Clinton's genocide

Impeached and disgraced (s)ex-President BJ Clinton’s 1999 bombing campaign in the Balkans has all but disappeared down the left's memory hole.

Death and destruction rained from the skies by order of der Arkansas-Fuhrer. On March 21, 1999, the Hildebeast “urged him to bomb.”

The convicted perjurer boasted of a "mission accomplished": "The demands of an outraged and united international community have been met. I can report to the American people that we have achieved a victory for a safer world, for our democratic values, and for a stronger America.... We have sent a message of determination and hope to all the world.... Because of our resolve, the 20th century is ending not with helpless indignation but with a hopeful affirmation of human dignity and human rights for the 21st century."

Does one leftist question the morality or legality of BJ's dirty little war against a defenseless populace embroiled in a civil war?
Hot on legality, eh?

Premise of Iraq?

I'm trying to do this in the least words possible.
Serbia never attacked America. UN reports said there was no "ethnic cleansing." What purpose did the unprovoked attacks serve?

They served to distract the world from BJ Clinton's impeachment, corruption, and ineffectiveness as a leader.

The Clinton war machine bombed civilian targets in Kosovo for 78 days.
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Serbia never attacked America. UN reports said there was no "ethnic cleansing." What purpose did the unprovoked attacks serve?

They served to distract the world from BJ Clinton's impeachment, corruption, and ineffectiveness as a leader.

The Clinton war machine bombed civilian targets in the city of Kosovo for 78 days.

Well done there, Serbia never attacked America. (neither did Iraq, which was kind of implicit in the point you failed to grasp with a remarkable talent) However the UN reports of no "ethnic cleansing" were obviously correct. I've talked to the chaps whose brothers were killed and later dug up with a whole load of other boney gents.

Surprisingly most of the real world, outside of the right wing mental American crazy brigade, thought Clinton did an alright job but that's bye the bye.

Oh and there's a city of Kosovo?

I was under the impression that Kosovo was a provincial area of debatable provenance rather than a city, but given that you're not to hot on actual facts i shouldn't expect anything else. Cheers poppet.
Pip pip and cheerio, old bean. Your chaps' hearsay doesn't tally with the facts at Dreadfully sorry, old boy, you seem to have come a cropper, what? Awfully silly of you.

I wasn't aware that was a "right wing" group. They, unlike you and your chaps, seem to think Mr. Clinton was a war criminal of sorts. You know, 'he lied and peole died", what?

I suppose the fact that the UN issued numerous resolutions against Saddam's Iraqi regime somehow proves your point that Iraq was no threat to America?

Anxiously awaiting further inane replies,

an American
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Pip pip and cheerio, old bean. Your chaps' hearsay doesn't tally with the facts at Dreadfully sorry, old boy, you seem to have come a cropper, what? Awfully silly of you.

I suppose the fact that the UN issued numerous resolutions against Saddam's Iraqi regime somehow proves your point that Iraq was no threat to America?

Anxiously awaiting further inane replies,

an American

LOL imminent threat?

We had Tony Blair and his 45 minutes and that was a bit of a stretch (seeing as it was based on some kid's university thesis) but to think America was in immediate threat of being obliterated by a moustachioed man armed only with the chemical weapons Donald Rumsfeld sold him in the 1970's is a fucking riot!

Give me a fucking challenge poppet, i'm half cut and i can still see the world clearer than you, you crazy hippo, you.
So everyone was wrong about Iraq, except you...

and George Galloway and the usual suspects.

Unfortunately, the mass of evidence doesn't support your revisionist claims:

By the way, Col. Blimp, I seem to recall that Nazi Germany (another dictatorial regime that an English government appeased) had your sad little colonialistic island surrounded last century, when the US stepped in and saved you.

Like Saddam, Hitler hadn't attacked America, either.

Nobody knew about the North Sea oil yet, so either we did it because it was the right thing to do, or we acted so we could continue to enjoy your delicious cuisine and fine weather without bothering to learn German.
and George Galloway and the usual suspects.

Unfortunately, the mass of evidence doesn't support your revisionist claims:

By the way, Col. Blimp, I seem to recall that Nazi Germany (another dictatorial regime that an English government appeased) had your sad little colonialistic island surrounded last century, when the US stepped in and saved you.

Like Saddam, Hitler hadn't attacked America, either.

Nobody knew about the North Sea oil yet, so either we did it because it was the right thing to do, or we acted so we could continue to enjoy your delicious cuisine and fine weather without bothering to learn German.

OK, so Nazi Germany and Iraq are vaguely comparable? You're even more far gone than i originally thought.

Thanks for "saving us" as well. I won't seek to demean the sacrifices made by the countless Commonwealth, French, Polish, Soviet and assorted soldiers who fought the Nazi menace before the US government chose to enter the war, by making some derogatory remark. Suffice to say entering the war was probably in your interests.

