‘Code Pink’ protesters leave Barney Frank seeing red


New member
he never seemed to have a problem when they were there everyday when Bush was in office...

By Jay Fitzgerald
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - Added 2d 12h ago

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank went after “Code Pink” protesters during a congressional hearing yesterday, telling the pink-clad activists to “act your age” and “grow up.”

Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, interrupted Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner during his testimony to upbraid the sign-waving lefty protesters, seated just a few rows behind government witnesses.

“Will you please act your age?” snapped Frank, a Newton Democrat. “If you have no greater powers of concentration, then you leave the room. We’re trying to have a serious discussion. . . . We really need people to grow up.”

read it all here.
I thought the previous talking point was "where are all of the leftie protesters now that Obama is President?"

Consistency - never a strong suit for the right...
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank went after “Code Pink” protesters during a congressional hearing yesterday, telling the pink-clad activists to “act your age” and “grow up.”

ROFLMAO ! now that is some good humor, I hope the protesters had the sense to respond to Mr. Frank with the obvious answer ...

"When you do, we will"
Why should he shut up?

I wasn't referring to him "shutting up", I was referring to him taking his own advice regarding "act your age" and "grow up" ....

If he shuts up , that would make for a nice change of pace as well, 'cause frankly I'm a bit fed up with the nonsense coming from Frank about subjects that he's is just plain wrong headed about (Economics and Monetary Policy just for beginners).
What makes you think hes not acting his age?

Maybe your policy objections about him stem from partisanship?
What makes you think hes not acting his age?
I thought that was more polite than saying he's completely incompetent to hold the position he currently occupies and shouldn't be lecturing citizens who are in the act of exercising their first amendment rights about anything, but whatever you prefer.

Maybe your policy objections about him stem from partisanship?
That could be, when I actually join a political party (not likely but anything is possible), I'll let you know so we can test the theory.
I thought that was more polite than saying he's completely incompetent to hold the position he currently occupies and shouldn't be lecturing citizens who are in the act of exercising their first amendment rights about anything, but whatever you prefer.

That could be, when I actually join a political party (not likely but anything is possible), I'll let you know so we can test the theory.

Oh I see hes unqualified because YOU say he is.

Oh I see hes unqualified because YOU say he is.


He's the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and has been for 2 years, have you taken a gander at the state of our financial system lately ? Not to mention he was the one fiddling the tune while Freddie and Fannie burned......

Now he gets attempt to fix all his mistakes with other peoples money and seems to spend most of his time attempting to deflect the blame for them on any target of opportunity he can find. Executives in the private sector get fired for Mr. Franks kind of job performance, Mr. Franks however just got a raise.

Why anybody would listen to him on any subject remotely connected to Economics, Finance or Monetary Policy is beyond me since they'd be better off asking your average house cat, 'cause at least they'd get an honest answer and as about a firm a grasp of the subject matter as Mr. Frank demonstrates.
Frank and Dodd should be in freekin' jail for their rolls in the present banking collapse....:321:

Yes, they should. If our media had actually served the public with factual, accurate, and complete information they might be in jail or in the very least sent packing!
He's the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and has been for 2 years, have you taken a gander at the state of our financial system lately ? Not to mention he was the one fiddling the tune while Freddie and Fannie burned......
By the time he took office the sub prime mess had already done its damage.
Now he gets attempt to fix all his mistakes with other peoples money and seems to spend most of his time attempting to deflect the blame for them on any target of opportunity he can find. Executives in the private sector get fired for Mr. Franks kind of job performance, Mr. Franks however just got a raise.
hes a tax payer also and a citizen. Franks said that FMand FM were not in crisis and was right, it was in 2003 he said that. Guess what the BIG FIX Bush had in mind was? To take them out of the perview of the banking committee. It was hardly the FIX claimed by your side (see you are defending R even if you "arent one")
Why anybody would listen to him on any subject remotely connected to Economics, Finance or Monetary Policy is beyond me since they'd be better off asking your average house cat, 'cause at least they'd get an honest answer and as about a firm a grasp of the subject matter as Mr. Frank demonstrates.

You are a blatent partisan who claims not to be an R , I bet you never voted for Bush either huh? Not many left will admitt they did.
You are a blatent partisan who claims not to be an R , I bet you never voted for Bush either huh? Not many left will admitt they did.

Just in case you missed it the first thousand times it was posted...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs&feature=related"]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMnSp4qEXNM&feature=related"]YouTube - Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown[/ame]
Dems warned about Freddie and Fanny....
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivmL-lXNy64&feature=related"]YouTube - EVIDENCE FOUND!!! Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tie to all of it!!![/ame]
Banking Affirmative action....by Democrats...1998

Franks said that FMand FM were not in crisis and was right, it was in 2003 he said that.

No shit dear, thats what warnings are .. to point out future problems and Bush did warn them in 2001....Barney ignored those warings while he collected big from fannie and fredie
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You are a blatent partisan who claims not to be an R , I bet you never voted for Bush either huh? Not many left will admitt they did.

If you say so, that would of course be preferable to being a self appointed apologist for a clearly incompetent elected official, heck I wouldn't even take that job for the few competent ones but you seem to enjoy the role so as they say "have at it", I hope Mr. Franks is paying you well for your efforts, unconvincing as they may be. If on the other hand you are actually Mr. Frank himself or one of his relatives, realize that my observations are not meant to be construed as a personal attack only the observations of employer to employee based on job performance, doesn't mean I don't respect Mr. Frank as a person, just means I'm convinced he's incompetent to hold his current position, in other words respectful disagreement.

As an aside who I have or have not voted for the Presidency in the past is completely immaterial (and really none of your or anybody else's business). It's clearly an attempt on your part to distract from the substance of the discussion, namely the incompetency and performance of Mr. Frank.
Just in case you missed it the first thousand times it was posted...

Thank you Bravo, it's always nice when you can point to the video of the fiddler fiddling while Fannie and Freddie we burning to prove your point to those operating under whatever form cognitive dissonance apologists for inept politicians operate under... :)
You see gas ass this is what you dont get.

That was in 2003 and FRANKS was right that there was NO crisis in FM and FM at the time.

Bush was using it as an excuse to take the oversite of FM and FM away from the banking committee.

Bush turned everything into a money sceme and would have dont the same with FM and FM if this had happened and the damn mess would have been evern worse.