Clueless neocons (redundant, I know)

Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, and William Kristol offer support for Lieberman and can't understand why Democratic voters in Conn are getting ready to bounce him out of office.

Ummmm, just a wild guess, you understand, but could it be because he's the kind of politician who gets support from the likes of Kristol, Coulter and DeLay?


All together now, DUHH.


Agreed. However, I just cannot believe that the likes of Ann Coulter actually believe that any endorsement from them is anything other than the kiss of death to any democrat. Hell, she's the kiss of death to a moderate republican.

Leading me to wonder if they aren't playing a bit of a sleazy game. Hoping to knock off Lieberman and figuring that's their one shot at grabbing the CT seat for the Republicans.

Too bad for them that the way things look to be shaping up, Lamont is going to take it in a walk.

Leading me to wonder if they aren't playing a bit of a sleazy game. Hoping to knock off Lieberman and figuring that's their one shot at grabbing the CT seat for the Republicans.

This is the most plausible scenario in my opinion. The Retardicans are in danger of losing some serious ground come November, and Leiberman, while on the neocon side of this war, is easily expendible if another Retardican gets the seat.
you're reading old polls damo.

-July 23 rasmussen poll: "In this month’s three-way match-up, Lamont and Lieberman each get 40% of the vote. The Republican, Alan Schlesinger, attracts just 13%."

That was two weeks ago, before lamont really got momentum. And nobody likes voting for a loser. If lieberman gets blown out in the primary, the momentum and polls will likely swing to lamont

Yeah, it was interesting to see Tony Blankely on today's morning talk shows taking back his prediction of only last week, that if Lamont beat him in the primary, Lieberman was going to win as an independent.

He admitted today that he believes he was very wrong, and further, that he was convinced of this by "very knowledgable" people on the ground in CT.
This is the most plausible scenario in my opinion. The Retardicans are in danger of losing some serious ground come November, and Leiberman, while on the neocon side of this war, is easily expendible if another Retardican gets the seat.

I think so. I think that's what they thought at first, and really, they weren't stupid for thinking so. That was the general wisdom up until very, very recently.

I think the total shock running through the establishment (and I mean on both sides), is pretty amusing. I don't think they can believe that someone like "Senator Lieberman" (as I saw Nora O Donnell refer to him as in a awe-filled and disbelieving voice) is going to not only lose a primary (which after all can be blamed on the "moonbats") but looks to be headed for an even more embarrassing loss in a general election.

That is if he stays in, and that's hard to predict right now.
I think so. I think that's what they thought at first, and really, they weren't stupid for thinking so. That was the general wisdom up until very, very recently.

I think the total shock running through the establishment (and I mean on both sides), is pretty amusing. I don't think they can believe that someone like "Senator Lieberman" (as I saw Nora O Donnell refer to him as in a awe-filled and disbelieving voice) is going to not only lose a primary (which after all can be blamed on the "moonbats") but looks to be headed for an even more embarrassing loss in a general election.

That is if he stays in, and that's hard to predict right now.

The bottom line is that the Repubs would be more than happy to throw Leiberman under the bus in any way possible if it means another seat, for partisan reasons. Issues are secondary to partisanship. This works on both sides. But now, the Rs are going to be in for one hell of an embarrassing couple of years if the Dems get congress. So, in the spirit of honesty anf greatness for the country, they'd like to see someone with the right views but the wrong party eat shit and die.
The bottom line is that the Repubs would be more than happy to throw Leiberman under the bus in any way possible if it means another seat, for partisan reasons. Issues are secondary to partisanship. This works on both sides. But now, the Rs are going to be in for one hell of an embarrassing couple of years if the Dems get congress. So, in the spirit of honesty anf greatness for the country, they'd like to see someone with the right views but the wrong party eat shit and die.

LOL. Yeah. I mean, I think he has the wrong views. But you're right about the disgusting way of thinking in both parties.
Polls showing a three-way race show Lieberman winning handily. The Ds that remain faithful to him plus the Rs that support him give him the victory by more than a majority.
Not anymore. The latest polls I've seen say that Lamont will probably win the general too if he picks up the Dem nomination.