For a chap who thinks Kosovo is a city you're... you're my inspiration. I reckon you may even have read a book on history and that.
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I suspect you'd be far more comfortable with the usual trite lefty slogans comparing Hitler to Bush, wouldn't you?

Be that as it may, a moral analogy between Hitler's and Saddams' regimes seems self-evident to me.

Saddam’s regime was brutal and tainted by extreme racial and religious persecution. Saddam demonstrably used WMD against his enemies, foreign and domestic, and possessed an extensive system of infamous prisons where the most egregious misdeeds took place.

Ditto the above for Hitler.

On a purely moral basis, what was the putative difference between Saddam and Hitler?
I suspect you'd be far more comfortable with the usual trite lefty slogans comparing Hitler to Bush, wouldn't you?

No, i'm lazy but not that intellectually lazy.

Be that as it may, a moral analogy between Hitler's and Saddams' regimes seems self-evident to me.

OK...i really don't need to say anything here.

Saddam’s regime was brutal and tainted by extreme racial and religious persecution. Saddam demonstrably used WMD against his enemies, foreign and domestic, and possessed an extensive system of infamous prisons where the most egregious misdeeds took place.

Quit the righteous indignation, you sold him the chemical weapons (you know the WMD) that he then used against Iran and the Kurds. You encouraged him to attack his neighbours, the fundamentalist Iranians who used to be your allies until the revolution, remember?

On a purely moral basis, what was the putative difference between Saddam and Hitler?

They were both pretty nasty weren't they? Which is why people wonder why the US government turned a blind eye to Ford's investments in Hitler's Germany. I suppose when a government is willing to turn a blind eye to that sort of thing it's a small step to selling them arms, chemical weapons and satellite intelligence on Iranian troop movements.
Is this a pitch for moral equivalency?

If so, please recall whose nation is universally known as "perfidious Albion".

America did back some dark horses in the past, and in some cases that later proved disadvantageous.

How do the events of one decade excuse inaction against a clear and present threat in another, just because the players have switched roles?

BTW, is it your position that Iran is harmless today?
Is this a pitch for moral equivalency?

If so, please recall whose nation is universally known as "perfidious Albion".

America did back some dark horses in the past, and in some cases that later proved disadvantageous.

How do the events of one decade excuse inaction against a clear and present threat in another, just because the players have switched roles?

BTW, is it your position that Iran is harmless today?

My position isn't that Iran is "harmless today", merely that in handing over Iraq to a coalition of Iranian backed militias and bought politicians that the whole premise of invading Iraq was a tad misguided, no?

And quit with the "clear and present danger" shite. Do you really believe that Sadam's Revolutionary Guard, sorry, Iraq's Elite Revolutionary Guard (the ones who ran away at the sight of an American tank) posed such an immediate threat that they were poised to invade Seattle on a moment's notice?

Grow up, poppet.
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Even some lefties don't agree with your blithe dismissal of the assessments of the threat posed by Saddam in 2003.

Are you saying Saddam had no WMD?

If he did, when did he dispose of them? Why didn't he allow UNSCOM to verify said disposal? If he had done, he'd likely still be alive and in power today.

If he didn't, why did so many intelligence services (including Britain's) say he did - beginning years before George Bush took office?

Just wondering.
Even some lefties don't agree with your blithe dismissal of the assessments of the threat posed by Saddam in 2003.

Are you saying Saddam had no WMD?

If he did, when did he dispose of them? Why didn't he allow UNSCOM to verify said disposal? If he had done, he'd likely still be alive and in power today.

If he didn't, why did so many intelligence services (including Britain's) say he did - beginning years before George Bush took office?

Just wondering.

You don't read too well do you poppet.

I'm saying you knew what WMD Saddam had because you, not only supplied it to him, but encouraged him to use it against Iran and turned a blind eye to every human rights abuse he committed until he pissed the Whitehouse off. Get it now?
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If what you say is true, does it mean the invasion and subsequent regime change were unnecessary?

You may do well to recall that Saddam was reportedly working to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems for same - which he did not acquire from America.
You don't read too well do you poppet.

I'm saying you knew what WMD Saddam had because you, not only supplied it to him, but encouraged him to use it against Iran and turned a blind eye to every human rights abuse he committed until he pissed the Whitehouse off. Get it now?

So did England,France,Germany,Russia,China and quite a few others...;)
If what you say is true, does it mean the invasion and subsequent regime change were unnecessary?

You may do well to recall that Saddam was reportedly working to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems for same - which he did not acquire from America.

Where were those reports from? That chap currently living in Germany having been completely discredited?

Didn't Don Rumsfeld know exactly where they were? He said he knew everything. You still believe him?

Still you're right about the nuclear technology, i remember the news reports of the warheads, the centrifuges, the heavy water plants. Oh, hang on...i don't.

What do they feed you people?
