Congressional Authorization

well I didn't post it for hahas, I just think some people need a dose of reality that this shit isn't a game or scoring political points. It's certainly morbid but It also really brings home what's at stake.
well I didn't post it for hahas, I just think some people need a dose of reality that this shit isn't a game or scoring political points. It's certainly morbid but It also really brings home what's at stake.

Na, I know man. But it means a much different thing to people like me, because there are more than a few times when it's us that kills kids. And that's something that they have to bring over here when they come home. I'm against action in Syria not just because it's gonna fuck them up, but it's gonna fuck a lot of vets up too.
The Warlord Obama has a message for those who seek to thwart his blood-lust.

war isn't a game where you get to say "but the other guy did it so I can go kill people too!"

Other things that are different:

1) Bush had 48 countries backing him, obama has pretty much nobody right now.
2) Bush also had support of 70% of the nation, whereas 60%+ of the nation is currently opposing obama.
3) As I mentioned above, there has been a lot of turnover in the senate, 70% of the senate never were in office when bush invaded iraq.

Bush had that foreign support and support of the nation until they found out he and his admin. outright lied and falsified info. about WMD.....................can anybody say Downing St. memo?

It was about oil and revenge on getting the guy who tried to kill his daddy......fact.
I am glad to see right leaners in this thread admit that Iraq was a mistake and by proxy admit that every American life lost during the occupation was a life lost for no reason whatsoever.
I am glad to see right leaners in this thread admit that Iraq was a mistake and by proxy admit that every American life lost during the occupation was a life lost for no reason whatsoever.
Being honest, the lives lost were to fund the MIC, and big oil. Bush and his friends made off like bandits.
I really wish that what i'm about to say weren't true but the U.N. is about as useless as tits on a boar.

My big fear is that this drags Iran into the picture and America can't handle a million Iranians, they will destroy us.
Iran is already in the picture, as is their clients Hezbollah.

I get what you are saying about US/Iran direct confrontations, but We are on "opposite sides" as crazy quilted the "sides" are there.

In a larger fashion this IS about Iran, signling "no WMD's" -meaning the nuclear weapon programs. Lots of Kabuki here
Iran is already in the picture, as is their clients Hezbollah.

I get what you are saying about US/Iran direct confrontations, but We are on "opposite sides" as crazy quilted the "sides" are there.

In a larger fashion this IS about Iran, signling "no WMD's" -meaning the nuclear weapon programs. Lots of Kabuki here

Who is America, the only country to ever use offensive nuclear weapons, to tell anybody they can't have WMD?
Were you for or against Iraq Damo? I can't remember almost 10 yrs ago.

I was against getting involved in the M.E. because I knew it was only about oil and revenge, absolutely zero to do with terrorism and WMD but once we went I thought we should at least kick ass since we are there and really fight an actual war and learn something from our mistakes in Vietnam.............we didn't learn a damn thing and I have zero confidence we will do so in the future.

Ok so thats my reasoning for not wanting to get involved in Syria but if B.O. is hell bent on going then congressional Repubs have zero credibility and no leg to stand on if they wish to obstruct him, they rubberstamped W but all of a sudden they will become doves on Syria?

I am always against any undeclared war.