Compared to 4 years ago?

Supply chain broke down.

Many had to use coffees filters for toilet paper.

Record unemployment sweeps the nation.

The president told us all to stay home.

The president suggested bleach to stop a virus.

The death rate soared.

Corporate profit plummeted.

Many Americans required bailouts.

The president sent free money to most Americans, using loans that were subject to ridiculous fraud.

Most schools shut down.

The president paid billions to pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine many considered useless.

Supply chain broke down.

Many had to use coffees filters for toilet paper.

Record unemployment sweeps the nation.

The president told us all to stay home.

The president suggested bleach to stop a virus.

The death rate soared.

Corporate profit plummeted.

Many Americans required bailouts.

The president sent free money to most Americans, using loans that were subject to ridiculous fraud.

Most schools shut down.

The president paid billions to pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine many considered useless.

Not even close...🤣 If people were better off then Joe wouldn't be so worried...
Our little receptionist will get educated when the office opens at 10 on monday morning.
I think they're closed on Monday...;)
Supply chain broke down.
Caused by Demonkkkrat (aka "Uniparty") governors.
Many had to use coffees filters for toilet paper.
Source? In any event, the "great toilet paper crisis of 2020" was caused by Demonkkkrat governors.
Record unemployment sweeps the nation.
A flat out lie (refuted by historical unemployment numbers). In any event, the rise in unemployment during "the great toilet paper crisis" was caused by Demonkkkrat governors.
The president told us all to stay home.
A lie. It was Demonkkkrat governors who told people to stay home or to otherwise follow a billion different stupid rules if they wished to do much of anything.
The president suggested bleach to stop a virus.
Bleach works great for general cleaning/sterilizing purposes. There was never any suggestion to "ingest bleach". That's a flat out lie.
The death rate soared.
COVID in and of itself doesn't kill anyone. The "deaths" are all being caused by something other than COVID.
Corporate profit plummeted.
Caused by Demonkkkrat governors.
Many Americans required bailouts.
Demonkkkrat governors became increasingly tyrannical and wouldn't allow people to simply go to work as they've always done. They made up stupid rules about mandatory mask wearing and mandatory inoculations and forced people out of their jobs if they wouldn't follow those stupid rules. Numerous business also went out of business because of COVID-related "capacity limit" rules that Demonkkkrat governors implemented, among other stupid rules relating to COVID. They didn't allow "non-essential" businesses to operate in a profitable manner, so many of those businesses went under and the owners and employees of those "non-essential" businesses ended up losing their very essential jobs.

Some of us haven't forgotten what Demonkkkrat governors (and even county execs) did to us.
The president sent free money to most Americans, using loans that were subject to ridiculous fraud.
The President is not the House.
Most schools shut down.
Again, caused by Demonkkkrat governors.
The president paid billions to pharmaceutical companies
No he didn't. You are one of the most dishonest posters on this forum.
to develop a vaccine many considered useless.
Don't pretend to have been against what you were/are in full support of, dude. Some of us were in vocal opposition to it from DAY ONE and it was people like you who persecuted us for it.
Nope. Under the Obama Regime, you are worse off.
Caused by Demonkkkrat (aka "Uniparty") governors.

Source? In any event, the "great toilet paper crisis of 2020" was caused by Demonkkkrat governors.

A flat out lie (refuted by historical unemployment numbers). In any event, the rise in unemployment during "the great toilet paper crisis" was caused by Demonkkkrat governors.

A lie. It was Demonkkkrat governors who told people to stay home or to otherwise follow a billion different stupid rules if they wished to do much of anything.

Bleach works great for general cleaning/sterilizing purposes. There was never any suggestion to "ingest bleach". That's a flat out lie.

COVID in and of itself doesn't kill anyone. The "deaths" are all being caused by something other than COVID.

Caused by Demonkkkrat governors.

Demonkkkrat governors became increasingly tyrannical and wouldn't allow people to simply go to work as they've always done. They made up stupid rules about mandatory mask wearing and mandatory inoculations and forced people out of their jobs if they wouldn't follow those stupid rules. Numerous business also went out of business because of COVID-related "capacity limit" rules that Demonkkkrat governors implemented, among other stupid rules relating to COVID. They didn't allow "non-essential" businesses to operate in a profitable manner, so many of those businesses went under and the owners and employees of those "non-essential" businesses ended up losing their very essential jobs.

Some of us haven't forgotten what Demonkkkrat governors (and even county execs) did to us.

The President is not the House.

Again, caused by Demonkkkrat governors.

No he didn't. You are one of the most dishonest posters on this forum.

Don't pretend to have been against what you were/are in full support of, dude. Some of us were in vocal opposition to it from DAY ONE and it was people like you who persecuted us for it.

Nope. Under the Obama Regime, you are worse off.

Trump tells Americans to stay home.
Trump told Americans to stay HOME
No, that's what Demonkkkrat governors said. Trump left it up to them.

Trump encouraged Americans to quickly get back to their normal lives and to not let fear consume them.

Demonkkkrat governors instead kept their states locked down for many more months... years even. They relished their (illegal) "emergency powers".
Supply chain broke down.
Due to Democrats shutting down the economy over the Covid Hoax.
Many had to use coffees filters for toilet paper.
Due to shortages caused by Democrats.
Record unemployment sweeps the nation.
Due to Democrats shutting down the economy over the Covid Hoax.
The president told us all to stay home.
He never did. You are hallucinating.
The president suggested bleach to stop a virus.
He never did. You are hallucinating.
The death rate soared.
Covid19 does not kill. Funeral homes never saw an increase in bodies.
Corporate profit plummeted.
Due to Democrats shutting down the economy over the Covid Hoax.
Many Americans required bailouts.
Due to Democrats shutting down the economy over the Covid Hoax.
The president sent free money to most Americans, using loans that were subject to ridiculous fraud.
No loans.
Most schools shut down.
Due to Democrats shutting them over the Covid Hoax.
The president paid billions to pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine many considered useless.
He didn't pay anything to them. No vaccine was ever developed. An mRNA treatment is not a vaccine.
No. The nation is still in the economic depression started by Democrats over the Covid Hoax.