Colin Powell to Endorse Obama

I agree he was the first to admit how screwed up the Bush administration was and admitted to at least most of his mistakes.

He remains pretty tainted. But not totally trashed like those still supporting bush and his policies

I definitely think he's tainted, but I think he's got a shred of decency in him.
I agree he was the first to admit how screwed up the Bush administration was and admitted to at least most of his mistakes.

He remains pretty tainted. But not totally trashed like those still supporting bush and his policies.


He made no mistakes, he knew exactly what he was doing, he committed crimes! Come on tell it like it is.

When we get a real Attorney Gen. then we'll see how bad his 'mistakes' were.

I can't wait for justice to be served up to the whole bunch who lied us into this useless war.
Justice, not revenge!

if the war profiteers get off without punishment then I guess there is no justice in this country. Some pigs are more equal than others I guess.

He made no mistakes, he knew exactly what he was doing, he committed crimes! Come on tell it like it is.

When we get a real Attorney Gen. then we'll see how bad his 'mistakes' were.

I can't wait for justice to be served up to the whole bunch who lied us into this useless war.

yeah the only extinuating circumstance in Powells favor is that he was a soldier and Bush was his boss. Soldiers must follow their commanders orders, or so the brainwashing goes.

Anyway Crash, Who do you think would make a good Sec. Of Defense under Obama ? And no I do not think Obama can walk on water and fix everything.
Just curious, I really have not thought of this much.
"The Republican Party is a dead rotting carcass with a few decrepit old leaders stumbling around like zombies in a horror version of 'Weekend With Bernie,' handcuffed to a corpse."

My new sig!

That may be true in Indiana and Ohio but it sure as hell aint true in Alabama.