.

Reminds me of Ryan and how he and his family benefited from social security when he was coming up, yet he wanted to dismantle the whole thing for other people.

This has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with RW selfish, me-first users who don't want to share.
Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive affirmative-action program

THERE is something unseemly about a guy who has just built a house on the beach and is now leading the charge to stop all further beach-front construction.

Or a recent immigrant who climbs the soapbox to call for a halt to further immigration.

Or a beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.

You saying his Texas sugar daddy didn’t help him out?

The guy is an embarrassment, Roberts has to shake his head in disbelief anytime Thomas opens his mouth, probably go down in history as couple of notches below Roger Taney in a list of the worst Supreme Court Justices in US History
Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive affirmative-action program

THERE is something unseemly about a guy who has just built a house on the beach and is now leading the charge to stop all further beach-front construction.

Or a recent immigrant who climbs the soapbox to call for a halt to further immigration.

Or a beneficiary of affirmative-action programs who climbs the ladder of success by attacking affirmative action.

As an undergraduate at Holy Cross College, Thomas received a scholarship set aside for racial minorities. He was admitted to Yale Law School in 1971 as part of an aggressive (and successful) affirmative-action program with a clear goal: 10 percent minority enrollment. Yale offered him generous financial aid.

Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision to narrow federal affirmative-action programs. But Thomas went beyond even fellow conservatives on the bench - he argued for an immediate end to affirmative action.

So this is your “tacit admission” that Bush Sr. nominated an unqualified black guy for the purpose of diversity on the SC. :thinking: See how that works?
So this is your “tacit admission” that Bush Sr. nominated an unqualified black guy for the purpose of diversity on the SC. :thinking: See how that works?

You can search until the cows come home, and not find anywhere that I wrote AA students are incompetent.

The question I asked is what is the psychology and motivation for Thomas to leverage AA but then decide to deny the program to others.
Reminds me of Ryan and how he and his family benefited from social security when he was coming up, yet he wanted to dismantle the whole thing for other people.

This has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with RW selfish, me-first users who don't want to share.
Lots of MAGA farmers probably holler in protest about student grants, while the government is depositing agricultural subsidy aid into their bank accounts.
You can search until the cows come home, and not find anywhere that I wrote AA students are incompetent.
Maybe you should look up the word “tacit” that you tend to overuse.

The question I asked is what is the psychology and motivation for Thomas to leverage AA but then decide to deny the program to others.
We’ll never know without a thorough psychological examination, will we? Even if we had a qualified psychologist on the board it’d be ethical to remotely diagnose Thomas. So why even ask?
Oh , I have a good idea why…

adjective: tacit
understood or implied without being stated.

(He’s unqualified).;)
Clarence Thomas has always been a self-serving tool for the Republican, BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AND THE NRA!

He is no different than a KAPO- in terms of how he does not even care about his own race of people, and works against them in evil ways- AND ALL FOR HIS PERSONAL NEST EGG THE REPUBLICANS HAVE PROVIDED HIM, AND FOR ALL THE SPECIAL PERKS AND WHITE PRIVILEGES, THAT THE REPUBLICANS HAVE LAID OUT FOR HIM FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! It's as if he made a deal with the devil himself. And all he is asked to do, IN RETURN, is VOTE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF REPUBLICANS AND THE NRA and cover it all up to the public.

It all boils down to- make me rich, keep me happy and in power, and I will do everything you ask of me for the rest of my life!

Kapos were JEWISH inmates of Nazi camps who were appointed as guards to oversee other prisoners in various tasks.

There were three main types of Kapos: work supervisors, block elders, and camp administrators.

Work supervisors oversaw prisoners at work, and were responsible for ensuring efficiency, making sure that no one escaped, and reporting delays.
Block elders supervised the barracks. Typically, there was one block elder per block, and they ensured all prisoners kept the barracks clean, made their beds, and got to roll call on time. They were also responsible for counting the prisoners (accounting for any that had died or were ill), and handing out food.
Camp administrators undertook various other jobs, such as supervising work in the kitchen, in the storeroom, or working as secretaries/interpreters.

Kapos had more authority than regular prisoners and were typically given preferential treatment, such as extra rations, not having to complete hard physical labor, and were provided more hygienic and larger sleeping spaces.

Kapos- marched millions of their own to the OVENS for the NAZIS during their reign!

Whilst there were incentives to becoming a Kapo, there were also disadvantages. Kapos were under the direct authority of the SS, and had to report to them daily. Any failures meant they could quickly be removed from their post. In addition to this, their authority, especially in regards to punishing or informing on other fellow prisoners meant that they were often unpopular and disliked.

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Clarence Clemons is dead.
Clarence Thomas is still here.

How are we supposed to take a world that's this fucked up seriously?
You can search until the cows come home, and not find anywhere that I wrote AA students are incompetent.

The question I asked is what is the psychology and motivation for Thomas to leverage AA but then decide to deny the program to others.

actually you haven't even shown he benefited from affirmative action....he's on the SC, by definition he is one of the nine best jurists in the country at this moment......I think its safe to assume he was smarter than most in college as well.....