Compassionate Conservatism


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This week's award for consistency in public life goes to Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who was openly disdainful of a crying 12-year-old during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week on the Uniting American Families Act, which would give equal citizenship rights to the foreign-born same-sex partners of American citizens. Sessions opposes the bill.

The committee was hearing from Shirley Tan, a Filipino woman who had fled her country after being physically attacked by a man who had killed her mother and sister. Tan and her American partner of 23 years are raising 12-year-old twin sons here, but she was almost deported in April, and has been granted only a temporary reprieve.

As Tan began to speak, one of her sons, who was seated behind her, burst into tears, and Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy stopped the hearing to inquire whether the child was alright, and whether he might not prefer to sit in a private room. But according to the New Republic, the show of emotion only annoyed Sessions, who "leaned towards one of his aides and sighed, 'Enough with the histrionics.' "

Sessions also gave the weekly radio address for his party this morning – and expressed concerns about President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor: "I am troubled by President Obama's use of the 'empathy standard' when selecting federal judges...I fear that this "empathy standard' is another step down the path to a cynical, relativistic, results-oriented world.''
Sigh, a compassionative conservative just attacks the messenger.
Do you dispute the accuracy of the report Dix?
Sigh, a compassionative conservative just attacks the messenger.
Do you dispute the accuracy of the report Dix?

I dispute the fairness (and accuracy) of anything coming from the Olbermann/Matthews Network. It would be the equivalent to someone from the right, posting an article from and pretending it was a credible news story! Now, would you dispute the 'accuracy' of something from Rush's website?
You shouldn't read that garbage from MSNBC, it will rot your brain!

....Oh, you're brain is already rotten,.... nevermind!

Hey DICKx... are you denying Senator Sessions said "Enough with the histrionics"?
At the sight of the weeping boy, according to a Senate staffer who was at the hearing, Sessions leaned towards one of his aides and sighed, "Enough with the histrionics."

yeah, bullshit bias from a commie news source, most likely. I notice that they practically glossed over Leahy and his actions over the boy except to say 'he noticed' and 'asked the boy'. My guess is Leahy probably fawned over the child and loudly asked the kid like he was in some sort of musical and that's what Sessions was responding to.

Just found out that Melinda Henneberger is a huffpo writer and editor. That explains much.
I think you all miss the point, sessions is all in favor of not allowing this woman to stay with her family. If this was a Filipino man in a relationship with American woman he would not have to risk being removed from this country, he could marry her and be safe. Real pro family position that Sessions is taking here. Sorry 12 year old, if your Murican mama had not chosen a lifestyle that is deplorable to god you wouldn't be in this here pree-dick-a-mint.
... But according to the New Republic, the show of emotion only annoyed Sessions, who "leaned towards one of his aides and sighed, 'Enough with the histrionics.' "...
You'd prefer to policy being trumped by emotions? How typically Liberal. *shug*
You'd prefer to policy being trumped by emotions? How typically Liberal. *shug*

Hey SM...I don't have a problem with right wingers being heartless self centered scumbags; just ADMIT IT...I'm all for personal responsibility! But if you choose to deny it, please don't try to take some high road, or worse, try to appropriate "God" or espouse family values...

Do you think Jesus would have empathy?
Hey SM...I don't have a problem with right wingers being heartless self centered scumbags; just ADMIT IT...I'm all for personal responsibility! But if you choose to deny it, please don't try to take some high road, or worse, try to appropriate "God" or espouse family values...

Do you think Jesus would have empathy?
You liberals try to paint us conservatives as heartless scumbags yet you advocate killing the unborn, rationing health care and punishing achievement. Would Jesus support these policies? :pke:
You liberals try to paint us conservatives as heartless scumbags yet you advocate killing the unborn, rationing health care and punishing achievement. Would Jesus support these policies? :pke:

I don't advocate killing the unborn. I advocate PERSONAL responsibly...I am a man, so being pregnant will not be a responsibility I must face. It's not my body or my decision...nor YOURS...attend to YOUR personal responsibilities, and let each woman attend to HERS...

I'll believe right wing scum bags have "empathy" for the unborn when they start showing it for the crawling and walking...

It's ironic that you right wing scum bags have picked up a mantra that became a political wedge "issue" dreamed up by a group of racist "christians" who were perfectly fine with Roe v. Wade. They became politically active when the IRS went after Robert Jones University because of the school's racial discriminatory policies. Then, it was picked up by Karl "Goebbels" Rove to divide our country and conquer elections BUT, who NOW admits he is an atheist.

Jesus would not advocate for right wing scum bags that stand by and watch His children suffer and die because insurance corporations profits are paramount and concern for human life and empathy is called EVIL, socialism, communism...

We ARE our brother's keeper...
I don't advocate killing the unborn. I advocate PERSONAL responsibly...I am a man, so being pregnant will not be a responsibility I must face. It's not my body or my decision...nor YOURS...attend to YOUR personal responsibilities, and let each woman attend to HERS...

I'll believe right wing scum bags have "empathy" for the unborn when they start showing it for the crawling and walking...

It's ironic that you right wing scum bags have picked up a mantra that became a political wedge "issue" dreamed up by a group of racist "christians" who were perfectly fine with Roe v. Wade. They became politically active when the IRS went after Robert Jones University because of the school's racial discriminatory policies. Then, it was picked up by Karl "Goebbels" Rove to divide our country and conquer elections BUT, who NOW admits he is an atheist.

Jesus would not advocate for right wing scum bags that stand by and watch His children suffer and die because insurance corporations profits are paramount and concern for human life and empathy is called EVIL, socialism, communism...

We ARE our brother's keeper...

If you want to discuss the history of abortion then I suggest we go all out and to the eugenics arguments and racist roots. But the fact is that if you advocate "reproductive rights" or "choice" or any other euphemism it all results in the same thing: death to the innocent unborn; not something that Jesus would sanction.

With regards to "crawlers and walkers" and " insurance corporations profits", your emotionally charged argument fails to recognize that in the US it is illegal for a hospital to turn away a patient due to inability to pay and we have Medicade for indigents who can't afford their own health care; in other words, those who have failed in their personal responsibility to buy their own health insurance.

You also completely ignored the issue of punishing achievement, advocated by liberals and certainly not sanctioned by Jesus.
If you want to discuss the history of abortion then I suggest we go all out and to the eugenics arguments and racist roots. But the fact is that if you advocate "reproductive rights" or "choice" or any other euphemism it all results in the same thing: death to the innocent unborn; not something that Jesus would sanction.

With regards to "crawlers and walkers" and " insurance corporations profits", your emotionally charged argument fails to recognize that in the US it is illegal for a hospital to turn away a patient due to inability to pay and we have Medicade for indigents who can't afford their own health care; in other words, those who have failed in their personal responsibility to buy their own health insurance.

You also completely ignored the issue of punishing achievement, advocated by liberals and certainly not sanctioned by Jesus.

Are you going to drag out the Margret Sanger myth for me pea brain? Here are the FACTS of life... with or without Roe v. Wade women will seek abortions... SO...What do you propose? Should abortion be illegal? Please enlighten me...

People that seek medical attention in an emergency room, the HIGHEST costing medical care, cost YOU about $3000 annually. It's NOT free, it's built into YOUR medical premium and medical bills...

Medical costs have increased by over 73% since 2000 while wages have flat lined. There are working families that can no longer afford health insurance AND there are working families that HAVE health insurance who find out at the most inopportune moment that a severe and financially exorbitant medical condition is NOT covered by the insurance they've been paying into for YEARS...

In the time it takes me to type this post, another American family will lose all their savings and be forced into facing bankruptcy AND a deal with a beloved family member with a life threatening illness at the same time...

Do you understand scum bag??? Are you now going to call me a "bleeding heart"?

I don't believe in punishing achievement...I have achieved and expect to be compensated...but I don't sanction greed at the expense of our country and our citizens...

In 1960, the average CEO made 20 times what his workers made, today CEO's make 400 times as much...

Our founding fathers gave birth to a GOVERNMENT...not a corporation or a corporatocracy where corporate agents are rewarded for denying coverage for deadly diseases and injuries and destroy hard working American families...

Corporations are amoral, they don't share the same aspirations as our people...their sole aspiration is profit, at the expense of people...
Are you going to drag out the Margret Sanger myth for me pea brain? Here are the FACTS of life... with or without Roe v. Wade women will seek abortions... SO...What do you propose? Should abortion be illegal? Please enlighten me...

People that seek medical attention in an emergency room, the HIGHEST costing medical care, cost YOU about $3000 annually. It's NOT free, it's built into YOUR medical premium and medical bills...

Medical costs have increased by over 73% since 2000 while wages have flat lined. There are working families that can no longer afford health insurance AND there are working families that HAVE health insurance who find out at the most inopportune moment that a severe and financially exorbitant medical condition is NOT covered by the insurance they've been paying into for YEARS...

In the time it takes me to type this post, another American family will lose all their savings and be forced into facing bankruptcy AND a deal with a beloved family member with a life threatening illness at the same time...

Do you understand scum bag??? Are you now going to call me a "bleeding heart"?

I don't believe in punishing achievement...I have achieved and expect to be compensated...but I don't sanction greed at the expense of our country and our citizens...

In 1960, the average CEO made 20 times what his workers made, today CEO's make 400 times as much...

Our founding fathers gave birth to a GOVERNMENT...not a corporation or a corporatocracy where corporate agents are rewarded for denying coverage for deadly diseases and injuries and destroy hard working American families...

Corporations are amoral, they don't share the same aspirations as our people...their sole aspiration is profit, at the expense of people...

So much for a civil discussion, Mr. Morality. It didn't take long for your emotions to get the best of you since logic escaped you a while back. :)

1. Sanger wasn’t a myth- she was a eugenicist, and she targeted blacks.
2. Yes abortion should be illegal unless there is a physical medical overriding factor.
3. Health care insurance should be on the State level, require folks to have insurance and use tort reform and private competition to make it affordable. Deadbeats get into the deadbeat pool just like auto insurance.
4. CEOs make whatever their companies think they are worth; you are whining about a conspiracy that doesn’t exist.
5. Again, I’m still waiting for you to tell me how Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.
So much for a civil discussion, Mr. Morality. It didn't take long for your emotions to get the best of you since logic escaped you a while back. :)

1. Sanger wasn’t a myth- she was a eugenicist, and she targeted blacks.
2. Yes abortion should be illegal unless there is a physical medical overriding factor.
3. Health care insurance should be on the State level, require folks to have insurance and use tort reform and private competition to make it affordable. Deadbeats get into the deadbeat pool just like auto insurance.
4. CEOs make whatever their companies think they are worth; you are whining about a conspiracy that doesn’t exist.
5. Again, I’m still waiting for you to tell me how Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.

1. We could spend the rest of the day debating Margaret Sanger...

On my side is thousands of grateful women, intelligent people and historians. H.G. Wells said: "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine." The woman was a activist that helped people see that women matter. And her activism doesn't sit well with right wingers that want to control women's bodies...

On your side is misogynists, sexists, conspiracy theorists, doomsayers and right wing pea brains like you...

2. IF abortion became illegal, would you arrest, prosecute and incarcerate women that have a backroom abortion (if they survive)?

IF you force pregnant women to carry a child full term; will YOU pay for the additional medical care and frequent doctor visits required?

Will YOU pay for critical prenatal health requirements for the mother; proper nutrition, no vices like smoking, drinking, drug use...

Will YOU pay her compensation if the woman works and her employer won't give her payed time off?

Will YOU pay her retribution if the woman loses her job?

Will you compensate her family if complications cost the mother her health or her life?

Will YOU pay for lifelong care if the child is born with a severe disability?

If NOT, then you need to STFU and mind YOUR own business...

3. The magic right wing solution "tort reform" Republicans tried to push through tort reform in 2005...they wanted to cap compensation at $250,000 to cover the cost of lifelong care from cradle to grave for a baby severely handicapped and disabled because of incompetent or irresponsible medical procedures, doctors and medical personnel screw ups...and YOU have the NERVE to question me about punishing achievement, when YOU would compensate and dismiss incompetence and irresponsibility?

4. No, I am stating FACTS...

5. I'm sure Jesus would not favor abortion, but God did give each of us a free will...and we will all face judgment day ALONE...

The only rationing of health care is our current broken system; them that got shall get, them that not shall lose...

I don't want to "punish" achievement... but you REALLY need to educate yourself. Our founding fathers allowed corporations to exist ONLY if they provided a service for the public good. They were not allowed to own shares of other corporations, be involved in our political system and owners were held PERSONALLY responsible for the actions of that corporation...
1. We could spend the rest of the day debating Margaret Sanger...

On my side is thousands of grateful women, intelligent people and historians. H.G. Wells said: "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine." The woman was a activist that helped people see that women matter. And her activism doesn't sit well with right wingers that want to control women's bodies...

On your side is misogynists, sexists, conspiracy theorists, doomsayers and right wing pea brains like you...

2. IF abortion became illegal, would you arrest, prosecute and incarcerate women that have a backroom abortion (if they survive)?

IF you force pregnant women to carry a child full term; will YOU pay for the additional medical care and frequent doctor visits required?

Will YOU pay for critical prenatal health requirements for the mother; proper nutrition, no vices like smoking, drinking, drug use...

Will YOU pay her compensation if the woman works and her employer won't give her payed time off?

Will YOU pay her retribution if the woman loses her job?

Will you compensate her family if complications cost the mother her health or her life?

Will YOU pay for lifelong care if the child is born with a severe disability?

If NOT, then you need to STFU and mind YOUR own business...

3. The magic right wing solution "tort reform" Republicans tried to push through tort reform in 2005...they wanted to cap compensation at $250,000 to cover the cost of lifelong care from cradle to grave for a baby severely handicapped and disabled because of incompetent or irresponsible medical procedures, doctors and medical personnel screw ups...and YOU have the NERVE to question me about punishing achievement, when YOU would compensate and dismiss incompetence and irresponsibility?

4. No, I am stating FACTS...

5. I'm sure Jesus would not favor abortion, but God did give each of us a free will...and we will all face judgment day ALONE...

The only rationing of health care is our current broken system; them that got shall get, them that not shall lose...

I don't want to "punish" achievement... but you REALLY need to educate yourself. Our founding fathers allowed corporations to exist ONLY if they provided a service for the public good. They were not allowed to own shares of other corporations, be involved in our political system and owners were held PERSONALLY responsible for the actions of that corporation...
1. Again, why bother, since Sanger was a eugenicist and actively sought racial cleansing. Her record stands on its own.
2. The responsibility of the child belongs to the man and woman who conceived it. Didn’t you say you believed in personal responsibility?
3. Tort reform is a big part of the answer. Since costly procedures would be minimized for most diagnoses, more money would be available to treat the truly needy. Instead you prefer rationing, which is the exact same outcome as you’re complaining about.
4. Again, companies pay their CEOs based on the free market. There is no conspiracy as you assert.
5. His judgment is on me as well, forced to pay for your abortion, therefore I will fight it. Again, would He favor rationing health care and punishing achievement?
1. Again, why bother, since Sanger was a eugenicist and actively sought racial cleansing. Her record stands on its own.
2. The responsibility of the child belongs to the man and woman who conceived it. Didn’t you say you believed in personal responsibility?
3. Tort reform is a big part of the answer. Since costly procedures would be minimized for most diagnoses, more money would be available to treat the truly needy. Instead you prefer rationing, which is the exact same outcome as you’re complaining about.
4. Again, companies pay their CEOs based on the free market. There is no conspiracy as you assert.
5. His judgment is on me as well, forced to pay for your abortion, therefore I will fight it. Again, would He favor rationing health care and punishing achievement?

I guess I have to educate you on everything...

What we have now is personal responsibility... let's break words down here...

personal.... root word is person, singular... EACH person is responsible to make decisions that effect that individual person... if a woman chooses to have a legal abortion, she is exercising PERSONal responsibility...

NOW...If YOU force that woman to bear a child against her PERSONal choice, it is now YOUR decision, and thus YOUR personal responsibility to accept all the terms I laid out.

It is amazing how easy it is for you right wing authoritarian morons to feel so comfortable with people living THEIR life under YOUR terms

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.

What is this "rationing" you keep referring to...I'm pretty sure is a right wing pea brain talking point to create FEAR, but I want you to define it...
I guess I have to educate you on everything...

What we have now is personal responsibility... let's break words down here...

personal.... root word is person, singular... EACH person is responsible to make decisions that effect that individual person... if a woman chooses to have a legal abortion, she is exercising PERSONal responsibility...

NOW...If YOU force that woman to bear a child against her PERSONal choice, it is now YOUR decision, and thus YOUR personal responsibility to accept all the terms I laid out.

It is amazing how easy it is for you right wing authoritarian morons to feel so comfortable with people living THEIR life under YOUR terms

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.

What is this "rationing" you keep referring to...I'm pretty sure is a right wing pea brain talking point to create FEAR, but I want you to define it...
1. You appear to have capitulated on issue 1 (Sanger).
2. Unless she was raped she and her partner have personal responsibility.
3-5. You appear to have capitulated on these remaining issues.