Clinton's not qualified to be president

If she's not the most qualified, who is more qualified?

That is another question, Counselor.

Y O U said that Hillary is "the most qualified candidate we have had in modern times".

Let's focus on that claim.

Do you wish to introduce fresh evidence?
That is another question, Counselor.

Y O U said that Hillary is "the most qualified candidate we have had in modern times".

Let's focus on that claim.

Do you wish to introduce fresh evidence?

I've met my burden, your turn to refute it, name someone more qualified?
I've met my burden, your turn to refute it, name someone more qualified?

That is not the issue before us, Counselor, and you have failed to convince me, as I am confident that you would fail to convince many reasonable persons of the validity of your claim.

To wit; Hillary Clinton is "the most qualified candidate we have had in modern times".

Not proven.
That is not the issue before us, Counselor, and you have failed to convince me, as I am confident that you would fail to convince many reasonable persons of the validity of your claim.

To wit; Hillary Clinton is "the most qualified candidate we have had in modern times".

Not proven.

I don't care if I have failed to convince you. We disagree, that's okay with me.

You cant name a more qualified candidate in modern times, I am convinced of the lack of veracity of your weak opinion.
I don't care if I have failed to convince you. We disagree, that's okay with me. You cant name a more qualified candidate in modern times, I am convinced of the lack of veracity of your weak opinion.

You are entitled to your beliefs, Counselor, but do not presume to pretend that they rise to the level of evidence.

I cant find the old list of accomplishments of HRC, I guess they were lost when the server went down a few months ago.. I was able to get a few of them together for you by visiting a few web cites.

Among HRC's accomplishments qualifications and professional experiences that qualify her to be president are...

She graduated in the top five percent of her High School class of 1965.

lol.....I stopped reading here.......
Beginning in 2010, she helped organize a diplomatic isolation and international sanctions regime against Iran, in an effort to force curtailment of that country's nuclear program; this would eventually lead to the multinational Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action being agreed to in 2015.

gave Iran nuclear weapons, yeah we got that one already.......
These are just a few... and while none alone qualify her to be president added together they present more qualifications than any other candidate for president.

you forgot the most important one.....while she may not be clean, well-spoken and well dressed she doesn't have to be.......she's old and white.......
For nearly a quarter-century, Hillary Rodham Clinton has played an outsized role in the nation’s consciousness as an advocate and a political survivor. Her presidential campaign’s favorite way to describe her is as “a fighter.”

But something surprising has emerged in public opinion about the former first lady, senator and secretary of state. Asked to name something tangible that Clinton has actually accomplished, many voters come up blank.

When Bloomberg News posed the question in May to a focus group of 10 Iowa Democrats, they could not recall a single thing she had done.

Clinton’s tenure as first lady is remembered most for her politically disastrous effort to transform the health-care system.

In the Senate, she was a relatively junior member with no legislative victories that bear her name.

As secretary of state, she was carrying out President Obama’s agenda in an administration where diplomatic policy-making was tightly controlled by the White House.
The only qualification for President that matters is that which is defined in the US Constitution. The rest is arbitrary bullshit spewed by partisans hung up on big injun little injun. Per the US Constitution they are both qualified. Should they be President is another question.