Clinton to Concede Tomorrow Night

Imagine that. Another contested, sometimes dirty Democratic campaign comes to a close, and the contenders close ranks. Who could have ever seen that coming!!?


Expected To Drop Out (Or Suspend Campaign)... Major Donors, Supporters Coming… Bill: "This May Be The Last Day I'm Ever Involved In A Campaign Of This Kind"… Top Advisor: Clinton Wants To "Significantly" Help Obama… Obama, Clinton Speak About Post-Primary Coordination… Clinton Cutting Advance Staff…

She's exiting at the perfect time. The damage done. She's managed to convince people they were just as disenfranchised in the primaries as they were in 2000. Hillary is getting geared up for 2012.
She's exiting at the perfect time. The damage done. She's managed to convince people they were just as disenfranchised in the primaries as they were in 2000. Hillary is getting geared up for 2012.

Crap! Some reports are suggesting she staying in past tommorow! :(
I don't believe Michelle Obama could live with her as VP.

Now many Clinton suporters like Ed Rendell and Vilsack are quickly rolling over and telling Hillary it's over .. in their "look at me for VP" quest.

What makes you belive Michelle has any particular dislike of Senator Clinton? Why Michelle more than Barak or someone else?
If Obama's wife can live with him doing the Marenga in Porta Rico she could live with Hillary if Obama needed her.
He most certainly does not. Richardson or a number of other Governers will do just fine in beating McBush like a rented mule.
Lorax you are most certainly a DRAMA QUEEN.
But gay no, and a wussie no. Your passionate for change in the right direction.
Hillary stayed longer than the worst inlaws you could ever imagine. But the pain of having the wierd family over with Uncle Bill and all will fade fast.
The contrast of the Kennedyesqu like Obama and progressive masses for change vs McBush at 73 going on 93 as half throng of swiftbaoters (all 313 still active clan members including meme and BB) will rush over this election season like LSU swarming over the helpless Ohio state buckeyes last year.
Obama by double digits in the highest turnout ever.
She better campaign her ass off for Obama, and raise like 40 million dollars for him if she wants to repent.
Getting scared huh?

I can understand that. The side-show is over, and you won't find the main event nearly as amusing.

Scared? If it was up to me, I'd give it to you right now and save the expense of an election....You've only had the Presidency for 12 out of about the last 40 years.....ITS YOUR TURN......Clinton, Obama, or any of the other 6 or 7 that tryed....
One party seldom keeps the Oval Office for more than 8 years at a stretch....
And really, I do find it all amusing....even laughable....
What could be more apt than the Dims running a black racist for President...and actually winning.....its the chance of a lifetime.....
So scared? Really...:gives:
What makes you belive Michelle has any particular dislike of Senator Clinton? Why Michelle more than Barak or someone else?

Michelle's distaste for Hillary is widely known, widely reported.

"Michelle Obama has not hidden her dislike for her husband's front-running rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, a frequent and favored guest on the morning show."

Let me ask you .. if someone made reference to your wife being assassinated, particularly when it is a serious concern of yours, how much goodwill and comradarie would we expect from you?

Really, would you trust the Clintons standing behind you waiting for your seat at the table?

It isn't just Michelle Obama who would be watching the Clintons very closely.
Scared? If it was up to me, I'd give it to you right now and save the expense of an election....You've only had the Presidency for 12 out of about the last 40 years.....ITS YOUR TURN......Clinton, Obama, or any of the other 6 or 7 that tryed....
One party seldom keeps the Oval Office for more than 8 years at a stretch....
And really, I do find it all amusing....even laughable....
What could be more apt than the Dims running a black racist for President...and actually winning.....its the chance of a lifetime.....
So scared? Really...:gives:

Wow I must have hit a big nerve - this is the longest post you've ever made here. I will give you this's just as incoherent as your shorter posts.