Colin Powell to Endorse Obama


Well-known member
Excellent news for self-proclaimed Colin Powell fans, "independent conservatives", and "I might even vote for a Democrat" Republicans.

Bob Novak-

Powell probably will enter Obama's camp at a time of his own choosing. The best bet is that neither Powell or Chuck Hagel, both of whom supported President Bush in 2000 and 2004, will back John McCain in 2008.

...McCain strategists..... wince in anticipating headlines generated by Powell's expected endorsement of Obama.


and here's the money quote of the week

"The Republican Party is a dead rotting carcass with a few decrepit old leaders stumbling around like zombies in a horror version of 'Weekend With Bernie,' handcuffed to a corpse."
I'm not a gambler, But I'd like to know where i can put a bet down on Obama.
And if I did and Mcain dies before the election would the bet pay off.
I'm not a gambler, But I'd like to know where i can put a bet down on Obama.
And if I did and Mcain dies before the election would the bet pay off.

No one would allow you to bet such a sure thing. It's like betting on whether or not the moon will come up tomorrow.
good news Powell is a well respected moderate.

I used to respect him, until he lied us into war.

Nevertheless, Powell is still respected and admired within that nearly extinct community - rational and moderate republicans. His opinion carries weight with them.
"The Republican Party is a dead rotting carcass with a few decrepit old leaders stumbling around like zombies in a horror version of 'Weekend With Bernie,' handcuffed to a corpse."

My new sig!
Colin Powell holds weight with me. I wish he had run against Bush, he'd have kicked Bush butt, and he'd have kicked Gore butt.
Colin Powell holds weight with me. I wish he had run against Bush, he'd have kicked Bush butt, and he'd have kicked Gore butt.
Colin Powell would have NEVER run far enough to the right to win the primaries. You are the consumate republican dreamer to think that a pro choice pro Affirmative Action Black man could win the republican nomination anytime soon.
wtf is colin powell?

He's a lying neocon. He's responsible for helping to 'sell' the invasion of iraq when he KNEW his info was 'bullshit' (his exact word). He's a traitor and should be held responsible for his part in the crimes this admin. has comitted.
He's a lying neocon. He's responsible for helping to 'sell' the invasion of iraq when he KNEW his info was 'bullshit' (his exact word). He's a traitor and should be held responsible for his part in the crimes this admin. has comitted.

LMAO... and he is backing Obama, don't forget that! :)
I used to respect him, until he lied us into war.

Nevertheless, Powell is still respected and admired within that nearly extinct community - rational and moderate republicans. His opinion carries weight with them.

Powell sold out to get his son a job running the FCC.
Yeah, I don't have much respect for Powell anymore.

That UN fiasco is going down in infamy. And the mofo has never expressed remorse and sufficient regret for it.

Having said all that, I do think he seems like the one with the most regret and sincerity from the Bush admin and the only one that was willing to take culpability for some of the stuff that went on. If any of them have a chance at redeeming themselves, I think its him.
Having said all that, I do think he seems like the one with the most regret and sincerity from the Bush admin and the only one that was willing to take culpability for some of the stuff that went on. If any of them have a chance at redeeming themselves, I think its him.

I agree he was the first to admit how screwed up the Bush administration was and admitted to at least most of his mistakes.

He remains pretty tainted. But not totally trashed like those still supporting bush and his policies.
Wach out for Bushies to kiss up to Obama, they think they will get out of War Crimes trials