Comparison: Obama, Romney and Johnson

Thanks... everyone should read up more on Johnson. He should be a part of each of the debates.
he SHOULD but he won't, the MS press doesn't understand ( or doesn't want to understand partys) are artificial inventions,,not in the Constitution.

They self perpetuate to gain , and hold power -not to govern, they serve their own intersts, that's got to be clear by now, not the ppls.
They are the absolute enduring curse of American politics -i support Johnson, but i'm not just saying this because i do.

Partisianship as it's played today ensures endless gridlock. and "politics before policy"
He will never be part of the debates. If he was he would catch fire. People would see he is a pragmatic person who believes in a smaller non-intrusive government. A man who believes in military action ONLY when our interests are directly threatened. Who wants to end the drug war because it, like prohibition before, has failed. I honestly believe he has more in common with most of us than the other two.
This afternoon's post-prandial turd has as much business being part of a presidential debate as Gary Johnson. I mean, I'm sure there are literally thousands of people in America that have fantastic ideas about how to run the zoo and each of those persons has as much a shot of actually being president as Gary Johnson.

Edit: And, of course, I'm voting for the guy. But let's get real here.
This afternoon's post-prandial turd has as much business being part of a presidential debate as Gary Johnson. I mean, I'm sure there are literally thousands of people in America that have fantastic ideas about how to run the zoo and each of those persons has as much a shot of actually being president as Gary Johnson.

Edit: And, of course, I'm voting for the guy. But let's get real here.

hey Ross Perot got in the debates? I'd do it this way ( if I were king,LOL) -show enough ballot access -you get in on the debates.
But I agree. we can't have that - gotta keeep it "real"
This afternoon's post-prandial turd has as much business being part of a presidential debate as Gary Johnson. I mean, I'm sure there are literally thousands of people in America that have fantastic ideas about how to run the zoo and each of those persons has as much a shot of actually being president as Gary Johnson.

Edit: And, of course, I'm voting for the guy. But let's get real here.

Wait, Dungheap is voting for Gary Johnson? Am I reading that correctly or am I missing the sarcasm?
This afternoon's post-prandial turd has as much business being part of a presidential debate as Gary Johnson. I mean, I'm sure there are literally thousands of people in America that have fantastic ideas about how to run the zoo and each of those persons has as much a shot of actually being president as Gary Johnson.

Edit: And, of course, I'm voting for the guy. But let's get real here.

He can attract a vast majority of Paul supporters though, if he gets said endorsement after the convention. Ya never know.
Wait, Dungheap is voting for Gary Johnson? Am I reading that correctly or am I missing the sarcasm?

You are missing the sarcasm. Dung heap is such a sheep that he feels everyone will vote either Rep or Dem. He doesn't believe anyone would vote for a third party. So when people say they are voting for Johnson, his tiny little mind can't comprehend that they are serious. His head is so far up the collective Dems asses that he can't see reality, only what comes down the pipe so to speak. So do forgive him for being such a moronic little twit.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is sorta weird seeing an Eisenhower quote on freedom as the so called 'freedom' worshipers considered him a collectivist and worse. Some among the business classes thought him a communist. Kinda funny. He was probably the last independent republican president. Today, money manages our politics and its ideas.

I read Johnson's platform and it is too silly for comment. While the idea that eventually the state would fade away in the communist theories of Marx died, Americans now believe something similar in that all you need is less state, more freedom and voila Utopia. One wonders how we got here and all that turmoil to get here was really unnecessary. What bunk.

"....If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism. Society in fact requires both individualism and collectivism, both selfishness and altruism, to function. Like Marxism, libertarianism offers the fraudulent intellectual security of a complete a priori account of the political good without the effort of empirical investigation. Like Marxism, it aspires, overtly or covertly, to reduce social life to economics. And like Marxism, it has its historical myths and a genius for making its followers feel like an elect unbound by the moral rules of their society." Robert Locke
Let's compare Romney and Johnson:

Romney can win
Johnson can't win

Vote for Romney = no more Obama
Vote for Johnson = 4 more years of Obama

Vote for Romney = chance to save our country
Vote for Johnson = more chances for Obama to ruin the country

Seems pretty straight-forward to me.

My vote is going to Johnson. If you ask me, the republican party is the reason we're in the mess we're in. They say they're for small gov't, but they're actions say they're for big gov't, and the taking away of our liberties.
Let's compare Romney and Johnson:

Romney can win
Johnson can't win

Vote for Romney = no more Obama
Vote for Johnson = 4 more years of Obama

Vote for Romney = chance to save our country
Vote for Johnson = more chances for Obama to ruin the country

Seems pretty straight-forward to me.

Vote for Romeny=Vote for white Obama.
Vote for Romeny=Vote for white Obama.

Do you believe Romney will push for tighter gun control, increased power of unelected bureaucrats (e.g. the EPA), blank checks to big donors, and more stimulus spending? The two candidates are black and white (metaphorically speaking) on several issues that will determine the course of our nation. I am voting Republican all the way down the ballot in this election because they are, unfortunately, our last hope.
Thanks... everyone should read up more on Johnson. He should be a part of each of the debates.
I learned my lesson with third party candidates with Perot. At the present they are just not viable candidates. If they want to be they need to build a coalition in one of the major two parties or displace one of the two existing parties with a new one. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I learned my lesson with third party candidates with Perot. At the present they are just not viable candidates. If they want to be they need to build a coalition in one of the major two parties or displace one of the two existing parties with a new one. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

They are never going to be 'viable' as long as morons such as yourself refuse to ever look at third party candidates. It is your mentality that is the problem. You are so reliant upon the two party system that you think one of these candidates must build within an existing party. We know that doesn't work as both parties are moving to their extremes. No moderate could win the primary fight of either party right now.
They are never going to be 'viable' as long as morons such as yourself refuse to ever look at third party candidates. It is your mentality that is the problem. You are so reliant upon the two party system that you think one of these candidates must build within an existing party. We know that doesn't work as both parties are moving to their extremes. No moderate could win the primary fight of either party right now.

Unless we implement proportional representation, the "two party system" is almost inevitable. It is conceivable that one of the two major parties could be replaced by a different party, but it is very unlikely.
They are never going to be 'viable' as long as morons such as yourself refuse to ever look at third party candidates. It is your mentality that is the problem. You are so reliant upon the two party system that you think one of these candidates must build within an existing party. We know that doesn't work as both parties are moving to their extremes. No moderate could win the primary fight of either party right now.
OK....I'll repeat this again but S L O W L Y J U S T F O R Y O U.

I L E A R N E D M Y L E S S O N W I T H T H I R D P A R T Y C A N D I D A T E S W I T H P E R O T.

Which by definition means I not only looked at a thried party candidate but that I actually voted for a third party candidate (hell not once but twice). So don't hand me that crock of shit. The problem with third party candidates in our current political system is their inability to build a winning coalition.