Congressman King Endorses Ted Cruz With Reagan's 11th Commandment

Nobody means not one person.

Then if "nobody" is not one person, how many persons is nobody, and how do you get the authority to speak for nobody? Can you provide nobody's quotes?:dunno:

Even people who support Cruz acknowledge that he is an asshole.

Name the people aside from Congressman King that know Cruz who acknowledge he's an asshole. I'll wait while you provide their names and quotes. I'll understand if you can't and don't.:rofl2:

Middle America moderates vote for nice people as their President.

So you speak for "Middle America moderates?":dunno: How did you get that authority?:dunno: I'll wait while you explain. I'll understand if you don't.:rofl2::cof1:
Ahhh, I see. So Cruz calling out and criticizing other Republicans, calling them liar for instance on the Senate floor, is ok. But someone says something about Cruz and all of a sudden it's a violation of Reagan's commandment. But I'm the ignorant one. Keep ranting away Robo.

I'll handle this. Here are just a few lies told by Ted Cruz:

"The Democrats in the Senate last year introduced a constitutional amendment to repeal the free speech protections of the First Amendment."

"One of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight bill was that it gave President Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees, without mandating any background checks whatsoever."

"The head of the FBI has told Congress they cannot vet those (Syrian) refugees."

"Mike Morell testified and told Congress that the reason Obama has not bombed ISIS' oil fields is they're concerned about global warming."

The "federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls."

"Here’s the simple and undeniable fact: The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats." - Ted Cruz

Says President Barack Obama "will not utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ and as matter of policy, nobody in the administration will say the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’"

"Democratic Party is getting smaller and smaller and smaller."

"Under Barack Obama and the big government economy, the median wage for women has dropped $733."

"Republican leadership took the lead confirming Loretta Lynch as attorney general."

"When Reagan came in, from 1978 to 1982, economic growth averaged less than 1 percent a year. There’s only one other four-year period where that’s true. That’s true from 2008 to 2012."

Said the deal with Iran "trusts the Iranians to inspect themselves."

"The Iran Deal will facilitate and accelerate the nation of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons."

Said states are "not bound" by the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality.

Said that the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality "...are radically out of step with public opinion."

"Every year we spend roughly $500 billion on tax compliance. That is roughly the budget of our entire military, entirely wasted on tax compliance."

"About half of the presidents have been governors; half of them, senators."

"Today roughly half of born-again Christians aren’t voting. They’re staying home." (That was true in 2000, but not at the time he said it more than a decade later.)

"Small businesses going out of business in record numbers."

"Many of the alarmists on global warming, they’ve got a problem because the science doesn’t back them up. In particular, satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years, there’s been zero warming."

"Here, we have Thanksgiving, we have Christmas, we have the 4th of July. Every year in Iran, they celebrate Death to America day."

"92 million Americans aren't working."

"The American people overwhelmingly said we don't want Obamacare..."

Said that Net Neutrality "...puts the government in charge of determining Internet pricing, terms of service and what types of products and services can be delivered."

Regarding the appointment to Surgeon General of Vivek Murthy. "Obama, instead of nominating a health professional, he nominated someone who is an anti-gun activist." Murthy has an MD from the Yale School of Medicine.

Said IS was "...right now crucifying Christians in Iraq, literally nailing Christians to trees."

"Under President Bush, prosecution of gun crimes was 30 percent higher than it is under President Obama."

"In the last four years, our economy has grown on average 0.9 percent a year."

"A strong bipartisan majority" in the House of Representatives "voted to defund Obamacare." (2 Democrats isn't exactly "bipartisan")

UPS left 15,000 employees’ spouses "without health insurance" and told them to, "go on an exchange with no employer subsidy."

I think I made my point. Need I go on? I can. :)

Ted Cruz is a liar, based on his own statements.
I'll handle this. Here are just a few lies told by Ted Cruz:

I think I made my point. Need I go on? I can. :)

Ted Cruz is a liar, based on his own statements.

I'd be interested in anything more you have, especially if you can provide the actual "TRUTHS" for each of the alleged Cruz lies posted in your quotes in this post and anything further you can supply. I'll understand if that's a problem for you.:cof1:
New York’s Republican Congressman Peter King went on CNN and violated the Reagan Republican 11th commandment calling Republican Senator Ted Cruz a chameleon and a skunk.

Having observed Congressman King for several years and his worshiping, misguided and pathetic alliance with the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham and every other avid war monger and radical drug warrior in Washington, Congressman King’s contemptuous opinion of Senator Cruz is a ringing endorsement for Senator Cruz.

Congressman King hails from New York's Nassau County GOP political machine, perhaps the most corrupt machine in the nation.

State Senator Dean Skelos, the GOP majority leader, just got convicted in federal court. Same machine.

A federal indictment is looming against County Executive Ed Mangano, same machine.

It's a sad situation, as the Nassau County Democrats merely make the corruption partisan whenever they're given a shot by voters.
You are a fucking time warp ...

So we have established that you only speak for your comrade insane commies and you're clueless and brain-dead with ZERO ability to contribute any rational, relevant or honest conversation to any thread, huh commie?:rofl2::cof1: