CNN Reports on Ron Paul Newsletters...

advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

Who said this? Hitler? Goebbels? Attila The Hun? Mussolini? Ivan The Terrible?

This is a statement overtly supporting GENOCIDE. This is not politics as usual.

What would you think if the President of the United States said this? Would you care? Would you worry about your own genotype? Would you be concerned that you could be targeted? Are you ready to have a mist of these advanced forms of biological warfare in your neighborhood? How will you know that your specific genotype will not be targeted? Who will die around you? Will your family survive?

In fact, this is a quote by a group called the Project For The New American Century, and its 2000 document "Rebuilding America's Defenses." The Project For The New American Century is a think-tank group pursuing exactly genocide right here in the United States of America. Unbelievable? See the think-tank's website at You can read the entire document at

How does this relate to the President Of The United States? This document was written by, and signed by, many of the current Bush administration officials. They want to kill people who are not like them. Just look at the signatories.
I don't really think he should expose them. I think that would be sorta sleazy.

Whoever wrote them ruined his chances of moving forward Austrian economics and Libertarianism to the mainstream. He may have been the last hope at least for a long time. If they were exposed/came out he may be able to put this behind him and move on. It's too bad I thought he would end up running as an Independant and could get 15% in the general and bring these important ideas to the public.
There is no way for him to cleanse himself of this either in perception or reality. He fucked up and he deserves some blame. It seems, that's part of the reason why he talks of taking moral responsibility for it and does not bother throwing others under the bus.

I do think they should come forward, not for Ron Paul's benefit, but because they are cowards to let him shoulder all of the blame.
There is no way for him to cleanse himself of this either in perception or reality. He fucked up and he deserves some blame. It seems, that's part of the reason why he talks of taking moral responsibility for it and does not bother throwing others under the bus.

I do think they should come forward, not for Ron Paul's benefit, but because they are cowards to let him shoulder all of the blame.
I think too many people don't see him taking the ultimate responsibilty so much as they see him trying to protect racists. If you aren't a racist why would associate with them and why would you not tell the world who it was that wrote all of this in your name? This looks too much like circling the wagons around the racists.
The other thing about this whole story is that it really does strain the bounds of believability to claim that all these articles were written in a newsletter with his name on it but he had NO IDEA they existed
I think too many people don't see him taking the ultimate responsibilty so much as they see him trying to protect racists. If you aren't a racist why would associate with them and why would you not tell the world who it was that wrote all of this in your name? This looks too much like circling the wagons around the racists.

I think this sums that up well.

I am not a Green, but I have associated with them. I am not a truther, but I would work with desh, bac or any other where we had common cause.

I would not openly solicit them, though, in the way the newsletters did.
Ahhh, fuck now I find this at reason (fuckers should have done this months ago).

I give up. I still don't believe he wrote them. I still don't think he is a racist. I don't know how much he knew about the newsletters at the time. But he has engaged in spin and likely is engaging in spin now. I don't see why he did not state that he did not write them to begin with, but the Texas Monthly pointed out that his people told them he had to own them one way or another. Obviously, he plays too much with racists and morons.

And I still say he is better than the other candidates, but I do so unenthusiastically.
The other thing about this whole story is that it really does strain the bounds of believability to claim that all these articles were written in a newsletter with his name on it but he had NO IDEA they existed

That's the worst part of it. If he is actually telling the truth, how can he prove it? Most people who have followed Paul know that it isn't his style, nor does it even sound like something he'd say. Actually, I've heard him talk of blacks being incarcerated at higher rates, but he is always talking about the injustice of it, not blaming them. But it's there, and people will automatically assume it was him writing it, and it isn't their fault. I can't argue for Paul on this issue, and honestly don't care to. He has to do that himself. Maybe he can find a way to prove he didn't write those things, but even outting a writer 20 years after the fact won't get rid of it's effect. I choose to just ignore it knowing full well he won't be president. I want the policies he is pushing for be given some thought, and adopted by other candidates who have a chance to win. Huckabee is looking to grab Paul's 10% now, but that War issue is going to haunt all of the Republicans from getting his 10%.