Compassionate Conservatism

I think you all miss the point, sessions is all in favor of not allowing this woman to stay with her family. If this was a Filipino man in a relationship with American woman he would not have to risk being removed from this country, he could marry her and be safe. Real pro family position that Sessions is taking here. Sorry 12 year old, if your Murican mama had not chosen a lifestyle that is deplorable to god you wouldn't be in this here pree-dick-a-mint.
You meant "Pinay Mama" didn't you? I've got news for you, no offense, but I suspect Sessions is just as appalled by an interacial couple, like a FilAm couple, as he is by a gay couple.
Corporations are amoral, they don't share the same aspirations as our people...their sole aspiration is profit, at the expense of people...

That's true about Corporations and as long as they are understood in that context it's not a bad thing. Corporations exist to maximize profits. That is what they are designed to do and that is good. Maximizing profits is their ethical perogative and rightfully so.

Having said that, that is why we have the interstate commerce clause in the US constitution. So that society can regulate these amoral institutions so as to protect the public interest against their excesses. Where the far right tries to bullshit you is that believing that corporations and business should be regulated in such a manner is socialism. It's not.
I hope that the original poster of this thread is aware that Jeff Sessions has never been, nor has ever claimed to be, anything remotely resembling a compassionate conservative.
Democrats never have a problem exploiting children to try and get what they want..and if they are crying the better for them..
1. You appear to have capitulated on issue 1 (Sanger).
2. Unless she was raped she and her partner have personal responsibility.
3-5. You appear to have capitulated on these remaining issues.

1. I have not capitulated on any topic we've discussed. There are questions I posed to you that you based on your assumption of me, that must mean you've capitulated on the points you ignored.

Margaret Sanger helped thousands and thousands of women take control of their bodies and their lives...she eliminated the need for abortions through educating women and providing contraceptives. She moved the issue of woman's rights light years ahead and she raised public awareness that women have the right to be seen and treated as equals...

2. She and her partner have personal responsibility to decide what's best for THEM...NOT what YOU say is best for them...IF you choose to FORCE YOUR decision on it is YOUR decision, not theirs; and it becomes YOUR responsibility...

The law as it stands is perfectly fair...if you're against abortion...don't HAVE one... if you believe in freedom and liberty...mind YOUR own business...if you believe abortion is a sin, God will deal with it...

Abortion will NEVER will either be done in a way that maximizes protection for the woman, or it will be either self induced or done unsafely and cost some women their lives; unless you are wealthy, then you can send the girl away to have it done in secret...

3-5. I'm waiting for your definition of rationing of health care...
1. I have not capitulated on any topic we've discussed. There are questions I posed to you that you based on your assumption of me, that must mean you've capitulated on the points you ignored.

Margaret Sanger helped thousands and thousands of women take control of their bodies and their lives...she eliminated the need for abortions through educating women and providing contraceptives. She moved the issue of woman's rights light years ahead and she raised public awareness that women have the right to be seen and treated as equals...

2. She and her partner have personal responsibility to decide what's best for THEM...NOT what YOU say is best for them...IF you choose to FORCE YOUR decision on it is YOUR decision, not theirs; and it becomes YOUR responsibility...

The law as it stands is perfectly fair...if you're against abortion...don't HAVE one... if you believe in freedom and liberty...mind YOUR own business...if you believe abortion is a sin, God will deal with it...

Abortion will NEVER will either be done in a way that maximizes protection for the woman, or it will be either self induced or done unsafely and cost some women their lives; unless you are wealthy, then you can send the girl away to have it done in secret...

3-5. I'm waiting for your definition of rationing of health care...
1. Kindly point out which questions I have ignored.
2. Again, a woman’s responsibility starts with sexual intimacy. If she conceives a child through consensual sex, she must be personally responsible for the child, and killing that child is murder.
3. Rationing is what is occurring where national health care is implemented, such as Canada and the UK. Faced with long waits for care on life-threatening diseases where quick action is important, those who can afford it come to the US for treatment.
4. You appear to have capitulated on the issue of free market pay for CEOs.
5. You appear to have capitulated on your insistence that Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.
1. Kindly point out which questions I have ignored.
2. Again, a woman’s responsibility starts with sexual intimacy. If she conceives a child through consensual sex, she must be personally responsible for the child, and killing that child is murder.
3. Rationing is what is occurring where national health care is implemented, such as Canada and the UK. Faced with long waits for care on life-threatening diseases where quick action is important, those who can afford it come to the US for treatment.
4. You appear to have capitulated on the issue of free market pay for CEOs.
5. You appear to have capitulated on your insistence that Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.

1. It appears you have capitulated on Sanger...

1a. You have the ability to reread my posts. I'm not your nanny...

2 & 5... You claim abortion is murder...the LAW says it is, the burden of proof that it IS murder falls on YOU... same with Jesus...provide His words that condemn abortion...

Also, in light of your view on abortion, I would expect you are a strong advocate for safe sex education in our schools...ARE you?

3. This is America, not Canada or the UK...

"I don't know how clearly I can say this, but let me try to repeat it: If you've got health insurance that you're happy with through the private sector, then we're not going to force you to do anything." President Barack Hussein Obama, 6/11/09 - Green Bay, WI.

4 & 5. I said earlier: "I don't believe in punishing achievement...I have achieved and expect to be compensated...but I don't sanction greed at the expense of our country and our citizens"

Neither does God...
Luke 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

Luke 16:14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

Luke 16:15 He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."
1. It appears you have capitulated on Sanger...

1a. You have the ability to reread my posts. I'm not your nanny...

2 & 5... You claim abortion is murder...the LAW says it is, the burden of proof that it IS murder falls on YOU... same with Jesus...provide His words that condemn abortion...

Also, in light of your view on abortion, I would expect you are a strong advocate for safe sex education in our schools...ARE you?

3. This is America, not Canada or the UK...

"I don't know how clearly I can say this, but let me try to repeat it: If you've got health insurance that you're happy with through the private sector, then we're not going to force you to do anything." President Barack Hussein Obama, 6/11/09 - Green Bay, WI.

4 & 5. I said earlier: "I don't believe in punishing achievement...I have achieved and expect to be compensated...but I don't sanction greed at the expense of our country and our citizens"

Neither does God...
Luke 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

Luke 16:14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

Luke 16:15 He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."
1. You made an accusation now refuse to back it up; I see that as your capitulation on the Sanger issue.
2. Because something is the law now doesn’t make it correct or moral. Slavery used to be legal as well; would you have been OK with you then? Since Jesus is God, “Thou shall not kill” is clearly His words that do not allow killing another human for the sake of convenience. I am an advocate of education for a technique that is 100% safe and effective: abstinence.
3. The systems in Canada and the UK are where Obama is headed. Why would an employer buy health insurance from a private provider when he can opt out and have his employees get it from the government for free?
4. I advocate free markets; love of money is a straw man that you have created. “Do not covet thy neighbor’s house or possessions.”
5. I’m still waiting for your explanation on how Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.
2. She and her partner have personal responsibility to decide what's best for THEM...NOT what YOU say is best for them...IF you choose to FORCE YOUR decision on it is YOUR decision, not theirs; and it becomes YOUR responsibility....

I don't give a fuck what's best for them at that point. Their personal freedoms end at the threshold of everyone else's, such as their infant's Natural Rights.
1. You made an accusation now refuse to back it up; I see that as your capitulation on the Sanger issue.
2. Because something is the law now doesn’t make it correct or moral. Slavery used to be legal as well; would you have been OK with you then? Since Jesus is God, “Thou shall not kill” is clearly His words that do not allow killing another human for the sake of convenience. I am an advocate of education for a technique that is 100% safe and effective: abstinence.
3. The systems in Canada and the UK are where Obama is headed. Why would an employer buy health insurance from a private provider when he can opt out and have his employees get it from the government for free?
4. I advocate free markets; love of money is a straw man that you have created. “Do not covet thy neighbor’s house or possessions.”
5. I’m still waiting for your explanation on how Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.

1. I already told you, I'm not your nanny, you can go back and read what questions you ignored, but here's a freebie...

IF abortion became illegal, would you arrest, prosecute and incarcerate women that have a backroom abortion (if they survive)?

I'll add: Would you advocate for capital punishment?

2. "Because something is the law now doesn’t make it correct or moral."

True, but it DOES make it LEGAL...last time I checked, we ARE a nation of laws...

Thou shall not kill... what about weeds, woodchucks and wasps? So now all you have to PROVE is that Jesus includes a germinated egg...

I gave you the first shot, but you capitulated...SO...

"If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things, and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, `Better the miscarriage than he, for it comes in futility and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity. It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he.'"
Ecclesiastes 6:3-5

I am an advocate of education for a technique that is 100% safe and effective: abstinence.

So you're not interested in realistic solutions to reduce unwanted pregnancy, you just want to control the most intimate details of someone else's life by being the ever present bedroom police ready to PUNISH them for not being strong enough to resist our most powerful inborn instinct?

BTW, Is using a condom murder?

3. The systems in Canada and the UK are where Obama is headed.

Do I believe you; a pea brain, or do I believe the President of the United States of America... tough call...

4. I advocate free markets

So do I!!! So, let's eliminate all the subsidies that allow corporations to evade the discipline of the free market where they get to raise the standard of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for you and me.

In a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

5. While you are waiting, you're getting your head handed to you on ALL those topics...BIG time...
1. I already told you, I'm not your nanny, you can go back and read what questions you ignored, but here's a freebie...

IF abortion became illegal, would you arrest, prosecute and incarcerate women that have a backroom abortion (if they survive)?

I'll add: Would you advocate for capital punishment?

2. "Because something is the law now doesn’t make it correct or moral."

True, but it DOES make it LEGAL...last time I checked, we ARE a nation of laws...

Thou shall not kill... what about weeds, woodchucks and wasps? So now all you have to PROVE is that Jesus includes a germinated egg...

I gave you the first shot, but you capitulated...SO...

"If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things, and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, `Better the miscarriage than he, for it comes in futility and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity. It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he.'"
Ecclesiastes 6:3-5

I am an advocate of education for a technique that is 100% safe and effective: abstinence.

So you're not interested in realistic solutions to reduce unwanted pregnancy, you just want to control the most intimate details of someone else's life by being the ever present bedroom police ready to PUNISH them for not being strong enough to resist our most powerful inborn instinct?

BTW, Is using a condom murder?

3. The systems in Canada and the UK are where Obama is headed.

Do I believe you; a pea brain, or do I believe the President of the United States of America... tough call...

4. I advocate free markets

So do I!!! So, let's eliminate all the subsidies that allow corporations to evade the discipline of the free market where they get to raise the standard of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for you and me.

In a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

5. While you are waiting, you're getting your head handed to you on ALL those topics...BIG time...
1. The penalty for murdering an unborn should be the same as murdering an adult, and that includes the doctor who performed the procedure. Capital punishment is performed by the State on an individual that deserved the punishment, and does not equate to an individual murdering an innocent person.
2. Again, legal and moral are two separate issues. Woodchucks were not made in God’s image, a baby in his mothers womb is. A miscarriage is an act of God, not man. Teaching condom use is the definition of controlling intimate details.
3. I believe the AMA; its members are better versed in medical decisions that Obama.
4. I have never supported subsidies of any kind. It appears that you have capitulated on his issue.
5. It appears that you have capitulated on your insistence that Jesus would justify abortion on demand, rationing health care and punishing achievement.